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Everything posted by gungeey

  1. My past has ingrained an number of Steve Facts. Chief among them: Anybody that says they never lie is a liar. Now, that's just me of course. (I bet a few of you will be glad when I'm cleared to go back to work). LOL
  2. Hi pal, the answer to your question is: ROOF RAIL Weatherstripping. Good luck. Steve 9236
  3. Thank you. Glad I have nice people like yourself to educate me on this matters, sir.
  4. No argument from me...that was my point, too, from prior postings in this thread. My thoughts exactly sir.
  5. LOL You knew me from long ago!. I washed a 65 Riviera so often the Vinyl Top started caving from all the rust that grew from the dampness I hosed behind it. Now I wash my little collection once a year whether they need it or not.
  6. I bought a number of perfect cars. Why was I always working on them?
  7. Fire it up you are within recently obtained ( Arnulfo and me) specs I have 1/2"maybe a little more too.
  8. You are right, never had it explained so succinctly before. I now see the light... Thank you and have a Great Day
  9. LOL a real proper attitude would be "can I at least have my dollar back"LOL People or govt's that say what they are going to do and then do it don't require attitude from either party. Just my opinion, of course...when it comes to corvette sweepstakes.
  10. OK, got it. Guy bought a raffle gov't ticket. Won the raffle. Wants his prize. No said prize He's a jerk.
  11. I'm not the most literate. Did I just read he is a jerk because he's a used car dealer?
  12. I heard as of late Georgia isn't on the up and up in transparency as they used to be.. ..sure would take the money over the any new car!
  13. Is gas pissing out in the carb throat when the throttle is pushed? If yes bad gas need more gas If no: pull the hose before just before the fuel filter...turn the key...is gas coming out? if yes replace/bypass filter (easy) If no start working backwards at pump (not too hard)
  14. Verde, awesome color looks like a nice 20 footer driver There's a big 63-65 Buick supplier in Neshanic Station NJ, maybe they can recommend in your area.Damn, looks good to me...lol
  15. I meant it as levity. But since we are now serious, If someone overseas wants a part I have that they want from me in USA half way around the world for 25 bucks...it must be the rarest tidbit in the world, ha? I wouldn't sell it for 25 bucks. And if it WAS a 25 piece and a fellow enthusiast wanted it, I would send it off instead of making a perplexing week/month ordeal over it. Just my thoughts, try and have a great day!
  16. Negative Passenger inside toeboard. Looks like a good time. Have fun
  17. Hi All, Just for 65 owners, I sent them a 65 Standard door skin years ago they said they could not replicate it. I think we are still out on this one. Clarks is a great company and they are local which I am always eager to support. If there are better seat upholstery kits I would like to know Regarding the seat bun CUSHIONS: They are "not to the last detail" like clarks upholstery is, they are sourced out. They are at best a good start, they need to be cut/modified to fit. And while some may be naturals at interior work, I am not LOL.. the learning curve is EXPENSIVE$$$$$ Here's an original vs the hobby cushion we have offered to us(me) for the restoration hobby below: The slits in the cushions have to be lined up with the backside of the seat skin. Then the cushions need to be adjusted, modified/cut to size and then cut the slits through the cushion to begin the hog ring hold downs. Too far off and throw it away, the pieces are not sold separately...It probably took 10 cushion sets to do 3 interiors over the years lol...Glad it's a hobby, hope this is of use to somebody. Steve9236
  18. Digital crypto-currency is rapidly gaining traction. Online giants have their hand in so many bank accounts. we accepted updated terms and conditions, few read them. There are other forums for more than that on this topic.Steve
  19. Also, because an outside diamater is equal does not mean the piston ring land depth is compatible. Also, not a ring manufacturer, but is there a universal single thickness applied for all makes and sizes of rings? If a guy at the parts store tried to sellme 455 rings for my 425 I do believe I would take a pass LOL
  20. Nice Color...official Buick maroon lol Obviously as stated amateur's paint job, I think the front end got a whack if you notice the hood alignment and the grill lines, which should be even. Fan shroud bottom has a cutout in it, maybe from the whack or for some reason If I were there I would investigate the radiator (looks end of life)...recore=800 These are distractions, not major deductions...EVERY car has some scars/imperfections/stories. Even a concourse car has some defect. Some upgrades/liberties: Valve covers underhood soundproofing "straps" whacky rear end add ons later model buick wheels I guess if you like it and think the price is fair...go for it depends on your urgency, you can do better, yoj can do worse.... Steve...good luck
  21. You are infatuated with your new car...AWESOME!!
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