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  1. Clock the air cleaner to 5:00 there should be a hole to accept the rubber tube(which is currently facing backwards) on the backside of the snorkel.
  2. This thing hit everything but the lottery. A $20K Deep fishing expedition 🎣
  3. PM me you can have this for 5 bucks
  4. Based on the weave of the fan belt material, it may be original too
  5. Steve, I think the whole flush idea was unnecessary anyway. If there were debris capable of clogging the radiator it would of been still clogged in the last one. From your pictures it looks to be a nice original car. It also looks like it has needs that needs to be addressed if you're intending to drive it. When is that heater control valve going to give up the ghost? It's nonfunctioning anyway with that split vacuum hose. Not that it helps you now, but a garden hose could of been connected to the pipe where the elbow is connected below the thermostat with a piece of scrap heater hose. If you hit that gas line with the torch while you're heating the broken bolt I hope you can jump quick. It's quick work to remove the water manifold on a non-AC car to have at it with that bolt. Have fun, this is a hobby 👍 Steve ROA9236
  6. walmart online with free shipping On the porch in less than 24 hrs. If I told my neighbor to go to Walmart for me and pick up 2 oil changes worth of oil and filters and I'll give you $8 I think I know what he would tell me 😆 Besides, it enhances my anti-social tendancies
  7. I look forward to a snow run or two every winter
  8. I have had good luck using the old foam from the front seats and transferred to replace the back. the original foam seems to be nicer quality in the front from what they used in the back. tried to reuse my original rear skins and when peeling (it does take a bit of wrestling) the material over the padding/frame ripped and ended up needing to buy rear skins, too. The old front padding along with some cotton batting did work well for the back seats. If I hear good things about the new buns I will take that route next time
  9. Pull a vacuum at the on the engine side of the firewall. Right at the beginning on the intake manifold is good. Engine off.Listen carefully for leaks around your control module, especially the rubber blocks. As they age the holes become bigger from shrinkage. If that's where you hear the vacuum sound, a little rtv around the nipples may solve your problem.
  10. I stand corrected, yes it was. Westfield. I think I can send you a private message. Top right of the page
  11. Were you at the Buick Meet in Longmeadow last month? If so, I was the guy that asked to sit in your car to see if I felt comfortable inside.. Steve in MA ROA9236
  12. Check your firing order, you might of put one or two wires in the wrong position
  13. The tedious part is removing the armrest assembly, the door trim panel has to be removed. You can recover the cushion yourself Be prepared to find some broken plastic
  14. Well you just did it yourself 👍 that's how we learn. The timing may have been purposely retarded to remove detonation under load. Pinging uphill, passing gear etc. You're better off with that stumble at idle than detonation. The real fix is to rebuild the distributor. Here's what a distributor wrench looks like
  15. You got two bumpers set up for a trailer hitch. You should play the lottery 😆
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