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Everything posted by BucketofBolts

  1. I am waiting on MegaMillions to hand me the cash for my projects. It might be a long wait.
  2. I'd like to take that for a ride to a McDonald's drive thru !!!
  3. Back in the day (mid-1930s) Motor Magazine was $0.50 for each month and $1.00 for the January issue. Not chump change for Depression years.
  4. Ms. Bezos (net worth over 60 Billion) gave away in the last 4 months as reported in the news today at about 4.7 Billion. If she decided to instead purchase this car at $55,000 asking price, the question is how many could she purchase at $55,000 before paying sales tax?
  5. I am going to pass on this deal. Agree that if you are in need of certain parts but other than a parts car I see no future for this behemoth.
  6. Labor is too costly. I need work on seats for my Buicks. Problem is that no one wants to do the work unless they get premium price. It may be cheaper to ship to Poland or Ukraine and have them do the work.
  7. How to get new CCCA members? Current CCCA members could: [1]. Require that as a condition of a sale of their vehicles down the road (including their Estate) the buyer must join as a CCCA member before the purchase; [2]. Threaten their children with being disinherited unless they join CCCA and can pass a detailed and rigorous test on the engine maintenance of the vehicle and the car's history; [3]. Place an AD in FACEBOOK that they will donate $1,000 to a tax deductible college if the college can show that at least 10 members of their staff (professors and or any other employee) join CCCA for at least 3 years; [4]. Threaten their grandchildren with being disinherited unless they join CCCA and can pass a detailed and more rigorous test on the transmission makeup, body part identification, and engine maintenance of the vehicle and the car's history. I like #2 and #4 the best.
  8. I like the reference to Thoroughbreds vs. work horses.
  9. I opine that the vehicle will just sit where it is for another 35 years until the Aliens arrive and mistake the vehicle for one of their long lost transport ships that was used to transport Alien excrement to some far away planet.
  10. That is a very accurate graph. Wish I could remember to use it. At times when I purchase an old car I go blind until about 30 days after the purchase is made. I think other people have this same affliction.
  11. I am a Buick man with mostly 1933 series 90 vehicles and a 1933 series 80 unit. All are listed now as full classics. Yet, for these 90s and 80s they made so few and the wheelbase is very long, being 130 WB for the 80 series and 138 WB for a 90 series. A Packard 120 is a great automobile that helped Packard survive. Yet, these Model 120 vehicles were manufactured in large numbers and being large they are still much shorter than the big Packard automobiles. The Packard 120 cars were a great car at a great price and somewhat affordable with a price range similar to a Buick Century. Yet Buick and other manufacturers also made great cars during this era. Why do these Packard vehicles get the attention over and above other manufacturers? I thought the Packard 110 and 120 was generated by Packard to keep from going into receivership as they could not keep afloat on just the expensive cars. If these 120 vehicles were added to the CCCA then why not bring the other manufactures in the same price range and same wheelbase into CCCA ? I thought one of the reasons for the initial organization of CCCA was to include vehicle models into CCCA due in part to the few units made of the model that was a member of the CCCA. Does adding Packard 120 vehicles take away from the original reason CCCA was organized?
  12. Warning about those tire dollys from Harbor Freight. If the cement has the normal crack line ridges every 10 feet instead of the newer "zip lines" those dollys will get caught in the ridges and wont move.
  13. Some knucklehead in a big rig passed me on the Freeway today and sent a small rock into the front windshield of my 2018 Genesis G80. The "crack" is 20 inches long starting from the small impact crater. I thought possibly the replacement price might be as much as $1,250. Dealer gives me a BID for almost $3,000. QUERY: What is the cost to replace a windshield for a 1920s vehicle? 1930s vehicle? 1940s vehicle? 1950s vehicle 1960s vehicle? I would think something along the lines of $550 to $750 even for a luxury car such as a Packard.
  14. Broderick Crawford: A man's man. We need more men like him and more cars like his Buicks.
  15. Nappa Valley? Was the YARD damaged in the Glass Fire?
  16. I wonder what percent of these vehicles were driven with wood spoke wheels as opposed to the alternatives? The image of the vehicle makes it look like a 100 point car.
  17. I concur with the 1/3rd the cost of the restoration but would add that that assumes the owner is a part-time mechanic and part-time auto body repair man with weekends open to assist on restoring the car. Labor is just too expensive unless you have a time machine and can travel back to the year 1932.
  18. Looks too damn attractive to want to drive on the road. I would be stopping every 4th mile to get out with a cloth and some Pledge and clean the spokes. Are the whitewalls aftermarket "covers" that attach to the tire and cover the face of the tire or are they part of the tire? Those whitewalls look so darn good that I would think they were "photo shopped".
  19. A little too much rust for my taste. Fear would be that to the get body in correct shape with replacing all that rust would be a costly project.
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