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anyone drive their old car??

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Here on the right coast the weather was perfect this weekend. Did anyone actually drive their antique car , truck, or motorcycle this weekend? I drove one friday night to go out to eat, then went bird watching. Saturday I drove the same car to a great car show, then switched to a differant one to go to a cruise-in. Both cars had AACA applications on the windshield for anyone to take as I always do. Just got back from getting bugs in my teeth on the motorcycle.

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We did! What a great time it was too. We went out this afternoon in the 1954 Bentley (second time out this season). Then a bit later we went for a short drive in the 1923 Dodge Brothers School Bus, First time out this season. the rest of the day we spent getting the Krieger-Brasier ready for next weeks Eastern Division meet in Greensburg. So FINALLY, it was a great car day in Western Pa. Karen and I look forward to seeing many of you next week in Greensburg. smirk.gif

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Not this weekend but I did last weekend. I drove my stock 1913 Model T 300 miles last weekend on a tour sponsored by one of the local clubs in North Georgia. No trailer was involved. I had only one small problem that was quickly fixed. The car ran well and except for a rain shower on Sunday morning the weather was good. Contrary to popular belief these cars do run and drive.grin.gif


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Guess I was bad. Charged the battery up yesterday, but cut the 3 acres of grass all morning, then watched the Washington Nationals baseball game (humor me, I haven't watch even an inning of baseball in 34 years -- since the Senators left town the second time) and at 7 PM this evening we went out for a little ride -- but I decided it was too late to roll the '39 Buick convertible -- but maybe tomorrow it it doesn't rain here all day.

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Guest Moepar

Oh you guys aren't hard core enough. I drive mine everyday grin.gif. But then again, ALL of my cars are qualified for AACA. I don't have any new iron (or for the new cars should I call it recycled beer cans for how little metal is in them compared the oldies!! shocked.gif)

But then again, work is right next door (I walk to work-same distance to go to shop as to go to the garage) so I don't HAVE to get 'em out unless I was planning on running into town anyway.

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My stepfather was up from Florida for a wedding so on Sunday my twin came by with his 57 4 door Chevy his boy and our stepfather and we headed out to Route 66 Raceway to watch my stepbrother boys race thier 67 Nova (9.4-9.7 second car) and 69 Camaro (ran 11?s but can run mid 9?s on nitro burst). What a great day out for a cruise in a 57 and watching drag races. You can't ask for a better day.....

My 31 Packard is still on stands. Had to send valves back crazy.gif

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Guest De Soto Frank

I've been driving my recently resurrected 1960 Chrysler Windsor every day for the last two weeks grin.gif...(regular tag)

The '41 De Soto is probably getting jealous...

The '64 Valiant is "trapped" in the garage by..."valuable stuff" (my wife thinks it's "junk"... crazy.gif ); will extricate that soon...

My Windsor is past its 500-mile break-in period, so I'm getting a bit braver about testing its mettle...(no burn-outs though, I don't want to provoke a tranny re-build!).

It's kind of neat to drive an old, green, stock four-door "granny-car" with over 300 HP under the hood... cool.gif

(Except when I have to stop for gas frown.gif )

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I was polishing and waxing the Packard this weekend in anticipation for cruising around some today. Nice cool morning with a marine layer keeping the sun away which ultimately will break through to a 78 degree high. Ahhh! cool.gif

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Guest Hal Davis (MODEL A HAL)

This was one of the few pretty weekends we did not take the A out to breakfast. I needed to pick up some stuff from Lowes that would not fit in the Model A, so we took my truck. We did, however, take the Mustang out for a 30-40 mile drive Saturday evening. Now.....When I finally get that TT truck, even those weekend trips to Lowes won't prevent me from driving an antique.

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Took out the Amphi for a drive to Home Depot. Missed the lake this time! crazy.gif It's fun to sit back and listen like it's not mine when it gets surrounded in the parking lot. Some dads try to impress thier kids with his "facts" about the Amphicar. All wrong, but impressive enough for his kids. smirk.gif I love it when the occasional guy tells me all about them and then tries to argue with me about what he thinks is correct info. I even had one guy tell me I must be wrong because he read it it on amphicar.com. (wery funny, as I run that site!)

Spent most of the weekend prepping another car to be offered up for sail ... sale so a swim was not in the plans. frown.gif

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The green Starfire made a 130 mile round trip to Lynchburg VA Saturday night. Great cruise night there at River Ridge Mall every 3rd Saturday night. Took my bud's 66 Starfire too, it lost the water pump about halfway back home so now we have to find and fix that.

Put another 30 or so miles on it Sunday before putting it away, including a couple of 90 mph blasts on the new 58/29 bypass. Car was truly in its element... the kind of travel it was made for, back when 75 mph speed limits were the norm on limited access roads.

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Quote; "I love it when the occasional guy tells me all about them and then tries to argue with me about what he thinks is correct info."

Like the guy that asked me what years they made Amphicar and I told him 61 to 67 with a few 68's. He stated his father had one in 1952, the same exact car. Go figure!

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Took the Corvette out for 6 hours yesterday as I finally got it running the best its ever been. Even had a streetrod tailing me as I was passing thru Hershey heading home. He seemed to want to stick on my bumper as he was showing off for his girlfriend. We took care of that quicky with the right foot to his amazement.

Went home and jumped in the Amphicar to make sure it was running right for next weeks tour. Recommend going from driving the Amphicar to the Corvette and not the opposite. It truly was a beautiful day for an old car ride.

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Guest Skyking

Can't tell you when I seen the sun last! confused.giffrown.gif Everyday has been cloudy with a chance of rain. This weekend was no exception.......not only cloudy but cold too. Southern New England sucks. We can't even reach 60 degrees........This is the first spring where I seen Alaska warmer than RI. Actually, the leaves are turning color like it's fall.. 3 more months and winter begins. I wish I stayed in Florida.

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I took my 64 Belvedere out to the Old Dominion Meet in Portsmouth, then to a cruise-in at Jenro's in Va Beach. sure felt good to enjoy a beautiful day in my old car!

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Guest Dave Mills

I had two of my cars out this past weekend. It started to rain Sunday evening and hasn't let up yet.....doesn't look good for driving this week!

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Guest Moepar

I think you & I, Bob & Frank outta get together. We can put on our own Mopar show from the sounds of it.

I'll get my 61 Newport out & we'll see if the Windsor is faster! LOL

61 Newport

70 & 71 300s

'72 Chrysler Sport Satellite convertible trihull boat

72 Dodge truck

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Well guys, it didn't rain in Montross until late afternoon, so I cranked up the yellow 39 Buick convertible this morning and drove it to the post office and up to Jimmy's Body Shop and back, a total round trip of 29.8 miles. If they had something for kids to do here beside beat up rural mailboxes I wouldn't have to drive 8 miles to the post office every day <smile>. Sheriff says "well, boys will be boys."

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Guest imported_Debby

I drove Walter(1938 Chrysler Royal) and hubby drove Nellie(1968 Chrysler 300 convertable) in the mist of rain to a small show. It stoped for a little while then poured. We stayed where we were as Walter does not have wipers that work. Came home after it stoped.


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Guest De Soto Frank

Hmmm, guess I'd better get some decent tires on the ol' Windsor if we're gonna be racin'... grin.gif

Now about your '61 Newport...is that with the 361 or the optional 413 ?

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Guest J446

I took my Lola out for a long drive. Shipped my 166s and my P 3/4 back to their ancestral home to run them in the Targa Florio next week.




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Whenever I see your 166 I think about the first time I ever saw it, upstairs in Dell's Auto Body on Long Island, sitting next to its consecutively numbered twin. Your car is 001 and the ex Henry Austin Clark car is 002, correct? What was the racing history of both cars? grin.gif

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Guest Moepar

Just the base 361. It did have a lot of other good options tho- like power steering & the flite sweep trunk lid (spare tire trunk to you non-mopar dudes). It is a blast going around town in. I get a laugh when some kid comes up and asks what year my Chevy is. crazy.gif Gotta tell him the fins went in a different direction grin.gif

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Guest J446

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Whenever I see your 166 I think about the first time I ever saw it, upstairs in Dell's Auto Body on Long Island, sitting next to its consecutively numbered twin. Your car is 001 and the ex Henry Austin Clark car is 002, correct? What was the racing history of both cars? grin.gif </div></div>


Mine is 002C and Henry's now Jim Clarke's is 004C.

002C is the oldest existing Ferrari and the first car that Enzo, after serving as a factory racer sold to keep his operation going.

002C won Ferrari's first major victory The Turin Grand Prix driven by Sommers.

It's victory enabled Ferrari to sell cars and continue.

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Guest De Soto Frank


Well, mine is the base RB-383 (the'59-'60 "under-bored 413", not the common 383-B motor found in '59-'7? MoPars), with a 2-barrel...factory specs rate it at 305 HP @ 4800 RPM...( so that makes it a Chrysler 300+, right ? grin.gif )

I'm trying really hard to resist the temptation to "see what it'll do"...although the "hints" that it's given me really make we want a Cross-Ram 413 !

"What year is your Chevy?"...at least they didn't ask you "what year is your Model T"...LOL

Folks usually comment about the sheer size of my Windsor (only 122" wheelbase); I like to blow their minds further by casually informing them that, "oh - this is the SMALL Chrysler..." the New Yorkers, 300's , and Imperials were even bigger ! laugh.gif

But, everybody seems to love those fins!

(Now if it only had a trunk floor underneath...)

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Like the guy that asked me what years they made Amphicar and I told him 61 to 67 with a few 68's. He stated his father had one in 1952, the same exact car. Go figure! </div></div>

Hey, I think I must have met him too on a few occasions! I have had a couple of guy absolutely insist they bought one in the 50s. I just say "OK" smile and move on. cool.gif

John Bevins

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Guest Moepar

Hey Frank,

Know what you mean about the Chrysler as big as a whale comments. Ha. I usually offer to put their puny cars in my trunk. I'm not sure what the 61 361 is rated at, but as we go up Old Fort Mountain here in Western NC (pretty good grade), it just loafs along, then you put your foot into it & it zooms up even faster (kinda scarey)

Guess I will have to get the 300 out if I'm planning on do any heavy duty bumper hauling! That 440 is just a tad faster than the 361. he he grin.gif

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