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Buick Buy / Sell Forum

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Have I lost my way in the forum maze . . . or has the Buick Buy / Sell Forum vanished?


Edit note:  Okay, I've found it.  The Buick Buy / Sell Forum has become part of a new section of the AACA forums that covers Buy / Sell.  It no longer shows up under the Buick forums section, but can be accessed directly from the BCA home page.

Edited by Centurion (see edit history)
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After Peter Gariepy made the changes to the Buy/Sell Forum there was a link to the Buick Buy/Sell Forum in the Buick Forum. Apparently he has recently removed that link. You may want to ask him about it in the Forum Questions Forum. 

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9 minutes ago, MCHinson said:

After Peter Gariepy made the changes to the Buy/Sell Forum there was a link to the Buick Buy/Sell Forum in the Buick Forum. Apparently he has recently removed that link. You may want to ask him about it in the Forum Questions Forum. 


Thank you.  Yes, I had grown accustomed to using that link in the Buick forums, but it is now missing.

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But it was a CONVENIENT forwarding link for when one is in the Buick section to just click and go to the Buick Buy/Sell and not have to scroll up and find it in the Buy and Sell - General Motors Buy and Sell.  I'm wondering what was the problem with that convenience and if none, would you please consider placing it back

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On 1/12/2021 at 1:26 PM, Ben P. said:

With me, not being very internet savvy and at that age where learning new things is getting harder and harder...

I can’t break the old habit of where I used to find it....


Ben, don't disparage yourself!  No one at any age

should need to relearn common things just because

someone randomly changed them.  Software revisions

are notorious for such change:  After you become

fluent in one version, you have to figure out where

the commands are in a newer version.


I speak generally, not on the merits of our forum's menus.


Suppose a pianist had to relearn the keyboard, because

every few years, some piano keys were rearranged,

and new music came out to adjust to the random change.

No!  The science of music is constant, and a pianist can

play the same piece that Mozart wrote a few hundred

years ago!

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5 hours ago, Peter Gariepy said:

I removed 6 similar links and have had no other complaints.


Then I guess we are left to wonder why Oldsmobile, CCCA and Reatta weren't included in those that were removed. I'm simply not understanding why for the sake of convenience each marque can't have the simple and sweet Buy/Sell courtesy forwarding link that with one click takes them to their respective section.

First the AACA gave up hosting the forum as the Buick Club of America Forum (while retaining CCCA) and while I never knew the why of that, I got over it. Then the Buick Buy and Sell Forum was removed from the Buick section and I understood the logistics of that. But why a simple courtesy link to Buick Buy Sell can't be had, well, I'm having a real hard time understanding that one, especially when others get to retain theirs. But I see you have dug your heels in and said it ain't gonna happen so so be it. Thanks for all you do elsewhere and otherwise here though.






Edited by MrEarl (see edit history)
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Well that didn't end like I had hoped. Standing by for the hate mail.  Peter you and I have worked together on resolving many concerns here on the forum and I've generally been able to see your points and I think you most often saw mine but I'll just have to go on record as saying I'm just not seeing yours this time. But I respect your position and opinion and won't question this one anymore. In other words I'll shut up about it, looks as if I've done more harm than good.  

Sorry Olds, CCCA and Riatta guys. 







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LOL... yea... I can be an opinionated and yes... I can make mistakes. In this case I think its the right move.

Given time and feedback I'll reconsider.

But at the moment the buy/sell is getting a boatload of usage. Arguably more than before.  So I think I made the right changes.

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12 hours ago, Peter Gariepy said:

Keep riding me

like a burr in your saddle


On 1/22/2021 at 5:04 PM, Peter Gariepy said:

But at the moment the buy/sell is getting a boatload of usage. Arguably more than before

not arguing with that, the new Buy/Sell  format is awesome and the two Not Mine guys are doing a fantastic job of helping to keep the numbers way up and interesting. Now if only there was an easier way for readers to jump right to it from their favorite marquee forum, well that would just be the cats meow. 

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On 1/23/2021 at 10:13 PM, MrEarl said:

like a burr in your saddle


not arguing with that, the new Buy/Sell  format is awesome and the two Not Mine guys are doing a fantastic job of helping to keep the numbers way up and interesting. Now if only there was an easier way for readers to jump right to it from their favorite marquee forum, well that would just be the cats 

Facebook is easier...many more crazy people that I have to block but I can find things all in one place.  😁

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I am new to this Forum and am looking to buy a Buick, but it took me a very long time to find this buy sell forum, why can't there be a link that is easy to find.  I finally used the search command and found it.



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14 hours ago, Ohjai said:

I am new to this Forum and am looking to buy a Buick, but it took me a very long time to find this buy sell forum, why can't there be a link that is easy to find.  I finally used the search command and found it.





All the buy/sell is in one place. Now that you've found it, it should not be an issue to find it again.

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