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Passing of forum member and friend BillP

Matt Harwood

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I wanted to make a post and let you know that my good friend and long-time forum contributor Bill Parke (AKA BillP here on the forums) passed away a short while ago. It was very sudden so he didn't suffer and wasn't sick, but all the same it's very sad. I've lost two very close friends recently and it has really gotten into my head, which is partially why I haven't been around much lately. This is a very good reason to come back. I knew Bill for more than 10 years and he was always a great source of advice--not just about cars but about life in general and he was among my biggest cheerleaders when I was just starting out in the business. He served in the Navy during Vietnam and used that experience to shape the rest of his life (I think Tom Clancy was one of his role models). He was a passionate car enthusiast with a collection ranging from an all-original 1934 Packard sedan (sold to a fellow forum member a few years ago) to a nicely prepped MGB that was slated to do a cross-country rally in Australia to a handsomely restored 1939 Dodge pickup he inherited from his father. He was also a talented writer who had just published his first novel and a first-rate craftsman who built a spectacular house in the woods, complete with an indoor swimming pool that rivals something you would see in a high-end resort. He didn't suffer, but my condolences go out to his family and his friends, both in real life and here on the message boards. He will be dearly missed--I still owed him lunch for a favor he did me a few months ago and I am very sad that I will not get the opportunity to repay it. He was just a really, really good guy.

Godspeed and excelsior, my friend. 









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it's very sad. I've lost two very close friends recently and it has really gotten into my head, which is partially why I haven't been around much lately

Thanks for your post.
I lost two close friends, one in 1997, another in 2004, neither made 50.
I still miss both of them, there is still sadness but I remember all the good times.

Edited by 1950panhead (see edit history)
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Matt, I am sorry to hear of your loss.  We meet many great friends on the road of life as I have seen in my own lifetime and it’s difficult to see them pass from us.  I feel we can honor their memory by emulating their good works in our own personal daily life.

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Sorry for your loss. I have lost multiple old car friends over the years since I started in the hobby with my parents as a teenager in the Canton Chapter AACA in the 1970's. We had a group of teenagers that were kids of club members that enjoyed being on tours, shows, Hershey and interacting with the older members as peers. The relationships with the older members helped all of us in getting successful careers. Several of us from that Club are still friends even though we now are starting to hit 60 and live all over the country. At Hershey each year, we still talk about those members , their cars and crazy stories of unique people that helped us grow up. Thing is we are still doing it. I am now in the Southern Chapter AACA and enjoy doing the same stuff on Ohio Region weekend and local chapter tours. Best way to honor you friend is to help other younger old car fans enjoy the hobby and promote their careers too.


Tom Muth 

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Matt, very sorry to hear this. As you know I was the one who bought his 34 Packard, I contacted him a few times regarding the car and enjoyed talking with him. He was very transparent in his discussion and actually sent me more information that he still had which I greatly appreciated. One of the things he sent was this photo of him driving the car which I'm sure he would not mind me sharing.


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Sorry for your loss Matt. Be thankful for the years of friendship you enjoyed.  Fortunately you are not old enough to be looking over your shoulder like many of us in the hobby.  Al Edmond, Howard Scotland and I used to speculate on future touring together when we retired.  I was fortunate enough to enjoy Howard much longer than Al.  Miss then both.  Bob Smits

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so sorry for your loss Matt. He sounds like a true renaissance man who lived life to the fullest.  The best thing about this hobby is the wonderful people who collect these old riggs, and the lifelong friendships formed as a result of that. They live on in many ways,  including the cars they restored or took care of, which will outlive all of us.     

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We learn and admire from the friends we have, and just hope we can pass on their good will and the knowledge and good times we shared with them . They have all made us a better person because of the sincere and honest friendship they gave us  and set and example of. Matt I wish you the best in this sad time, and know when you face a situation or person in the future you may think back and treat that situation like you know your friend Bill Parke would have.

Walt Gosden

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This is one of the difficult things about this hobby. Many of my best friends today were among my best friends 40 years ago. Most of us in this hobby become good friends with people older than ourselves. Which means loss of friends earlier than for people with interests centering on their specific age group. There are so many great clubs, and special interest groups in this hobby, it is not difficult to have a circle of good friends, even close friends, numbering into the hundreds. Losing friends is just part of the deal. Over the years, I have lost good friends to ALS, MS, several types of cancer, and even one to a toxic chemical poisoning. 

We always hope all our friends enjoy their time in this world. Enjoy the cars, the history, tours, shows, and friendships that develop among those activities. Always, whenever you can, enjoy the company of the good friends you meet in this hobby.

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It's always sad to see a friend go. Over the years I have had many car guys "show me the ropes" and it's not about cars. My university education was and has worked out "alright" but the lessons in business, history, travel, engineering, personel relationships, most everything I have accomplished was the result of two things........fantastic parents, and the the school of life -  living in and around the car hobby. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Just being a member of this forum has made my life and hobby so much better with friends all over the globe. Meeting people in person for the first time after working with them on line, over the phone, or by email, its a fantastic adventure. For ten years, I was helping a collector in India get a Pierce and a Stutz restored and supplied with parts and photos. This year, he sent the Stutz to Pebble. I got to meet him in person, and DRIVE the car............that was one of the bigger highlights of my hobby so far. Photo enclosed of the Stutz. Matt.......your friend is not really gone as long as you remember him. My best, Ed


Edited by edinmass (see edit history)
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