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O Warning Points What Does It Mean ?

Mark Gregory

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This has been asked and answered many times. The short version, only you and the moderators see that and you should ignore it. It is part of the software package that is used to ban spammers and scammers. It means absolutely nothing to you and you can ignore it.


If you want one of the long versions of the explanation read it here:



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As has been explained many times, it is part of the software package that we use to ban spammers and scammers. It means nothing to you but the software requires it to be displayed in that manner if we want to be able to ban people that need to be banned. We tried to turn off that display and when we did, we could not ban spammers, so we had to have it turned back on.

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No "demerits" for anybody but it does get sort of old explaining it. With a quick search I found that this is the 8th different discussion in which I have answered this same question. Most of them were shortly after the forum software change but apparently some people missed it at that time. There was a lot of discussion about it shortly after the forum software change. Hopefully everybody got the message now. 

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I'm getting flash backs of my High School permanent record. And then there was the time Kodak had me sign my annual performance review in pencil.


I just feel like an underachiever without a warning point. I should, at least, get one when a post is deleted.


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I guess been Old School I thought I made a huge mistake posting all those Orphan car for sale . Bernie is right about flash backs of High school . I should be new style and do not care about any comments but just keep doing the postings . I will check next time before I ask . Thanks for the support and feed back . Mark

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Don't apologize for inquiring, Mark!

With all the content of this Forum,

it's not surprising that someone may not

have seen an explanation.


I can understand the AACA's intention

of making this forum friendly and welcoming.

It's the face of our club to the world, and

we certainly want to be encouraging of

all car fans.  The "warning points" term and

display, I agree, is overbearing and presumptuous,

and is not the best way to encourage civility.

It evidently came with the software, and I hope

they'll figure out a way practically to get rid of it!

Edited by John_S_in_Penna (see edit history)
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This has been asked and answered many times. The short version, only you and the moderators see that and you should ignore it. It is part of the software package that is used to ban spammers and scammers. It means absolutely nothing to you and you can ignore it.


If you want one of the long versions of the explanation read it here:



Perhaps a pinned post with answers to 'frequently asked questions' (FAQ) would relieve those that answer the too frequently asked questions

Edited by JamesBulldogMiller55Buick (see edit history)
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