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Kentucky Trip

Guest shadetree77

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Guest shadetree77

I'm extremely happy to report that our trip to Eastern Kentucky to visit my Grandparents was a great success! I seriously debated on whether or not to take my car on this trip but in the end I decided to go for it. I am so glad that I did. We had a great time with absolutely zero problems. The car ran amazingly good. Nice and smooth like a Buick should. She kept right up with all of that Interstate traffic at an even 70 mph. Perfect oil pressure and stayed cool the entire time. All 600 miles with no issues.

We left out Saturday morning at 5:30 AM heading North on I-75. We stopped in Chattanooga for breakfast. Next door to the restaurant was a car wash called "Happy Trails". Perfect picture opportunity for the Trail family. That's me and my Dad in the picture.


These were taken somewhere in Tennessee.



This is a video of us going through the Cumberland Gap tunnel. Harrogate, TN lies on one side and when you come out you are in Middlesborough, KY. FYI, the people in front of me must have been claustrophobic as they kept slowing down until they were going about 20 miles under the speed limit, hence the continuous braking action on my part.

<iframe src="//www.youtube.com/embed/fPRSIKIVr5c" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

These were taken on some of the back roads in the Kentucky mountains.











This one was taken in front of my Grandparents house. They have an extremely large front yard.


The forecast for Sunday called for thunderstorms so my Grandpa's truck lost it's place in his garage.


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Guest shadetree77

My Grandpa absolutely LOVED my car. He kept trying to buy it from me. By the time I left his offer included his Jeep Cherokee, his Nissan truck, my Uncle's Dodge truck(I was informed this had to be taken under cover of night), a pig, and about 8 goats. I told him if he would throw in the house I might think about it.

I took him for a ride and we went a few miles down the road from his place where the J.D. Maggard's Cash Store is located on US-119. This store was used in the filming of the 1980 movie "Coal Miner's Daughter". It has been in operation since 1914 and is now listed as a Kentucky historic location. I am related to the owners as my Grandpa is a Maggard. You can barely see him but that's my Grandpa in the passenger seat. I've also included a few shots from the movie. My Grandpa said that some time ago a large truck ran into the overhang of the store and knocked it down. When they rebuilt it, they made it much shorter but the red rock columns are still there. I stood in the the hair pin blind curve literally huddled up next to the mountain trying to take pictures while praying that a coal truck didn't come whipping around the curve to take me out.




These were taken on the way back.





We stopped in Harrogate, TN at Lincoln Memorial University. Lots of old buildings around the campus. Great photo ops. if you can get a break in the constant student traffic. Not easy to do.


Glad to be back in Georgia! I'm going to miss it when we move to Michigan.


Lucy is back at home with a few bugs in her teeth. I'm proud of those bugs!! It took a lot of hard work and dedication to get those bug splatters on there.




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Robert (& family),

Now that's what I'm talking about when it comes to my cars, being with the things you love. Family (foremost), friends and your favorite Buick all at the same time and on a road trip!

So glad your trip was trouble free. Your hard work (with family support) indeed paid off.

I love the story of your grandfather willing to almost 'sell the farm' to buy the Buick! He sounds like quite a guy and knows what he likes in car's.

Think of Michigan as yet another adventure and one hopefully you can share with all your family when they come up to visit.

Great job with your post. Thanks for sharing, Doug

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Excellent post. Enjoyed the bit of history as well.

No "look at my car in the garage" experience will ever come close to actual driving expereinces such as yours. Life is too short not to enjoy the experience and having the pioneering spirit of driving a classic car on a trip!

Georgia to MI huh. Eeeks.

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Guest BigDogDaddy

Great post. Loved the pics. I got a kick out of Grandpa wanting to buy the Buick. I love the pic at the car wash. You are both indeed, Happy Trails !


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Guest Rob McDonald

As she followed along in the camera car, I'm sure Mrs, Shadetree was comforted in having a big, strong Buick leading the way. For Lucy's next long journey, I hope you can share the front seat with your sweetie and leave the Vee Dub at home.

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Guest shadetree77

Thanks guys. Glad you all enjoyed. I know we did. It was an unforgettable experience being on the open road in that big Buick. It was a good feeling taking a road trip with my family too. Especially with the impending move to Michigan. Kind of like one last family vacation before we're separated. If my Montanian Brother had been here with us it would have been like old times.

Rob, we did take the VW as a back up vehicle. I didn't know how Lucy would do on her first long journey so I didn't want to take any chances. Mrs. Shadetree did get to ride with me though. My Mom took over driving the VW for a while so her and my Dad could switch for a bit. If you'll look closely in the photos, you can see the difference in the tallness and head shape of the passenger. Next trip, I'll be flying solo. No Vee Dub back up required for old Lucy.:)

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