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Did you say BOOKMOBILE!!!

Steve Moskowitz

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This is a teaser! A real long story but a great one! You will hear more, much more over the coming year. The AACA Library & Research Center has a bookmobile!!!

A dream many have had came together beautifully thanks to the incredible generosity of Tom Gibson of CrossRoads Restorations in Anderson, SC. Tom and his partner Dave Bowman are active AACA members and without batting an eyelash realized that they could be a part of something extraordinary. A 1955 Chevrolet bookmobile truck is heading to Hershey for a restoration and USE! You will see this bookmobile all around the country on its mission to bring the AACA Library to the masses! Stay tuned but here is a teaser picture!


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Wow! Wonderful, Steve.

Many thanks to Mr. Gibson and Mr. Bowman. Very nice gesture that will certainly be a great tool in spreading the wealth of information retained by the Library.


Edited by West Peterson
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I like this. Didn't this truck come up in some discussion a few years back?

Any plans to earmark donations to this project? Put me down for $100.00 when it happens. The rest of you can take that as my challenge.;):cool:

Bookmobiles are a big part of my past. Living 20 miles out from anything, when the county's Bookmobile came every month it was a special occasion and people of all ages and races lined up for books.

Right now the county Bookmobile is dead in the water. Current one is a 30 year old Chevy StepVan and it's in need of major work that the county library can't afford. Such a loss for the folks out in the hinterlands of Virginia's second largest county.

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Having spent several hours at the library looking at newspaper microfilm from late-'55 to mid-'56,

trying to find an image of the '55 Bookmobile, the search came up empty.

Scanning the Web for images, I ran across this image of what I believe is the '49 Chevy BM that

appeared in the Jan/Feb Antique Automobile. (I sure hope its owners watch the Forum!)

North Carolina Digital Collections: Item Viewer

There are more images of NC BM's that can be found here, including a couple of other Advanced Design Chevy BM's,

but they don't feature the lower fender speedline trim of the Yancey County Library unit.

These are relatively new digital images created since I first started researching the BM's in 2007.

There's a really neat '38 Barrel-Nose Ford BM in front of the Rock Hill Body Company (makers of the '55),

in a newly-digitized SC Library collection.


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Guest De Soto Frank

I wonder if that photo of the '38 Ford BM posed in front of the "Rock Hill Body Co." was shot at the site of the Rock Hill Carriage Works / Anderson Automobile Co. ?

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DeS Frank,

Yes, sort of, is the answer. The Rock Hill Buggy Co was in Rock Hill, SC, in a downtown

carriage works in the late-1800's. They built a large new factory to build the Anderson Motor Car

from 1916-25, sold that plant to the Loewenstein Corp (textiles) when the Anderson failed,

and moved to the site shown with the '38 Ford. I have a couple of old company pics

of furniture and service trucks shot on that same spot.

Rock Hill's downtown parking deck, built on the buggy works site is festooned with large

images and text on the company's varied past, and the RHBC buildings are currently

being turned into apartments. By 1981, the RHBC had stopped filing corporate reports

with the State, and was finally dissolved in 2003.

Glad you asked,


Edited by TG57Roadmaster (see edit history)
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Glen, we will be doing some type of fund raiser for the bookmobile. We are a little overwhelmed now trying to approach this in an orderly manner but will get some decisions made in the next week. Thanks for the generous offer and I will be happy to match your donation. Anyone who wishes to contribute to the library can at all times but if you wish to earmark your contribution please just mark your check to the AACA Library & Research Center with bookmobile in the bottom left corner.

If you do not contribute, we may have to bring our fundraiser extraordinaire Fran Shore back to dig into your pockets! Right Bookreader?

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Guest Bookreader

This Bookmobile is a dream come true for Kim Miller Gardner and for many of us who have served on the past Library Boards and now the committee. I am so excited about this and so pleased that the donors have made this wonderful contribution to the AACA Library and Research Center.

I am anticipating the donations rolling in as this is going to become a marvelous way to take our information to the public and have them learn about AACA and our research abilities.. What an experience to be able to see and use this at our events! :) As a retired teacher; I see so many possibilities for every age group to learn not just about the history and the information of our antique cars but to compare their evolution through the years combined with learning history.

Now if those of us who enjoy the Forum would do a match (or more) this vehicle and what will go inside of it will take off like we hope it will. Perhaps Chris Ritter will open a thread or some recording on the Library site with a listing of contributions and we can see the growth.

Since my name has reappeared as a past fundraiser; may I remind you all that every bit helps so whatever you contribute is always welcome and needed and gives a boost to the project. Let's get this BOOKMOBILE rolling.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Robert M. Head

I would like to contact Mssrs Gibson and Bowman .... but have found no online listing for CrossRoads Restorations in Anderson SC.

Also, what types of "book donations" would be suitable for the bookmobile?

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Mr Head,

A quick Google search will produce contact information but if you send me your info I will be happy to pass it along.

In regard to donations, any money sent to us earmarked for the bookmobile will be used for the restoration and ongoing maintenance of the vehicle.

Steve Moskowitz will be picking up the bookmobile next week. When we get it back to Hershey we will post plenty of pictures and details on this site & the library website (AACA Library).

Keep checking back!


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The bookmobile is up and running, and now has brakes to get it out of the building. It will be extracted from the upstairs of a 1924 Overland dealership this week and will be on display at the Charlotte AACA National Meet this week.

Dave Bowman

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I recently joind the AACA - glad I did :)

I received (2) recent magazines in my membership packet,

in one was another article about a Bookmobile that I enjoyed

I clicked on this Thread expecting it to be about that one .....

But yet another story ;)

AACA sure is a great place :cool:


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My mother, quite famously, wanted that bookmobile in Mobile, as noted in the article in AA. So much so that the discourse between my father and the owner went

"still got that...."

"It's still not for sale Ron."

I know how excited she is about that donation, and I feel like you can count on some donations from us to help put this together. Talk about a great recruiting and fundraising tool!!

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The bookmobile completed legs one and two of its trip to the AACA Library today. First leg: extraction from its storage location for at least 20 years. It was started and running two weeks ago, but today was the first time it has actually moved! Tom Gibson drove a block to be loaded on the AACA trailer for the second leg to Charlotte Autofair to be on display at the AACA National Show on Saturday. By Sunday evening it will be in PA in the restoration shop! Special thanks to Steve Moskowitz, AACA Library and the AACA Museum for their assistance in this effort! Chris, you were excused from this event due to prior commitment you couldn't get out of. We anticipate your posts after you see the Bookmobile on Monday!

Dave Bowman and Tom Gibson





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"restoration shop"?????

It looks GREAT the way it is

not another nice original car/truck losing all its character to a "restoration"

Please say it isn't so ....

I HOPE what you say by "restoration" is a mechanical & electrical check-up, not a tear it all apart, remove all traces of "character" and then paint it too glossy and too "perfect".

Nice examples should be preserved

IMHO anyway, YMMV

Edited by Jim Rohn (see edit history)
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  • 7 months later...

Universal Vintage Tire is donating the tires, tubes, flaps, and labor to dismount the old, and mount and balance new ones on the Bookmobile. We spent some time Wednesday afternoon removing the old and I must say, it was some job.

We took photo's and posted them on our Facebook page for anyone interested. The page is ope to the public and being a registered Facebook user is not required for viewing. You can view all the photo's at the following link:


We have video as well and plan on posting it on our Facebook and Youtube page in the very near future.

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It's amazing what bad weather (floods, hurricanes), can do to people who live around Hershey!!????:eek:

I'm certainly not looking forward to winter in Virginia. I understand this phenomenon can be contagious.:cool:


Have you ever heard the term "pimp my ride". Can't say I go for the pink frame, I hope it's just the primer on there.

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........ the truck to reach out to all of our friends at the Goodguys events around the country.

As a Development/Support guy, I should also add that we reach out to ALL of our wheeled friends! You just need to show them the way after you get them looking at our hobby.

Gee West, I was supposed to send you something along those lines!:o


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No apologies needed West! My weird sense of humor is right up there with the best of them. I must admit, yours is up there pretty high though. However, there might have been a few that took you serious. Like you-know-who over in Hershey! ;)

On a serious note ~~ I would like to publicly thank all the guys at Universal Vintage Tire for their hard work the other day in dismounting those old tires. Their generous donation and hard work is greatly appreciated in helping make this Bookmobile project become a reality for the Library and Research Center.

Edited by Rick Hoover (see edit history)
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  • 4 months later...

Thank you for the nice words Rick!!!!

Nick brought over two of the rims with lock rings freshly painted and looking great this morning. We have tires mounted on two of them and they look great! Added more pictures of the process to our facebook page if anyone is interested in viewing the photos!

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Well, since this topic is BTT, I'm gonna send out my second $100.00 donation to the Bookmobile project this week. This is one of those projects that is too worthwhile to be forgotten or ignored. Cash, time, work or supplies- you can help make this happen.

Y'all may consider this your 2012 challenge.:D

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