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It's too cold...

Guest simplyconnected

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Guest simplyconnected

It's 14-degrees F, here in Detroit.

Can anyone come over and help me restore my '55 Ford? It's sitting in the driveway and I don't want to go out there alone. - Dave

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I'll trade you. I will move back to Royal Oak where I used to live and you can move out here to southern Oregon. It was 7 degrees yesterday. And simply...I never could have guessed that you were a whiner! LOL.

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..... By the way did I mention you have to let my Wife know her Suburban will be outside all winter. LOL

She better be glad she isn't married to Bill. One of my cars only spent the night in our garage ONCE. :eek: And that was only so that he could be comfortable changing the oil that winter. His motto is, "Modern iron lives outdoors". :P:D

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Guest simplyconnected
I'll make a spot in my warm heated, well lit, good music playing, just enough tools to handle the job garage here in Chicago. By the way did I mention you have to let my Wife know her Suburban will be outside all winter.


It was beginning to sound good, up until the 'wife' thing. She may make you sleep in that Suburban, out in the street! I can identify, msm, I was born in Oak Park (Chicago Ave., & Austin Blvd). - Dave

Susan, thanks for the fire... now, I don't want to get up, but I gotta keep my eyes on the prize! Damn this confounded cold...


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I'll come and help you if you have a bottle of Captain Morgan handy.

Don't forget you should have some Coke-a-Cola to go with that Roger. ;)

After the threat of high fule prices last year, I also have a wood burner for heat. Saved about $3000 last year after installation.

Wood stove and chimney pipeing $1,000

Sthil Chain saw $500

Gas and oil for saw. $15.

All the wood I need..0.00 (As in nutin)

Not sending the money to OPEC. Pricless :D Dandy Dave!

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Guest Skyking
It was beginning to sound good, up until the 'wife' thing. She may make you sleep in that Suburban, out in the street! I can identify, msm, I was born in Oak Park (Chicago Ave., & Austin Blvd). - Dave

Susan, thanks for the fire... now, I don't want to get up, but I gotta keep my eyes on the prize! Damn this confounded cold...


Simply, how do you get your photos so big?

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Susan, thanks for the fire... now, I don't want to get up, but I gotta keep my eyes on the prize! Damn this confounded cold...

You are very welcome. I took that photo because the fire was coming up through a knot hole in the log. You can see that if you look to the right side of the log in the back.

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Guest billybird

After reading about these indoor-outdoor vehicles; heres my chance to brag on my wife. When we bought our house, with a two car garage, we had agreed to a a his side and her side. The collector vehicle I owned when we got married would reside in one side; her dailey driver on the other side. Any time I mentioned buying a second collector car she got very defensive."I'M NOT GIVING UP MY SIDE" she would declare. No problem I said. I intend to keep it in my trailer anyway. Well, when I bought that second collector car; before I even got it home she says "you need to put this car in my side of the garage". She said it would be too much "trouble" for me getting it in and out of the trailer to drive and said her car was just a driver anyway! Very,very wonderful woman!

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Guest Nancy DeWitt

Ha ha! It's minus 10F in Fairbanks and we consider that "not too bad" since it could be a lot worse. It's when our tires feel like they're square after parking outside awhile that we know it's darn cold. When the black snakes appear on the roads (broken belts) we know it's *#@! cold.

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An old friend use to say. "It's colder than a whores heart out there.":eek:

Been like 15 at night and 20's during the day here. Suspose to get in the lower 40's on Monday if the weather man aint fibbin again. Wooooo hooooooo.... :rolleyes: Dandy Dave!

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We used to have an old saying back in Michigan. Trying to start a car in the winter sounded like the car was telling us "Pleeeeeease don't start me. Pleeeeeease don't start me. It's too coooooooooold." I guess you have to say it out loud to get that sound.

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Hi Guys and Gals,

We just had a cold snap here in New Orleans !!!

We got down to the 40s last night----

but we'll be back into the 70s in the next day or so --

Maybe that is why we moved from New Jersey, and did not stay in Ft. Wayne, Indiana after the 2nd winter. Richmond, VA was good for 5 years, but

New Orleans has the FOOD, MUSIC, great PEOPLE, and we get to drive our old cars all year long, (EXCEPT when we have to evacuate for hurricanes).

I cannot take the cold anymore, but still visit friends in PA and IL in the wintertime, but only if it involves old cars.

Best wishes to all for the Holiday Season Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukkah, and whatever else you celebrate - most of all, good friends near and far !!

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It got to 34 today, so I took the '13 Ford runabout for about a 5-mile putter. Top and windshield down, of course. Went to a newly opened visitors' center in a federal wildlife preserve. Didn't learn much about wildlife, since I was peppered with questions about the Ford.

Gil Fitzhugh, Morristown, NJ

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It was 77 and sunny here today. I took the 35 Buick to a open house

of car guys hobby shops. About 7 of them in one complex have an annual

Christmas Party drawing about 50 old cars for dogs and burgers and the

usual car guy chatter. Most of us are former northerners who love play

with cars all year long.

New Years Day we have a "Birthday Tour" as each car becomes a year older.

Of the 60+ vehicles, 40 will be pre WWII. We'll drive in the sun for a couple hours then meet a local steak house for food and conversation. I've led this tour for over 25 years and on got rain once.

Property is cheap here now, try the Sunshine City, St. Petersburg, FL

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.....New Orleans has the FOOD, MUSIC, great PEOPLE, and we get to drive our old cars all year long, (EXCEPT when we have to evacuate for hurricanes). .....

And now a great Disney movie set there, The Princess and the Frog. And there are animated antique vehicles in it as well. We went to see it yesterday, after waiting for months for it to open, and it was wonderful. Anyone that lives there or has visited there will have a special feeling about this movie. :)

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Good to hear from you Marty. We like it here in the Norfolk Va area but it does get chilly. Sunny but only mid 40's today so I had to wear a sweatshirt to blow some leaves around today. It'll get colder, and we have to put up with the occasional hurricane here too, but at least we get ample advance notice on them. Uall have a fantastic Christmas and happy New Year!


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Hey Terry,

Norfolk is beautiful, and we still talk about the Founders Tour you all put on --- we always enjoyed being by the ocean, and still have family in Chesapeake.

The difference in Chrismas traditions is fascinating. Here in southeast Louisiana in the old days the folks didn't have roads -- only the bayous and rivers and swamps -- you got around by boat (or as the French Acadians said "batteau") and when you went to midnight mass on Christmas Eve, you had to guide your way home through the fog by the light of BONFIRES ALONG THE LEVEE.

Local kids couldn't imagine Santa and snow and reindeer. Parents would tell their children that the bonfires were so that Gaston, the Green-Nosed Alligator could pull the Batteau for Papa Noel to bring gifts to good little boys and girls.

The River Parishes along the Mississippi still have the traditional BONFIRES on Christmas Eve, and we generally drive one of the old convertibles along the RiverRoad, and stop in to visit, and to share a bite with friends and family along the way - and then walk the levee to share the bonfires with the families who preserve the tradition.


Everybody here loves the way the city is portrayed in "The Princess and the Frog". Hopefully, many of you will decide to visit our beautiful part of the country, and try to have your visit coincide with one of the many weekend tours hosted by one of the Chapters of Louisiana Region-AACA.

Best to you all,


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Guest simplyconnected
I hate the cold, too. I moved from Michigan to San Diego to escape the cold. Now, due to love, I live here where it is as cold if not colder than Michigan.

NOW, who's whining? True love makes you forget all about the cold (and everything else). Wow, San Diego... finest weather in the world... You are in love.

I'll come and help you if you have a bottle of Captain Morgan handy.

Yeah, Roger... I got TWO bottles (both with handles) of the Cap'n. We might get some cold, but we know how to handle it. C'mon down! - Dave

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We're going down to about 70 degrees tonight, but expect dense fog in the morning, and not much warmer tomorrow.

DOWN to about 70?? Man, do I ever miss San Diego when you say stuff like that!!

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I have a Buick bud who is in this right now.....

Wind chill warnings as Arctic cold grips Prairies

Updated: Mon Dec. 14 2009 15:01:20

CTV.ca News Staff

Prairie dwellers suffered through the third straight day of bone-chilling cold Monday, as Arctic air and extreme wind chill warnings gripped Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

Environment Canada issued the warnings Monday, saying temperatures will be "bitterly cold." The projected high in Calgary on Monday is -32 C, but combined with the wind chill, other parts of the Prairies could have temperatures that feel as cold as -50 C.

Environment Canada warns that skin will freeze in less than five minutes in those conditions.

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Actually, Marty it sounds pretty nice to me!

Well it is not 70 in Southeastern NC, but I pulled the Model A Phaeton out of the heated and air-conditioned garage and washed it today. It was still dirty from the Vintage Tour. Then I took it out for a nice short drive it was comfortable wearing a short sleeve shirt. It was cold enough that I actually put on long pants instead of shorts...since it was only in the high 60's.

Then I started some minor work on it in preparation for the 2010 Grand National. Since it was comfortable, I did this work outside instead of in the garage and took advantage of the natural sunlight.

We had a Christmas snow here back in 1989... I guess I can deal with snow every couple of decades or so...

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There are some of us that like it cold in winter. If you think the old car hobby is crazy you should try ice boating. Wind chills of zero or lower and we are hoisting sails and cruising across our frozen lakes at speeds sometimes of 100 mph or more in an ice boat with no brakes. My wife says it's like sitting in your deep freezer and riping up $100 dollar bills.


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14 Degrees? Heat wave in the making! Here in Minot, ND we fire up the BBQ and start thinking about getting the motorhome ready for camping! It was 28 below here this morning and then it started cooling down.

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There are some of us that like it cold in winter. If you think the old car hobby is crazy you should try ice boating. Wind chills of zero or lower and we are hoisting sails and cruising across our frozen lakes at speeds sometimes of 100 mph or more in an ice boat with no brakes. My wife says it's like sitting in your deep freezer and riping up $100 dollar bills.


Uh, how come no brakes? :eek:

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Guest billybird
Thought I'd make all my forum friends jealous. Had to cut my grass today getting ready for Christmas guests. I was sweating and it was sunny and hot. 85 her in sunny Central Florida. These are times when we love living in the Sunshine state.

Maybe thats why I've never heard of anyone retireing to the north.

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