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Does anyone else have the feeling that they may be addicted to this Forum?

I find myself wandering back here at all hours just to see what the latest gossip may be or

what new Buick purchase or Barn Find has been posted cry.gif.

The only treatment I want for my sickness is

<span style="font-weight: bold">"for more members to post more items for me to read and get my fix of Buick trivia" </span>grin.gif

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: buick840</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Does anyone else have the feeling that they may be addicted to this Forum?

I find myself wandering back here at all hours just to see what the latest gossip may be or

what new Buick purchase or Barn Find has been posted cry.gif.

The only treatment I want for my sickness is

<span style="font-weight: bold">"for more members to post more items for me to read and get my fix of Buick trivia" </span>grin.gif


Brian, judging by the number of posts and the content of some posters, you are far from being alone. But you never know what interesting information will pop up next time you log on.... Jim

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Another addiction I have... Is there a 12 step program for this one too ?

All I can say it is it better then being addicted to some of the other things you can find on the Internet. At least you dont have to hide this from your Pastor.

That is unless he likes old Buicks too....

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Guest imported_MrEarl

If you consider the fact that I just snuck in the house while Rita is gone to the grocery store and I'm suppose to be working on the patio, then uhhh, maybe I am a little addicted. I would think though that if I can go the rest of the day it will prove that I have a chance of kicking the addiction.

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Guest my3buicks

I check thru-out the day on my smartphone, and in the middle of the night if I get up to go to the bathroom, nah, don't think I'm addicted.

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Brian - you Victorians should get a life!!!

Okay, I'll admit to a slight obsession with the Buick site, like you only to check up on the latest gossip and photos of new cars/restorations in progress etc, we need more of those.

Would also like to know what our American friends are up to with runs/rallies??

My local Club is of on the Spring Run this coming weekend, this is the detail from the website:-

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">Oct 24th to 26th

Fri, Sat, Sun

Spring Weekend Run Details have now been confirmed for this weekend and accommodation reserved. We will meet at 09:00 on Friday morning at the Mundaring KFC parking area situated on the corner of Stoneville Rd and Gt Eastern Hwy for a definite 09:30 departure.

The run will meander through the wheatbelt, keeping off the major highways arriving in Merredin for the night, travelling a leisurely 330kms over the day. The next day will be a scenic drive down to Narrogin, taking in the wildflowers at some of the picnic spots and nature reserves along the way. Again this is an easy drive over approx 220km. The return trip will be via Brookton, a distance of approx 200km to Perth.

Accommodation has been group booked at the Merredin Plaza Motel for the Fri night ($115 for a premier room) and at the Albert Facey Motel in Narrogin on the Sat night ($118 for a standard room). The club has reserved 12 rooms at each motel. Dinner on Friday night will be at the Merredin Commercial Hotel dining room, within walking distance of the Plaza Motel. Dinner on Saturday night will be at the Albert Facey Morel restaurant where a two course meal will be available for $42 per head.

Bookings will be coordinated through the club, and members are asked to send a $50 deposit (cheque made out to Buick Owners Club of WA) to Tony Howe, Treasurer at 47 Nangkita Way Lesmurdie 6076 to reserve your room). Rooms will be allocated on a “first deposit in first reserved” basis. Being the wildflower season, this is the busy time of the year for these areas so extra accommodation may not be available if we delay too long in booking in excess of the 12 rooms reserved. Hopefully members have managed to arrange this weekend off work already as it should be a great run.</span></span>

So no feeding the computer OBSESSION this weekend as I'll be feeding MY real addiction - DRIVING BUICKS

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O course I am addicted, what with all you 'enablers' out there. ( one that enables another to achieve an end ; especially : one who enables another to persist in self-destructive behavior (as substance abuse) by providing excuses or by making it possible to avoid the consequences of such behavior )


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 50jetback</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Brian - you Victorians should get a life!!!

My local Club is of on the Spring Run this coming weekend, this is the detail from the website:-

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">Oct 24th to 26th

Fri, Sat, Sun

Spring Weekend Run Details Buick,Buick,Buick,Buick,Buick,


So no feeding the computer OBSESSION this weekend as I'll be feeding MY real addiction - DRIVING BUICKS </div></div>


Obviously as I am reading this I am still addicted smile.gif

But I'll see your 3 day event and raise you our <span style="font-weight: bold">4 day run over the Melbourne cup weekend </span><span style="font-weight: bold">Sat 1st,Sun, Mon, Tues (Melbourne Cup Day)</span>

The Wildcat will be let loose to eat up those country miles (kilometres)

From our place we meander over to Portland (Australia not USA smile.gif ) where a number of events are planned and then home again via a different route totalling around 900km.

I hate to tell you this but we will be driving on some of your favourite Victorian road <span style="font-weight: bold">"THE GREAT OCEAN ROAD"</span>

Now how do rig up the laptop so I can get my Forum fix while I'm away cry.gif

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Addiction...Buicks....... shocked.gif....What's that???

Now sailing with Captian Morgan all night and ship wrecking sometime in the wee hours of morning.....That's an addiction! AAAARRRRGGGGGGGGGGG Matey! Where be the rum. wink.gif Dandy Dave!

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  • 2 months later...


There are only a few treatments I know of, but they only offer some temporary relief. Eventually, you will want to come back to the forum to talk about.....the treatment!

Read on to see what I mean. The only treatments to get you away from the Buick forum are:

1. STARTING a Buick (preferrably a nailhead) that hasn't been started in several years.

2. DRIVING a Buick (preferrably a convertible, Riviera or Wildcat) that hasn't been driven in at LEAST 6 months.

3. FINDING an old Buick that hasn't seen the sunlight in at least a decade. The more chrome, and/or the more intact the Buick the better. The older the Buick, the better. And, a great story to go with the great find (it belonged to my grand father who was a pilot/Buick dealer/GM engineer/WWII veteran) the better. Case in point: the '41 Century in a recent Bugle that survived the attack on Pearl Harbor while sitting on a dock in Hawaii was PRICELESS!!!

4. ATTENDING your first BCA national has been known to cause a buzz that lasts for weeks, sometimes months.

5. BUYING your first 20-40 year-old Buick can help, but it HAS been known to acutally make your addiction worse. Use with caution; results can be a lifelong addition to the Trishield and Ventiports.

6. SAVING a Buick from the crusher can help. However, there can be side effects. See #5.

Hope these treatments help.

There also needs to be some warning to fellow addicts; some courses of action can make your addiction worse. Cases in point that have been documented:

A. FINDING a missing part through the forum.

B. FIXING a problem that no other mechanic in 50 miles has been able to cure because he/she doesn't know squat about a BUICK.

C. REBUILDING a carburetor, brake system, generator or alternator or cooling system using advice you got from a forum member (this included private messages).

D. MAKING friends on the forum or meeting those new friends at a meet, show-and-shine or any other gathering where more than 50% of the cars present have Trishields or Ventiports, uses gasoline with an octane rating higher than 91, has a number on the air cleaner that represents the torque rating instead of the cubic inch displacement or has more than 350 cubic inches under the hood, or any combination of three or more of the above.

E. GOING to look at a Buick for another BCA member who lives in another state or country that is thinking of buying the car, and trusts your judgement as a BCA member.

Good luck.

Dr. Reatta Man

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Thanks Doc.

#1. I started a 55 Century (nailhead) that hadn't been run in years last weekend. No smoke, purred, started right up (of course).

#2. Drove my Wildcat convertible to Marble Falls, 200 miles round trip, on a "business trip" less than a month ago with the top down.

#3. Did find a VERY solid 55 convertible that had not seen the light in years ('63 California black plates on car).

#4. Every National I have attended I have had fun at, but you are right Doc, the first one's buzz was only topped by my second, where I received a Senior my first time showing.

#5. The first car I ever bought with my own money was a 55 Buick Special, actually the same exact car I got the award for (mentioned above).

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Guest DaveCorbin

Dear Reatta Man:

Re: Addiction to Forum

Add "F" to your list above:

Helpimg a fellow forum or BCA member solve the

"When in the year was it built?/What do these numbers mean?/How many did Buick build that year for my model?/Can you help me so I can get a title mess fixed?, etc."

Regards, Dave Corbin

PS: and I'm practically a newbie with only 733 posts as this is written. Real addicts have more than 2000 posts!!

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Guest imported_Thriller

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DaveCorbin</div><div class="ubbcode-body">PS: and I'm practically a newbie with only 733 posts as this is written. Real addicts have more than 2000 posts!! </div></div>

Give it time Dave...you'll be one of us soon enough...join us...it's bliss grin.gif

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Reatta Man</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

2. DRIVING a Buick (preferrably a convertible, Riviera or Wildcat) that hasn't been driven in at LEAST 6 months.

4. ATTENDING your first BCA national has been known to cause a buzz that lasts for weeks, sometimes months.


The (sad) thing is that up here we get to do #2 every spring.

On #4, agreed, but it doesn't necessarily fade with each National. Each National has its own flavour that you can savour. For instance, in my experience, my first National was Flint 2003...amazing show, but didn't have a Buick there. 2006 in Rochester was our first time with a car on the field, and we drove 2 down in the Driven Class. 2007 in Bellevue was a blast, with finally meeting a couple of forum members that I hadn't had a chance to previously meet (Centurion and MrEarl, along with others I'm sure and getting re-acquainted)...not to mention the inaugural "Forum Breakfast"...this was the first show I had a car judged at...and won an award to my surprise. 2008 will live on in my memory - as a matter of fact, on Sunday I'm presenting a Powerpoint presentation I put together with photos from the GM Heritage Center. 2009 will be a blast because of the location, the people, the Buicks, and taking a car to be judged that I have actually had restored. 2010 will be great as well - it's a reasonable driving distance for us (currently have it in my head that we'll drive 2 cars down again) and I have kin in the region that I'll hopefully be able to spend some time with.

And yes, when I have a bit of down time at the office, I'm starting to check in during the day shocked.gif

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Guest Reatta1

Addicted??? You really think??? As in can't stay away???? Me addicted??? OOHHH NOOOOO, I CAN"T BE, I COULDN'T BE! I WON'T BE!!! But I keep coming back!!! 2 or 3 times a day!!! Or more!!!! Oh my God, I'm addicted. HHeeeelllppp. IS THERE NO CURE????

Oh well. I don't really want to be cured anyway. cool.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

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Re: Dr. Joe's #2 treatment.

One other thought I had was the fact that those of us living in the south have many more opportunities to drive our convertibles, Wildcats, and Rivieras to get away from the forum for a couple of hours. If I were snowbound, or having to deal with hearing about friends' roofs collapsing under three feet of snow, and then NOT being able to drive around or at least work in a garage that wasn't below freezing....?

"Oh the humanity!"

I feel for my Northern brothers and sisters. How can they possibly fight this addiction?

Please tell Sally Struthers to send them some food and money. grin.gif

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Item F was a great addition. And, as in all good 'group therapy sessions,' the goal is to get the patients to open up and talk about their addiction. Sometimes, that even includes the doctor/moderator (me).

And so, as in any addiction, I must admit to you all, "Hello, my name is Joe, and I am a Buick addict" and admit that there is no cure, only lifelong therapy.

As for our northern brethren, I guess it is like waiting for the start of baseball spring training in Florida; we know it is coming, we just have to be patient and keep the faith as the pages on the calendar flip over.


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To All in the South,

Here in the Buffalo area, my cars were put up for the winter in the middle of October not to come out again until sometime in April. That will depend on how much rain we get to wash the salt off of the roads.


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Your situation reminded me of a commercial I saw a few years ago when flat-screen TVs were becoming popular.

A man and his wife were in his GTO convertible, watching a movie at night in the car, eating popcorn. Night at the drive-in, right? The camera panned around and they were watching a flat-screen TV mounted on the wall of his garage.

If your garage is heated, Wal-Mart probably has some flat-screens on clearance at their after Christmas sale. Substitute a Buick for the GTO, and you are all set. Just a thought......

And, if you make it down to Willie's, in Seguin, after you get through, I'm just a few miles further in Adkins, TX. We'll put the top down on the Wildcat, and talk about the 1,000 parts I still have to put on the GS to get it finished.


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: old-tank</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Stevo

You and the other northern brethren are welcome to come play with my toys any time. The BCA board meeting in San Antonio last year gave some an opportunity.

Willie </div></div>

I think this is a great offer! How many people do I need to pull the afformentioned 55 Century body off the frame. Let's make a video/ webcast. A bunch of dudes ripping apart an old Buick, cleaning parts, sandblasting/ painting... And all free labor for me! Well, of course I'm buying the beer and BBQ!

Then we could all gather around my computer and check the forum. Shoot, my wife works for Apple, there are three computers and two iPhones in the house.... No waiting to satisfy the forum cravings!

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Guest imported_Thriller

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: buick5563</div><div class="ubbcode-body">And all free labor for me! Well, of course I'm buying the beer and BBQ! </div></div>

Paying for labour might be cheaper crazy.gifcool.gif

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Of course we have the Spring Regional in the very beginning of April. Lots of fun in a small Texas town full of shopping for the ladies and cars for the men. The place we have it at also hosts a Lincoln show the same time.

By the beginning of April it is shorts and T-shirt weather down here consistently so you dont have to worry about anti-freeze though there is some of that flowing at the hospitality room.

Come on down, I will be more then happy to let you drive one of my cars up there so you can experience Texas hospitality in the spring.

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You guys sure make it sound great, and I am sure that it is! I would seriously be considering a trip down that way but I think my daughter and her boyfriend will be soon announcing the fact that there will be a wedding within the next year. Permission for the engagement was asked for and granted. That really makes it sound business like. Seriously, he asked for permission and our blessing to marry our youngest. I am pretty certain the discretionary spending will not be there this year since it will be alotted elsewhere.

Have a great time without me, and Bill, partake of that antifreeze to be sure that when you get up North of the Mason-Dixon you do not freeze up. I will bet that there will be snow out there in Colorado on some of the close by peaks. All of you guys from the South will be able to take some pictures and romp in snow that is more that one inch deep.

Mike, Willie, Barney and Willis, you also are allowed to partake of the antifreeze.


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Guest imported_Thriller

D'oh! As of tomorrow we have a teenager in the house, and a dishwasher coming on Thursday, so I can't drive down...haven't checked the price of flights, but it might be worth it.

Y'all may have heard of humidex, where the humidity makes it feel hotter than it is. Well, we have kind of the opposite called wind chill. Right now we're about -21F with a wind chill equivalent to -35...with a wind chill warning expecting wind chills will be -40 t0 -45 C tonight (at that point it becomes moot...-40C = -40F).

Would be nice to get down there...might have to see about the bluebonnets this year though.

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If -40C is not to your liking we are heading for another day of +40C or more tomorrow (108F)here in Australia.

I've never experienced the freezing temps you have often spoken about in the past and something tells me I would prefer not to.

RUG UP and read a good Buick book grin.gif

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