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Everything posted by 61polara

  1. If this is a California car, there should be a front and rear plate. Asked the seller what he did with the original front plate. Bets are he now has both plates and knows how valuable they are. From what others from CA have said, without at least one original plate, you will need to have new plates issued. I'm not in CA, so I really don't know.
  2. I would look at your suspension for worn parts as well as the wheel bearings. I don't think this is a brake issue.
  3. 1953 was the last year of the semi-automatic transmission. The two speed PowerFlite was introduce in 1954.
  4. Automatic transmission fluid Type A can be used in these systems, but you must replace the rubber hoses. DOT 5 brake fluid is not recommended as it does not have the lubrication properties of DOT 3 or Type A fluids.
  5. Contact Hydro-E-Lectric Hydro-E-Lectric (hydroe.com)
  6. That's not in the spirit of the AACA mission. Everything 25 years and older is accepted through 1999 as of this year.
  7. Here is a quick answer. The individual judging sheets contain only the one category that a judge is assigned. It matches that column on the summary sheet. The individual sheet has columns for all the cars covered by that judge. Points deducted by each judge are recorded on the car's judging form by the team captain by the team captain. Junior cars, senior cars, preservation cars at a National all use the same form (and point deductions). The only difference is the color of paper they are printed on. For the Grand National, all deductions are the same, but the 10 point rule becomes a 5 point rule and the minimum scores for each award are higher than at a National.
  8. Call the National Office and they can research it for you. If all the awards were won in your name, it may not be that difficult to research. If the awards were won by a previous owner, you will need their names unless you called National to have the awards transferred to you. You should also have the grill badges in place on the car to have won awards through the Preservation level of awards. There will be a number on the grill badges which will help researching the awards won.
  9. I have the molds to cast the radio thumb wheels in a UV resistant urethane resin and am starting to work with a customer to reproduce the dash knobs. I would need to have a decent radio button to reproduce those. They can be custom colored to match your existing steering wheel and gear shift knob. dave@danddautomobilia.com www.danddautomobilia.com
  10. As a National Director, I can say that there is NO intent on changing the mission of AACA. Individual Regions and Chapters can permit modified cars in their local shows however. Nothing has changed and nothing is in the works for a change. Dave Bowman AACA National Director
  11. A friend is going through parts from his grandfathers closed auto parts store and has many of these only identified as "K Plug" 1965-1968 manufactured by STATE. Anyone know what they are?
  12. The registration deadline is March 15. We can change a car after that if needed. You will need to call the chief judge to change it.
  13. The photo is so old it was long before he needed hair dye
  14. You guys are trying too hard. It's our own Steve Moskowitz.
  15. Sounds like points sticking in the voltage regulator causing a direct short from the battery to the ground through the generator.
  16. Hospital laundries sell their old cotton blankets as scrap towels and are excellent white cotton rags. If you have a contact at a local hospital you may try there.
  17. Show your car in any AACA National Meet or participate in an AACA National Tour and you will receive the Century Badge.
  18. Don't look at the restoration as one project. Break it down into smaller sub projects. That way you will get small levels of satisfaction of completion all along the way. Viewing it as one project may find you overwhelmed with a pile of parts and loosing interest in the whole thing.
  19. How well does the contour on the mirror fit the body? It looks to be later, I've never seen one like that on a 1949 Buick.
  20. Matt I'm late to the game here, but have you adjusted the brakes based on the service manual with the correct adjusting tools? In my experience, a low pedal is an adjustment problem, not air in the system or another fluid problem. The shoes should be adjusted correctly before you bleed the system. I had a problem with failure on several 1965 Thunderbird (single MC) new master cylinders. We were bench bleeding them. The last one I purchased had a warning note inside the master cylinder should not be bench bleed. Apparently the bore is not machined all the way in and if you bench bleed, you will push the seal across the raw area and damage the seal. After I bled it on the car, I had no more master cylinder failures.
  21. 1941 Cadillac covers for the holes in the front finders if the optional fog / driving lights are not installed. This is what you usually see on these Cadillacs. Very few that I have seen have the fog lights.
  22. You live in the heartland of AACA. If you are not a paid member you should join and join a Region. You're not far from the Hershey Region and there may be others closer. You will find plenty of support and local cars for sale that are not ever advertised. You will find willing people who will let you test drive their cars to determine what you really want.
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