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Mark Shaw

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Everything posted by Mark Shaw

  1. Not that I have found... Please let me know if you find a source.
  2. This was my first car that got me a girlfriend that had an MG too. I think she liked me because I could work on her car.
  3. Ethain, I sold my 1912 Model 34 Roadster earlier this year. However, I still have many photos taken during the restoration. For those who want to see it finished:
  4. You might try a gum type eraser to test for the correct durometer.
  5. I add one airline booze bottle (3.4oz) of MMO to about 10 gallons of gasoline in all my brass era cars to help lubricate the valves. Airline booze bottles fit nicely under the seat next to the fuel tank or in the running board toolbox for every fill-up. "The first part of the TSA’s 3-1-1 rule states that each bottle or container of liquid that you bring in your carry on luggage can be no larger than 3.4 ounces. If that seems like a strange number to you it’s because 3.4 ounces is equivalent to 100 milliliters. This brings the US airplane liquids limit in line with the rest of the metric world."
  6. Harder material on the bottom makes sense to keep the door from sagging. Rubber bottle stoppers or even pencil erasers might be a good source of inexpensive replacement material. The durometer of the rubber varies with application. Hardness Scale - Rubber Stuff (rubber-stuff.co.uk)
  7. I suggest you ream it for an interference fit for a cut down carriage bolt. Remove the square under the head and all the threads. Lube with grease or 90 wt oil before final installation.
  8. It is just over 1300 miles for me and there is only one HCCA group near Phoenix. I know only two HCCA members from AZ that I have toured with.
  9. Yes Gary, I am well aware that your east coast group do several joint activities. I suggest that your groups would be great examples of what the west coast groups should be doing. Thanks.
  10. I don't disagree. Again, the point is without tours and other activities available to AACA members and other western car clubs like the HCCA, the AACA has little chance of expanding membership in the west. All car clubs are experiencing attrition. I am suggesting that joint tours with multiple car clubs would be beneficial for all to have enough participants in the west to justify national tours.
  11. Paul, I completely agree. However, if you lived on the west coast, I doubt you would have been able to participate in "more than 30 National & Regional Tours" with the AACA. The point is that the AACA membership and activity in western states is very thin and needs to boost membership. That won't happen as long as the club only notifies its' current members of club activities and only lets current club members participate. The primary reason I am not an AACA member is because the AACA has so few tours out west and local AACA groups are primarily focused on car shows and judging. I have been the tour leader for many HCCA regional tours including two 1 & 2-cylinder KISS tours. I have participated in six HCCA national tours. I have participated in one or two regional tours every year with my two Northwest HCCA groups for the last 25 years. I just think it is time for the HCCA and ACCA to do more joint tours to boost membership for both groups.
  12. A 1929 116 series engine should bolt up the same and deliver 94 HP rather than only 63 HP for the 1928 engine. That would be a good swap. Just make sure it is the 116 series engine.
  13. Solution for my prewar Buicks... Disassemble, clean each spring leaf, apply on both sides of mating leaves, re-assemble, paint the outside to match the chassis. Springs stay clean and never need to be lubricated again. CRC Industries 10oz Aerosol Dry Graphite Lube Item No.SKU# 125-03094 Made In USA Low Price Guarantee $10.99 List: $12.90
  14. That coupler can be removed by first cleaning the shaft between the coupler and the pump. It can't move with crusty stuff on the shaft. Use lots of penetrating lube and gently rotate the coupler back and forth before using a drift to tap it back against the pump or use a pry bar to break it loose and slide it out of the way.
  15. I don't think so. However, manufacturers often make their products just different enough to force their customers to buy parts only from the OEM.
  16. Dave, Thanks for the clarification. This obviously makes my point. If it is only advertised in AACA publications and only available to current AACA members, it will not be effective in attracting new members.
  17. Thanks for the link; but it lists only the dates and location. Evidently, it is only for AACA members since it is listed only on the AACA Home Page. Please advise if I am wrong.
  18. Steve, I don't see it listed on the Forum's "AACA-Shows and Tours" section. Is this a joint tour to include HCCA or just for AACA members?
  19. Ted, Agreed, however you can participate in other HCCA regional events with 1942 and older vehicles. The HCCA also has several registries for later vehicles, including the Nickel Era Registry for 1932 and older vehicles that holds a very nice tour each year. Each region determines their own age range up to 1942. Some insist on pre-1916 only and will probably loose many more members than those who allow later vehicles.
  20. Steve, California is not the only place out west where the AACA struggles to maintain and/or grow membership. AACA membership density anywhere west of the Rocky Mountains is very low. Yes, distance to events is a challenge, but most western car collectors are used to trailering a car to events. The AACA's problem is that it seems so focused on eastern activities. If the AACA really wants to "change the trajectory out west", the AACA board needs to make some events happen on the west coast. One or two driving tours in California, Washington and Oregon would certainly help current AACA groups boost membership, especially if other touring groups like the HCCA were invited to participate and help with tour planning.
  21. Me too... What price do you expect for the 1915 Buick coil?
  22. Steve, I am retired and couldn't agree more about car shows. My local HCCA club meets on Wednesday evenings about 30 miles away. Attending requires driving through city traffic at night for what amounts to a boring meeting followed by sweets and coffee at about 9PM and another 30 mile drive to get home. That is not for me either. I belong to two HCCA regional groups to get enough summer tours to keep my cars exercised. Both groups are suffering from age related attrition. The local group refuses to change to make the club more friendly to working families. So, I expect they will continue to circle the drain. The other group meets on weekends and the brief meetings are followed by short day tours when weather permits. I expect they will survive by doing so...
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