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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. I did just that with a 3.0 litre Ranger with five speed manual...almost had to pull over because we were laughing so hard.
  2. they were called "flood pants" inmy time and region. Shame me about the grill on that gasser.
  3. Is there a particular era or style of car you are looking for? Cars from the 70s or 80s can be dirt cheap. If you want something older into the 50s or 60s you will likely need to look at a four door (sedan if the 50s) to fit the price range. It was a few years ago, but I found our '75 Electra at a local lot for $1500 with a valid inspection (which meant I didn't need to spend $40 for an inspection plus any associated repairs to correct deficiencies). Good luck.
  4. Consider spending some time with paint cleaner. This is a rubbing compound that will remove much of the outer layer of oxidized paint. For a few Euros and some elbow grease, you can really brightn up the appearance of a car with old paint. If the car doesn't need restoration, I would just clean it up. Good luck. You have a great car.
  5. With that cigar, you could almost think it was Fr. Buick in his Super...almost
  6. The article mentioned something like an estimated 5.8 million collector cars (if I remember correctly) in a country with a population in the range of 300 million suggesting one collector car for about every fifty people. That doesn't touch on those of us with multiple cars. So if one in fifty is a collector (2%), it makes sense that some of us won't have children or grandchildren interested in the hobby. All we can do is enjoy our cars and positively expose as many others to the hobby as possible.
  7. I'm not an expert on these engines, but I think of them as highly underrated. I'd rather see you use the 430. Nobody has addressed the parts issue for you but I don't believe you should have any issues. You could always check rock auto.com to see if they have the available hardware. I'm not necessarily advocating you use them, but searching there would provide an indication of availability.
  8. Not to kick the beehive, but if people in the northeast are putting countless dollars into restorations, why can't they spend a bit more to go further afield to attend another National? Granted, I agree that this old have been better laid out and communicated in the first place, but since I can't change the past all we can do is hope a lesson was learned and this won't be quite so contentious in the future. I'm not sure repeatedly voicing the same argument on the (public, not a private BCA member only) forum will have any positive effect. Opinions could be voiced directly to the BoD and National Meet Committee with a view to determine whether or not this decision could possibly be overturned. I'm thinking that without constructive action, all that is happening here is beating the poor dead horse's bones to dust. For us, the shortest drive to a National meet was about 500 miles...since it was so close, we drove two cars down.
  9. Sean - my bad. The caption reads Century Custom wagon with Sport package. Unless I missed it, the document you attached didn't show a Sport package.
  10. I'd rather get something through USPS / Canada Post than UPS or Fedex as they charge exorbitant fees for clearing through customs.
  11. From the photo I believe that to be solid paint rather than wood grain. The Standard Catalog of Buick show production of 9586 Century Special wagons and 24014 Century Custom wagons. The Century Sport model lists just the coupe. There is a photo of a Custom wagon with Sport package in woodgrain. The Century Custom Sport Wagon package is listed as a $430 option (factory shipping price of $5276 for v6 and $5426 for v8). I also see body side stripes and vinyl woodgrain appliqué as options.
  12. Looks like Julia's Buick is the same colour scheme as our '41 Special 41SE. I can dig up some photos of it when I'm on the right computer.
  13. In recent years I've given (when with computer and discs at meet) or mailed a Disc of photos the family has taken. If desired I could put those photos together and send them off on a DVD or two.
  14. All funeral cars will be low mileage. It is the nature of the industry. They just don't see the daily use of everyday cars. I I wouldn't mind having one, but as this city seems to think all that remains on the roads are bicycles and subcompacts it would be a bit inconvenient in my day to day getting around.
  15. Is the car green, Baffin Green perhaps? Just curious as there are a lot of similarities with ours, like interior colours. I had to ask as the outside photos look more like black to me while the shots taken indoors, presumably with a flash, appear green. Our car is missing the body data plate, so I'm not sure what colour it is supposed to be.
  16. I know a little bit about the October Bugle but haven't seen a hard copy yet. Looking forward to it.
  17. I saw all my Buicks today (four different buildings). That has to count for something...drove the Rainier. Suzanne was happy...one of the boys stayed home sick from school today so with only one passenger she drove the Reatta.
  18. Drove the Wildcat about 40 km tonight to the local club meeting. It was pretty much dark when I got there a few minutes late. I heard a couple things that may be of concern going forward. Sigh. There's always something.
  19. John - as I understand, it is 12 signatures of BCA members and a "constitution" or something similar. When I'd talked about it previously, Brian DePouli mentioned that he had a draft document that he'd share. Granted, I still haven't pulled the trigger on getting it done, but I wasn't under the impression it was terribly difficult. Good luck.
  20. Love it. Is it telling that Joe's car was parked in a handicap parking spot?
  21. 2003 was our first National. Talk about feeling lost. It was simply overwhelming but absolutely amazing from a Buick hobby perspective. I I agree that identifying first time attendees has value, but those of us who have been before have to be welcoming rather than snooty for this to work. Even if the welcoming folks outnumber less welcoming ones, a poor experience by someone identified as a first timer may turn them into a last timer and possibly a non-member. This is a non-issue if we will all act as ambassadors of the BCA.
  22. Cool. '82 GN in the first photo? Neat. Nice scenery. Considered driving the Wildcat to storage today but that was inconvenient since I didn't have any helpers.
  23. I don't think there is any accurate way to determine for certain. I have one, but there are some things on the car that don't jive. I know of one degrading outside west of here (that I ultimately want to purchase). There was one with a poor restoration near Edmonton that was for sale for too much money. There was one in Oshawa for the GM of Canada centennial. Of course, Alan O. has one. Collectible, yes. Price guides don't really reflect a premium relative to a Century. Club registries don't necessarily give us a good number since they won't always be listed as PCRs. It it would be neat to know.
  24. Bernie - that's a heck of a nice road for no motor vehicles. The scoundrel thief took some nice photos.
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