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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. Wait a minute...no I don't have a turbo car...that thieving Middleton. I'm going to have to have some words with him (and drink some of his beer)!
  2. Well, I finally own a turbo car. Marck made the mistake of sitting at a table with a bunch of guys with pre-war Buicks. It looks like his Reatta will need to stay here as he'll only have room for one car on the trailer and that '39 will look mighty pretty behind his truck heading to NC.
  3. Went for a ride this afternoon for ice cream in a 100 year old truck. What a blast. Thanks Larry. There's a very nice 29-44 here as well as a fairly original 29-27 that I hope to spend some time with tomorrow. Before the forum lunch Suzanne and I went to Bass Pro Shops...kept the credit cards in our pockets and just wandered the store.
  4. Since all we brought were phones, I'm happy to see decent photos posted.
  5. Made it on Tuesday, but not with the car we left with. I seem to be adjusting to the warm weather. We are definitely enjoying ourselves here.
  6. May be able to help you out there JD. Stranger things have happened.
  7. Spent some time today at the Springfield Brewing Company where I had the sampler and tasted six different beers. Very nice.
  8. Isn't "selling a Buick" some sort of oxymoron?
  9. There are YouTube videos...seems straightforward enough...I won't mention it just to confuse the bride
  10. Is that something to be concerned about? It turns out there's been a change of plans due to the timing of the Gopher State Chapter meeting so I don't know how many, if any, will be driving down with us on Tuesday. Since we've paid for a tour on Wednesday we have to get down...if I'd paid more attention to the calendar perhaps I'd have booked the tour for Thursday. I'm looking forward to it.
  11. Well, we can't let all the other regions have all the fun. The '75 Electra (aka Carmen) plans to nose her half-acre hood from the Twin Cities FAR northwest suburbs Monday morning. Ideally it will be an early start because her A/C isn't about to get repaired any time soon. She's been cleaned up a bit (yesterday) and filled with expensive vegetative gasoline-like product. She will spend the night with more Hooligans in the near northern suburbs of the Twin Cities then take off again Tuesday for a nearly straight southerly shot. The present understanding is that she'll be among a rowdy riot of Rivieras on the second leg. Let's hope sweating passengers is the worst of our issues.
  12. I honestly don't think he will see anything past the first one in that photo..
  13. Sounds cool. Unfortunately we will get in later Tuesday and take in the wino's tour on Wednesday followed by working the photo lane on Thursday so we wouldn't be able to partake. Seeing some of the local sites (and sites along the way) is always a highlight of the national meet for us.
  14. All the more reason not to kill the car and get judges off the show field quicker
  15. One thought, after seeing the voter turnout for the BOD, is whether online voting might help turn that around. Of course there would need to be some sort of secure login and, for a period of time, we would need some sort of dual system. With the rise of electronic communication and commensurate drop in paper based mail, the price to mail the ballot may be getting to the point of a disincentive. Those who find it important enough will still do it, but I know my confidence in Canada Post to start the process of getting it in on time and to the correct location isn't high (our ballot was initially returned without a postmark after having bought a stamp and mailing it at a postal outlet). Many of us will renew with our credit cards online so there is a level of comfort these days, although admittedly not for everyone.
  16. Make that 28 JD. Suzanne will join us...she needs to eat anyway.
  17. Grin. I'm looking forward to lower gas prices once I cross the 49th parallel next Monday. Planning for just a two day trip this year although day two will be a bit longer. Safe journeys TRWs.
  18. Neat stuff. I sat with Kevin at e banquet under the tent in 2008 when he collected a bunch of accolades. Now if I had the space / time / etc. a McLaughlin carriage would be cool. There's at least one in a museum in western Manitoba. I commend you on your stewardship and friend factor Dave.
  19. Looks like a '42 grill to me.
  20. Suzanne and I will be there...just not the teenagers.
  21. I need to get a big map of North America to draw out the locations and roads the hobby has taken me to.
  22. You forgot to mention capes Lamar.
  23. Thanks for putting this together again Jerry. Unfortunately, the boys are in high school exams at the time of the meet so won't be in attendance this year.
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