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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. In the first (0:38) and third videos is a body that looks a lot like my '23...almost makes one want to get working on it.
  2. Chuckle. Tempting, although it appears there would need to be a year's delay...a lot going on this summer / fall.
  3. That video of the 4-speed LeSabre sounds remarkably like Mr. Bernard...right end of the continent for him to have made that fancy footwear fashion statement.
  4. On the iPad I've had difficulty viewing multiple photos in a post...the only options I see are to close or save with no means to load the next photo. I'll survive, I guess. Just four weeks to Missouri.
  5. House calls...hmmm...perhaps my 1923 is a bit too far away for that. :cool:
  6. Got my registration dealt with last night including a nice chat with Roy. Seafoam65 - the easiest thing would be to search your e-mail for the address listed in the registration. Alternatively, fire the registrars an e-mail asking for clarification. For everyone involved, the registrars are human, so mistakes and oversights are possible. Please be polite and understanding with them. Honey catches more flies than vinegar.
  7. Love it. Good to see you are taking such good care of my future truck Larry
  8. So far it seems like lunch is the consensus and it makes some sense for reasons previously noted. Whether it is at Hooters or some other locale doesn't matter much to me. I like things within walking distance, but if we are going far enough that we need to drive, we should consider who wants (or is willing) to drive over...saves a bit of fuel if nothing else.
  9. I'm in. Disappointing Lamar...especially since it's practically around the corner from you.
  10. Thanks Roy. You may need to give me a kick in the pants...haven't gotten mine in yet. It is almost filled in, but need to scan and send to you. Chuck - apparently I'm confused or blind or something. I can't find anything in MrEarl's post with details about the tours. I think we've decided to do the winery / brewery tour...it is relatively self-explanatory. Take care.
  11. Yes, listening is a key in a relationship, especially when she makes suggestions like that. As as I had to be in the country yesterday, I put the battery in the '75 Electra, topped up the tires and started her up. It felt good. Today I was able to get an extra driver together so we went out and brought the Electra in. She's now going to get serviced and the A/C dealt with so she can be driven to Springfield in June (for which I am finally filling out the registration). She's missing a center cap...question is whether I took it off and put it some place "safe" or lost it. I will have to dig around after the Jamaica trip.
  12. Is there any information out there about the tours this year? I couldn't locate anything on the BCA web site nor on threads here. I was (finally) filling out our registration and asked She Who Must Be Obeyed about the tours...she proceeded to ask me for details which I am unable to provide. There is usually a one paragraph description listed for each tour. Thanks.
  13. See http://www.classicbuicks.com/emissions_decals_tags.html - they show a BU for 1973. With the image you have, they may be able to make the correct one if they haven't already. Good luck.
  14. Delivering on what you say you will do is called integrity.
  15. Ames wasn't the only time I saw it, but was the most memorable, considering I had our '54 there. We had fun doing a photo shoot of the two cars and some of the family getting chauffeured around the site in it. Good memories. I li will need to get back to this post on a computer to include some of our photos. Thanks Bob and Lamar.
  16. Since this isn't going on an engine, high temp engine paint shouldn't be required. Perhaps it would be more economical to match the colour with an "ordinary" paint. The positive is that it can be sourced locally.
  17. Great job Brian. Looks like you enjoyed your photo session. More temptations I don't need to deal with....
  18. I'm only bringing a 40 year old car, the 1975 Electra. The teens have insisted for a few years now that we have the '66 Wildcat in Allentown next year.
  19. I'm game. I'd found out about the Hemingway's when another thread had discussed some seafood binge (seems to me MeEarl was involved in that discussion.
  20. Interesting...we will have to make a copy of the page from the Bugle or e-mail the powers that be for one. Teresa is in first year university so qualifies. I don't know that she would be selected, but has attained the points to be a BCA senior judge. She has also written articles for the Bugle. While not strictly automotive, she wants to get into the environmental design program at the University of Manitoba (undergrad degree in the Faculty of Architecture). Luke will likely be pursuing something in the science or engineering fields. Many of of these same questions expressed here have been asked before - I remember some discussion at the membership meeting in Portland. It makes sense that the BoD answer, but not necessarily on this public forum. It really ought to be an internal club discussion, in my opinion.
  21. Being halfway across the continent pretty much eliminates any temptation for me. If they were nearby I'd be in trouble.
  22. Way cool. Kid in a candy store comes to mind. My my nephew had posted on Facebook a while back about wanting a Hellcat and I responded that it was cool that he wanted a Buick built M-18 tank destroyer and commended him on upgrading on the Mopars that his uncles on the other side have corrupted him to.
  23. Dale - before you swear off judging, let's have a chat...over a beer if necessary. It is a lot of fun, you learn a lot, and it is NOT thankless. There is the occasional boor, but most owners are grateful for the part the volunteer judges play. I'll try to keep this short, but not sure if I can. I judged Archival in Portland when cars were parked together. It was great. It was relatively easy to find our cars and since they were parked more or less in year order, and we got to see a big part of the show field. I don't know what happened to class H in Portland, but what happened should not have. Regardless of class size, if we keep to the standards when judging, we ought to be able to do it within 10 minutes per car, then a couple for tabulation, so 4-5 cars per hour. The judging captain should step up and take on a section if necessary, ideally one with less detail. Being on the show field for six hours either implies a class of well over 20 (I don't recall that being the case), or not following the judging guidelines. If it was necessary, another judging team could have been assembled to lighten the load using judges who were completed their other classes. Regarding judging in general, remember that many hands make light work. If we had more people step up to get involved, it would be smoother and less time-consuming. Yes, there is the judging school to attend, which is a learning event. Learning is good. You have to attend the breakfast (a free breakfast and cap for participating...there are worse things in life) and participate in the judging. I don't really know our new Chief Judge, but I am grateful to him for stepping up to take on the task. As for the general parking situation, I am pleased regarding how it is being done. In reality, it wasn't bad per se, but some of the early pre-war cars in Driven or Archival classes really do stick out. On the one hand, that is good as it can lead to greater recognition that this older Buick is preserved and / or driven. On the other, it does make it easier for the owners to compare notes if the Archival cars are with the restored ones. Finally, the windshield cards need to be re-thought. With tinted windows, I understand that the Blue we have been using and the white can be difficult to tell apart. I think simply modifying what we put on the card would help make that identification easier. The Class field of the card could have a few more characters printed such as H-400 versus H-DIS as an example to differentiate a class H car (1953-1956) between 400 point judging and a display car. Various schemes could work...this is just a thought. Judges can read, so that could help us out on the show field. I implore all to consider participating as judges. With more of us, there could be smaller classes, therefore fewer of the complaints of the judges themselves which result from being on the field longer.
  24. Merry Christmas from poodle central. I guess some folks may miss this post, but if you have my ieee.org address, that will be going away in 2015, so contact me through the forum to get a valid e-mail address. Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2015.
  25. At least you are looking to properly repair my truck :cool:
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