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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. I understand we presently don't have that capability. In an organization concerned with declining membership, I just don't think it wise to air dirty laundry in public. As for establishing value, in my neck of the woods a professional appraisal is the only thing that carries weight, especially when compared to an amateur volunteer judging process.
  2. Without wading too deeply into this, it is to be considered that these forums are publicly accessible, so having discussions that ought to be members only is not necessarily the best in this venue. Having a car judged is a want, not a need. Frankly, having a Buick eligible for judging is generally a luxury beyond the needs of life (food, clothing, shelter).
  3. Here's a few photos that Suzanne brought home. We haven't confirmed whether Teresa has any on her camera or not.
  4. PBRs go down well too, but not while driving to get a car.
  5. Does that mean you'll be there? Would that be a threat or a promise?
  6. Colorado Springs in 2009 covered both Canada Day (July 1) and Independence Day. It was well attended and we saw some fireworks to boot.
  7. I have been through there once when the coast-to-coast tour came through. I have a rural property about 20 km east of there and drive by the building regularly. I had attempted to arrange a tour through there once when I had some Buick Club of America Gopher State Chapter members up for a tour, but Geordie wasn't available that weekend, so we couldn't get in. While not necessarily museum quality, it is quite a collection of unique automobiles. I do have photos somewhere, but would need to dig through a few computers to find them. If you are ever in the vicinity and interested, there is the Manitoba Antique Auto Museum in Elkhorn, near the Saskatchewan border - http://mbautomuseum.com/ It is similar in that it isn't what you would consider museum quality, but has a reasonably sized collection with some interesting, unique pieces. I think it is one of, if not the, largest collctions of McLaughlin automobiles (later McLaughlin-Buick, then GM of Canada).
  8. Thinking on old-tank's post, I understand some of the folks in the hobby may be in it for recognition and awards, but for many of us, being able to get out and drive our old cars is a "win". At local events, I've often taken to making the quick rounds to seek out other Buicks and Buick owners, people I know, and take a few photos, then typically pull out a folding chair and hang out near my car to be able to answer questions and show things. Recently, my wife and I were at a local cruise night with Spirit and Carmen. Suzanne had parked the Electra far away, but since we had space beside Spirit and are members of the feature car club, I moved Carmen. As soon as I got out, the DJ was all over me asking about the car since he couldn't figure out what it was.
  9. I'm hopeful someone posts information and photos from the show starting Thursday in Green Bay, WI.S Since the boys couldn't make it to the National, we wanted them to get to the regional, so Suzanne left with the teens this morning in the Rainier. I decided to stay home to work on my business. I'd rather not wait until the cameras get home Monday evening to get a taste for the event. I'm really having mixed feelings about staying home now....
  10. Good thing I didn't have the can to my mouth when I read this...would have made for a messy laptop.
  11. When I rebuilt the 198 in mine, it was something of a pain...the engine shop whined about needing to bring the pistons in from California...I wondered why that was a big deal...a few months later they were shut down, so presumably the only issues were that they were broke and didn't want to put anything out. They also painted it the wrong colour. Sigh. Yes, some things are an issue. No, there don't seem to be many around, but there are some. Of course, I haven't done anything with mine recently. Just think, if these were more plentiful and parts were easier to obtain, everyone would have them, and they'd lose some of that unique appeal. Good luck.
  12. Some of us don't get much other exercise aside from the likes of jumping to conclusions.
  13. That's OK. We got together to discuss forming the club and the vote was unanimous to wait.
  14. All three of these and Spirit have red interiors. I got back with the second one last night. It will likely be August before I go back for the third.
  15. I just got through picking about a gallon of semi-sweet cherries...time to wash some up (better part of two gallons in the fridge from previous days' pickings) and start pitting and make some pie or tarts.
  16. Cool. I really like how the lid is reminiscent of a hub cap as well.
  17. Nah...one came without an engine...of course that could be an opportunity to attempt to replicate the genuine pace car with the V6 and twin turbos. I took Spirit tonight and met a friend for ice cream. He asked to go for a ride and asked a question about the passenger door. I told him I didn't know since I don't use that door (except when opening / closing for Suzanne).
  18. I was noticing the threesome and the location they had their markers...new definition of breast pocket, I guess.
  19. Suzanne is always complaining that women's clothes don't have pockets....
  20. Um...yeah...the deal was for the three. I didn't need three by any stretch, but we'll manage.
  21. I was looking at improvements to Spirit, our 1976 Pace Car Replica. It has always bugged me that it had different size Center Line wheels and tires on. There had been one about two hours drive west of here that has the correct wheels, so I started searching for it again. I was sort of successful - it turns out to be one of these - http://www.junkyardlife.com/2015/02/readers-rides-trio-of-1976-buick-free.html The owner is planning to move, so was open to selling them. I made the first trip Thursday / Friday to bring one home. There were some disappointments, but I now own the wheels I was after. There are also some interior pieces that will improve Spirit. The six center caps I have are in a bit of tough shape, but are better than nothing. Between all of them, I may also be able to fix up the interior fan issue I'm having (one speed on the highest setting - not sure if it's the switch or the fan). Interestingly, all three have red interiors, like Spirit, although there are differences. So, I may now own the largest collection of the 1976 Buick Century Pace Car Replicas, with four of the 1290 produced. I'm looking forward to getting the others home and being able to take a photo with all of them in the same place.
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