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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. From the album: 1976 Pace Car Replica

    First of three PCRs to make it home. This one has some interior pieces that will make it to Spirit and the wheels will be cleaned up and re-shod with new rubber to dress Spirit up.
  2. From the album: 1976 Pace Car Replica

    Three Pace Car Replicas...two T-tops, one hardtop, acquired 2016-06-28.
  3. Does pushing around a new acquisition count? My back was sore before, but today I had trouble just getting out of bed....
  4. I'd started something similar many years ago, but just with a map of Saskatchewan...I need to get a map of North America now and do something similar, then put it up in the Buick Basement in the country.
  5. That's a rewarding part of submitting to the Bugle. I'm looking forward to reading it.
  6. There's always a case for a "real" camera as you can always just get another memory card. Thanks for the updates and congratulate (Pat)squared for us.
  7. You're welcome sir. I just happened to see it in a gardening magazine we get so figured I'd look them up. We tend to stop and see some sights in concert with our National trips as well.
  8. Up here, premium is ethanol-free, so the old cars get that...when traveling I try not to worry about it and just make sure I run enough real gasoline through for the winter parking season.
  9. The engine appears to be blue as well, rather than green. Based on what the car is, it looks like it should go to someone who either wants to drive it as is or customize it further. Good luck coming to a decision.
  10. Can't say I recall seeing that one...sigh. Considering we have the same model it would have been nice to take a look.
  11. Thanks Jeff. Now I just need to figure out what we are / are not doing.
  12. On another note, the North American Garden Tourism Conference list of top 10 North American gardens worth travelling for are near the meet. One is Chanticleer Garden in Wayne, PA (north of Pittsburgh, about an hour from Allentown according to Google Maps) and the other is Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA (SW of Pittsburgh, about 1.5 hours from Allentown according to Google Maps). If someone is into gardens, I'd think these would be worthy of consideration for a side trip.
  13. I went out to the country place, and aside from cutting hay (aka mowing lawn that had been growing since some time before leaving for Springfield), got the '76 pace car going and brought it back to the city. Put it through a car wash (probably why it rained this morning) and took it to the Sunday night cruise where the Manitoba Classic & Antique Auto Club was one of the feature clubs for the evening. A/C is cool, not cold, the fan seems to only have one speed, but it was fun. Suzanne drove the Electra and we managed to park side by side. I have a photo to share...now need to go through things with the new software to figure out how to post it...sigh.
  14. And I missed it altogether...dang.
  15. It was good meeting you and your lovely bride Tony. That's a great car you have...I'm glad it got you the Senior designation.
  16. I just attempted to register online and it seems to be hung up on the address. I suspect a state is required, but when I switch the country to Canada, it doesn't revert to Canadian provinces. It took me a couple days to coordinate the family around the tours to see what we wanted to do...once it added up the numbers, we may need to re-think this...registration over $1000. Sigh. I don't mind the per car cost. Granted, on at least some of the tours lunch is included, so I should factor that in. $3.99 for extra people 18+? Does anyone care to explain? The kids can't drink in the U.S. at that age, so I don't entirely think of them as adults at that point...and that keeps us away from the winery tour. I'm not complaining (well, perhaps a little). It was just a bit of a shock...at least the registration issue allows for some sober second thought (at least until I crack the Appleton).
  17. I think it was 1957BuickJim that recognized my name. The forum brunch is big enough now that we don't stand a chance of chatting with everyone...never mind if you're the one running that gong show Good to hear everyone is home safe and sound.
  18. Cool. Impractical but cool. I can't justify that sort of money for a toy I can't play with. In black, the blacked out grill looks great.
  19. Made it home yesterday. Sunday's drive was nice after a late start but we really noticed the difference between the Riviera and the rental. Monday got off to a later start than hoped but got the rental back to the Electra which was ready with a new rad, hoses, and thermostat. We left some Missouri wine from 7C's as a thank you, backtracked to return the rental and headed home with just enough time to shower, shave, eat, and head out to see the rough cut of a documentary with the '41 in it. Many thanks to Kris for use of her '98 and to Paul & Donna for putting us up.
  20. Parkwood is a wonderful estate. I will need to get back there again someday. Great photos Keith. That upholstery seems quite different than mine...I wonder if that's a difference from the Roadmaster or Canadian versus US built cars.
  21. Internet here is too painful to look for the error. The forum meal gathering just keeps growing. It's hard to meet and greet everyone now or introduce ourselves like we did in Flint. Congrats to all nominees.
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