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Everything posted by Booreatta

  1. I had Reatta across my windshield for a long time, finally got tired of it and took it off. You can see it by going to www.carnut.com click on car picks index select Buick from the list and then select 1989 I know the convertible there is a 1990 not an 89. Both the blue car and the Red convertible are mine. Chuck
  2. Yes that is the model we are talking about. It has been a mystery for some time as to who made them and how many were made. If you would look at the bottom of your car and post what it has on the muffler. Any number or words? Also what does the wood base have on it. It might say Select Sixty, or Limited Edition 1988 Reatta Commemorative Replica, or Pacesetter. Let us know which one of these that you have, or if you have any other info. Do you know if it had come new in a box and if so is there any manufacturer marks that might be a clue who made them and how many. Do you still have contact with the person who gave it to you? Any help would be apprecitated Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net 316-655-1099
  3. Hi Nick I have not seen one sell for quite a while now and the last one went for around $550.00 if I remember. It seems like everytime one sells the price just get higher. When the next one comes up for sale it will be interesting to watch. I turned down an offer for mine a year or 2 ago for a lot more than the $550 price. I should have taken it I could have bought gas for a day or so Chuck
  4. Tom didnt you have one of those pewter models? Did you keep it of did it go with the car? Chuck Kerls
  5. It is with much sadness that I have to announce the passing of Amber L. Morris. Amber is the daughter of Herb and Sharon Morris. Herb and Sharon are long time members of the Reatta Division of the BCA. Amber passed suddenly on May 7, 2011 at age 39. Herb and Sharon have announced the Memorial service will be May 14, 2011 at Kutis Funeral Home, 5255 Lemay Ferry Road, St. Louis, Mo 63129 Herb and Sharon can be contacted at their home at 2005 Dohack Drive, Arnold, Mo 63010 (636)293-9147 Please keep Herb and Sharon in your thoughts and prayers at this difficult time Chuck Kerls
  6. In my attempt to challange any and all statements that are not correct, the statement was made above that Barney should resign from the Reatta Divisions tech advisor position. As the director of the Reatta division I want to make it clear that the Reatta Division does not have Tech Advisors. That program is managed by the Buick Club Of America. Any information issued by the TA is purely thru the BCA. You should be a member of the BCA to take advantage of the tech advisor. The advisors for most of the makes and models of Buick Production work free and it is a thankless job. I am sure I wouldnt want to do. We should thank them and not try to take them off at the knees. Please when you post make sure it is accurate. Thanks again Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net 316-655-1099
  7. I can solve this problem very easily post the numbers in question and someone pull the vin off compnine and we will have the facts. if the data base is right great if it is wrong it can be corrected. we dont need to bash each other. We are after all adults here Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net 316-655-1099
  8. Ladies and Gentlemen I have been the director of the Reatta Division for the past 3 years and I have enjoyed it very much. I am not running for re election so the time has come for me to voice my opinion. I have taken the time to follow up with people who have been mentioned on this forum to check or follow up on statements made about off normal cars. Some I think are made up and others strech the truth. I would like to make sure that all new members get the facts. Not everything said on the forum is the truth. The only thing that I can say is that if you are a new member of the forum please remember to challange any statement about the Reatta. About the only way to prove something is to see a photo or other written proof. We must remain true to the facts and not fall for non facts. Facts made up can become facts that are not true in the future. Our Reattas are new enough right now that the people that were involved with the build are still around and know the facts. I have talked to several of them and they have told me that some on the forum are full of S**T and just want to tell the story their way. All members need to challange all statements and demand proof and lot listen to somebody not able or willing to provide the proof needed. The Reatta does not deserve the grandstanding that is going on. I have spent many phone calls to Michigan State U looking for the green convertible from contacting the newspapers requesting photos of parades to contacting the alumi asscoiation chasing the green convertible that was around for several years. I have not been successul yet but I will keep trying. I have called the Olds museum in Lansing and they do not have a Reatta of any type, the comment was made that they had one but it was not green. I then called the Olds Museum in Florida in St Augustine and they do not have any Reattas and never have had that they can remember. My conclusion is that the GREEN convertible is a myth unless someone can produce proof. I will continue to check the sources of those that post on this forum as there is nothing to be gained by made up stories. I will continue to have an open mind but I will research the truth, BOTTOM LINE WE ONLY NEED THE FACTS HERE. PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS AND PROVE YOUR STATEMENTS. I realize this post will created some ill feelings but I really dont care. If you post it you will be challanged by me and others and I will not put up with preverications about our great hobby Thanks for the rant Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net 316-655-1099
  9. I have tried a lot of them including rejex and I think that Zanio is far superior. The shine lasts all season long and just needs touch up from time to time. I did use a lot of Wizzard till Zaino came along and I am sold.
  10. Here is an up date on my digital dash and the issues I have been having. After talking to several of you I took my car to a speedo shop here in Wichita Kansas and told him what the problems were, he looked at me and said" I know what is wrong with that." Leave the car and call me later today. I did that and when I called he told me the car is fixed. Wow it is fixed. He showed me the part and it is a short shaft with a black nylon gear at the end. He replaced the shaft and the gear and everything works like it should. I now have my cruise control back and the speedo and the odo works, and so do all of the lights for leveling etc. The check engine light is off and the car runs great. This guy is good. Thanks for all of the help from you guys I think I finally went in the right direction and didnt cost a lot of money. Thanks Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net
  11. I will start a new thread on the repair of the IPC in 90 and 90 Models. There is a guy here in Wichita that does the repair on IPC's his prices are $250.00 and he will warranty his work. I have not tried him on the Reatta IPC but I have used him on the Riviera 84 model which is a combination of digital and analog. He is the only person who would attempt to repair that. He does not advertise but he is a good guy to know. If you want to have yours rebuilt and want to use him you can contact him at 316-529-4134 His name is Mark and he is located at 601 South Broadway Wichita, Kansas Chuck Kerls
  12. HUH Just follow the yellow brick road,,,,you might say in Kansas we are OUTSTANDING IN OUR FIELD........ COURAGE , HEART AND BRAINS Chuck
  13. Reattas are like kids and grandkids..........the only thing that I have thats paid for and still leak sometimes NO BODY GETS IN TO SEE THE WIZARD, NOT NOBODY NOT NO HOW (from the wizard if oz) Chuck
  14. I just recd a msg and photos of a 1990 Red Tan Convertible for sale in Kansas CIty Kansas. It appears to be a 70K mile car and it looks to be in good shape. Maybe a little wear on the drivers seat and steering wheel. It has 16 way and cd player. I dont have any more information on condition. Car belonged to the sellers father in law. I have not seen the car in person. If you want more information email the owner Craig Grider email griderortho@aol.com Chuck Kerls
  15. Does anybody know how many 82-85 Rivieras had the digital dash? it does not seem to real common I have a spare but it does not have the auto leveling. Dont even know if it works. It took a long time to have a friend find it for me. How common was it? Need to have mine worked on but they want $200.00 and that is just not in the budget right now.
  16. Pontiac Fiero about the same size???
  17. Thanks for the photos I wish we had that many quality Buicks in Kansas. Looks lilke a good show and good Job Marck hang in there you make the Reatta bunch proud. Chuck Kerls
  18. I think it is great that you guys got together, I wish that I could have been there but that's life. Its only a couple of thousand miles from here. I am sure that there was a lot of learnin going on. Have a good time Chuck STUCK IN KANSAS AT THE END OF THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD
  19. Booreatta

    True or False

    What about the Y Job it was a 2 seater, just not produced for sale, but it was produced. Most likely the most famous 2 seater ever built. Chuck Kerls
  20. Ronnie, Thanks you are correct the Reatta Division does have a quality line of Logo Merchandise that is sold to help the Reatta Division of the BCA. It is always available to members on line as well at the National Meets. Contact information is always in the Reatta Division Newsletter that we print quarterly. You can view them at www.reatta.org Thanks Chuck Kerls
  21. What does your post mean????i am missing something
  22. yep is was one of a kind,,,,I am hungry lets do it again
  23. I just talked to Carole Madsen who does the Reatta Wear stuff for the club and she has 4 copies of the December Buick Bugle left if some one is wanting one. They are $10.00 and her phone number is 708-349-8878. It is first come first served. If you don't have one I think I would get one while you can. Chuck Kerls
  24. I would like to direct you to the Buick Bugle that was published in December of 2008 titled "Bringing the GM 33 to Life"by Nancy Eaton and Introducing the Buick Reatta by Barney Eaton. These articles were well written by Barney and Nancy and they are full of history of the Reatta. Carole Madsen might still have a copy if you would contact her. Her contact information is in the Reatta Newsletter. Also in that same month the Design and Engineering and the Development of the Reatta was discussed in an article written by Helen Hutchings. Lots of good info Chuck Kerls
  25. This weekend is Barney and Nancy's 50th year of marriage. Take a few minutes to visit the Buick General Forum and chime in. 50 years is quite an accomplishment. I am sure that they will enjoy hearing from everyone on the Reatta forum Thanks Chuck Kerls
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