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Everything posted by Booreatta

  1. I only wish I could be there, here I am sitting in 104 heat. I hope that everyone travels safely and have a good time. I am like Marck, I will see everybody in 2012. Somebody please post some photos of the meet, and enjoy the Rendezvous and Barney you and Nancy dont need to spend too much time at Sam Adams but have fun Chuck Kerls
  2. Go ahead and wave at the young girls, if they wave back it can only make your day better
  3. Dave I own Reattas for the same reason I own Mustangs and Riviers. With out these fine cars and the people who drive them I would be missing a lot of good friends that I have met in the past 25 years. The cars are cool but the people who drive them are so much cooler. We have a diverse bunch here on the forum and I truly believe that if you dont attend the Reatta functions then its only a used car. Some get it some dont. Happy 4th Chuck Kerls
  4. I just noticed a coiled up cargo strap in the trunk of the Reatta on ebay. If someone is looking for one you might contact the owner and see if they will part with it item #260810911152 I have not seen one for sale for quite a while Chuck
  5. I totally agree here. Ames Ia happened the way it did because no chapter wanted to do the national in 2010. It just happened to be a great meet. My hat is still off to Rick and Bill for a job well done, and the cruise to Jewell will be hard to beat. I have always enjoyed the Nationals and wish they could be a bit less expensive, but you cant put a price on friendship. I wish could attend this year but there is always next year. Try living in Kansas and your always 500 miles to anywhere. I might add there will most likely never be a national in Wichita Kansas
  6. Thanks I knew it had to be close.
  7. Anybody know when the new BCA roster is going to be out? I thought it was going to be May or June Chuck
  8. is it legal to just run a straight pipe??
  9. My cat converter has a horrible rattle. The question I have is what problem if any if I cut the guts out of the cat and re weld it shut. Could it cause other damage to the engine or what. no more than that car is driven I dont want to spend the bucks to replace the cat any pros or cons please3 Thanks Chuck Kerls
  10. Harry from what I remember there are torx screws under the vent panel. The small cracks that are in the front of the vent panel are caused by cowl flex even in the coupe. It might look llike pry crack at the clips but it most likely is not
  11. Well you may be correct, the last portfolio I saw sell was $225.00 and another couple of them the asking price was over $300.00. Dont know if they got that much money for them. I have seen a couple of signs sell for $500.00 the past few months, but they were asking $900.00 plus. I dont think they are getting that much. I dont need either one of those, but I will still buy the pewter model for $25.00 or so, OK I can wish Chuck
  12. Jim is that the large lighted sign? I have seen several of those for sale the past few months. Looks like there are a lot of them comming out of the woodwork lately. Several complete portfolio have surfaced lately also. It seems the price is going up on the portfolio and down on the sign.
  13. Roger Roger I agree 100% that the brickbats need to be put away. However when we are told that the Polo Green convertible was given to MSU the door was opened to find it. Two reasons is I want the correct information out there and not some mention of a car that may not be correct. It has the chance to devalue the cars that we all own. Years from now it can become fact like the Tucker Convertible. After 2 days on the phone to MSU I can be 99% sure the car was not and is not at MSU. I have names and depts that I have talked to and wil give that information to any one who wishes to contact me. I also will let it go on this forum. Does the green convertible play a role in the future? I have my doubts but I intend to keep searching. People who know me know that I wont let go. I want the facts and we will find them Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net 316-655-1099
  14. Hey Padgett I thought of that also, but I checked the mascots for Missouri, Montana, Maine, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Minnesota, Maryland. The mascot that was on the back of the seats was a Sparten and that only leaves Michigan. The only other thing could be a small college somewhere but I dont think that is a high probably. Thanks and the search will go on Chuck
  15. This thread is not intended to get anyone fired up but rather get all of the facts regarding the Green Convertible. I am in contact with Michigan State University and have gone thru the office of President, and there was not a contact there, from there I went to an office called Advancements and talked to Lynn Fast and she didnt know anything about the car. The advancement dept handles items that are granted to the university. She could not furnish any information about the car, but she did send me to a contact about transportation that the college has or has had. I have not been able to contact that person yet, but I will keep trying. Bottom line is if the car is out there I will find it. Time will tell. Personally I would like to find it and see the car, get the VIN and that will end the discussion. Then I can focus of who is burried in Grants Tomb I will keep everybody posted. Again if anybody has a photo send it to me
  16. Steve, I dont want to call anybody out on the forum group but I said in a post not too long ago that I was going to verify any statement that was ambiguous. The statement that "THE PROJECT ENGINEER THAT PROVIDED ME WITH THE BOOK CONFIRMED THAT GREEN CONVERTIBLES WERE INDEED PRODUCED". Like I promised I am asking for the engineers name. If you dont want to post it here PM the name. If that is not acceptable give him my information, I would like to ask several more questions. I am on a mission to get all the information out there Thanks Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net 316-655-1099
  17. Hey Tom did you say STUD? I had to answer to that Sorry Chuck
  18. Dang I wish I could make it this year. Have not missed one for a long time and I will miss it. I hope everybody has a great time and gets to learn a new language. I know Boston is fun. I will see everybody in 2012 Chuck Kerls Reatta Divison
  19. I have a 4 note set on My Riviera Convertible. They sound like a freight train. Very loud and very cool Chuck
  20. Reattagirl I would suggest you keep checking with the Reatta table in the lobby of the host hotel. They can give you up to date information about all of the Reatta stuff going on. The tour to Gloucester will most likely get back early, they usually do so you should have plenty of time to tidy up and make the Rendezvous as they usually start a little late. In either case I am sure that there will be others that have the same schedule. Keep checking with the Reatta Table they will give you the low down Have a great time Chuck Kerls
  21. That part is common to all Reatta's You should be able to find one from one of the parts guys on this forum. The Strut does have a plastic sleeve on the battery side due to the battery giving off a gas which will corrode the metal. I have also seen cars with the plastic sleeve on both sides, so I am not sure what is correct. Both of my cars only have the sleeve on the battery side. I would think that you would want to fix the convertible asap as the cowl shake that everyone talks about can cause cracks in the hard plastic parts of the dash cover. Chuck Kerls
  22. Its mostly because we have many fanatic folks that like the Reatta, and we have a good fight now and again Lots of good information shared here from everybody Chuck
  23. Make sure your trunk is closed and locked the tonneau switch wont work unless the trunk is locked. Just a thought
  24. Marck I had is made at a local sign shop. Any sign company with a vinyl machine can make one for you. Didnt cost a lot if I remember correctlyThere is a small line about 4 inches down from the top of the windshield and some states will issue a ticket if you put anything on the windshied that comes below that line. So if you have such a law make sure it will fit in the space allowed Chuck Kerls
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