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Everything posted by Booreatta

  1. As the sign I have seen says "SHUT UP, SIT DOWN, HANG ON" ahh to go back to the days when Big Daddy was racing, times were good and life easy. A really good time to be alive. Everybody I knew was into drag racing. It was fun then not a big business Chuck Kerls
  2. Derek, I think it is great that your daughter takes an interest in our car club. Her writing is very good but I must warn you she will lay claim on Reatta if you are not careful. LOL Tell her to keep up the great work and you too Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net
  3. Got the package on Friday ,,,,,,Thanks Barney Chuck Kerls
  4. Yes sir great looking ride,,,,I see your have been bitten by the Reatta BUG Have fun Chuck Kerls
  5. Ok I know that this will cause a good deal of argument, but when my 90 only cooled and was not cold, still running R12 I simply used freeze 12. That was a year ago and it is still going strong. I figured that at some point in time I would need to either replace the R12 with R134a and a new compressor or use R12 which is pricy around here or prolong the agony and use freeze12. Mine works fine for the time being. Good luck Chuck Kerls
  6. There is a site to register your car, it lists only Riviera convertibles by year, you might want to get yours registered if havent already and you can see who else has one. THe site is www.rivieraconvertible.com/registry kinda neet Chuck Kerls
  7. WOW I was totally appaled today when I took my convertible to a tire shop due to a slow leak in a front tire. I left it and walked to my office which was 2 blocks away. Around noon I walked back to pick up my car which was done and there were two guys who are working on constructing a new building behind the tire shop and they were sitting on a couple of stools with their lunch spread out on the hood of MY car. I hit the roof and as a God fearing guy that I am, went off. The chances of me getting into heaven are pretty slim right now. The shop owner took care of everything and the car was not damaged, but for the life of me I cant believe some people. I was hot and have not totally cooled off yet. Not a good day in Reatta Land Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net
  8. You dont even need to contact the BCA office, that information is available on line at buickclub.org you will find it under the tab that is labeled documents. All of the information is there. Good luck Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net
  9. these have been sold Thanks Chuck Kerls
  10. I have one new set of floor mats in tan. These are new and still in the plastic wrap from .GM. I have owned these for quite a while and am asking $135.00 plus $15.00 shipping. These are OEM GM. Contact me at booreatta@cox.net
  11. I voted no.....We need to remember that this forum is owned by the AACA and not the BCA or the Reatta Division or a Reatta group. We are their guests so it would be up to them to set policy. I have talked to a lot of people over the years and most of them tell me the reason they dont post is because they dont feel like they know enough to make a contribution. Lets face it we have a lot of very knowledgable folks here and when a question is asked they get answers very quickly. The Reatta forum is the most active forum on the AACA website. If you have something to sell, post it and good luck. Chuck Kerls
  12. isnt experience wonderful, it lets you recognize a mistake when you make it again??????????? Chuck Kerls
  13. I asked myself the same question so I did a little research and what I was able to find out the Tourer is very simular to the Phaeton. Wickipedia defines 'Tourer as an open car with four or five seats. Tourers may have 2 or 4 doors. Often the belt line is lowered in the front doors to give the car a more sportive character. They are usually equipped with a folding roof and side cuurtains" Chuck Kerls
  14. I did some research on the topic of Phaeton several years ago and the term came from carriages before the Automobile. When the car came around it was used for mostly 4 door open cars with side curtins and no roll up windows. There are however several phaetons that were 2 door. Example of the Ford model A180 in 1930 it was a 2 door phaeton with sidemounts. Another example of a phaeton was an open car with the folding top folding outside the body of the car in the back. Bottom line would appear the term has been used loosly over the years. So if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it could be a phaeton Chuck Kerls
  15. Marck I agree with what you are saying but I would hate to be the guy who paid $300.00 for old used center caps only to find out later that I had been taken advantage of. I would think that someone would have come forward with the facts. Ignorance is not an excuse to just stand by and let someone devalue the Reatta and use profit as a reason. I have higher standards Chuck Kerls
  16. Another attempt to embelish the value of a common item in an attempt to inflate the value of a common Reatta Item. These people should be removed from ebay. What is wrong with telling the truth. We all know what this item is worth and we as owners of Reatta have obligation to make sure that newer owners are not taken by the slum lords of our hobby Chuck Kerls
  17. I sent you a PM Thanks Chuck Kerls
  18. Marck I sent you an email of several photos if you want to use them Chuck Kerls
  19. I refinished a door on a sapphire blue car using code 83 DuPont. Sprayed, sanded and re cleared. Perfect match. Beautiful color when done Any body shop that has a paint color match machine can help you if they will. Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net
  20. [Well done -- and reading the Bugle is the next best thing to being there! Totally agree. This was a first rate editon. I really enjoy the prewar cars, what an interesting era of car manufacturing. Really good article on the 1933 Model 67.. Pete has a way of putting it all together. Good Job Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox,net
  21. Jon sent you a pm Chuck booreatta@cox.net
  22. If you go back to the Bugle that was published in December of 2008 there is six sketches of the Reatta. It is in an article written by Nancy Eaton called "Bringing the GM 33 to Life" There is also a photo of a Red/Red convertible in that article. David McIntosh is sitting in that car. Its a good article and good photos. Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net 316-655-1099
  23. Bryan I totally agree with you, if you have seen the vin and other proof then talk to Steve again and have him post the proof. IT IS THE ONLY WAY THIS WILL END. We all need to stop playing 3 year old games and settle this thing once and far all. Chuck Kerls
  24. Way too close for me to call, lets see if we can get the vin off of that car. Somebody on this forum knows where that car is at> Lets get all of the information.
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