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Everything posted by Booreatta

  1. WOW Bud Light lime on the rocks with a WD 40 spritzer makes for one slick drink;) Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net
  2. If I remember correctly there was also a motion on the table from Nancy Eaton for the RDiv to pay the bill to move the car. I dont know if the officers ever voted on that or not. The other few bucks might have to come from there. When you have time why dont you post the names of the folks who donated just dont post the amounts. the person that sent just a few bucks are as important who sent big checks. Set a date and close the bank. That will set the deadline. Ed thanks for taking care of this Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net
  3. Nice Bugle good coverage of the GS nationals. Several really good articles also Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net
  4. Dave you are 100% correct. The money that most members of the discussion group has saved must amount to a TON of bucks. What with Barney, Ronnie, Jim, Padgett and all of the parts vendors an awful lot of money is saved to keep our cars running. I know that Ronnie has challanged all parts vendors to send a check, but I will take it one step further. If you have used the free advise on the discussion, take the time to send a check. If everyone who has used this forum sends a check today we will reach our goal this weekend. Lets all make it happen Chuck Kerls
  5. Marck I totally agree with you and the issue of cost will have to be worked out but I am sure it can be. My suggestion to you is work something out and present it to the current Board at the National meet this summer in Charlotte. A good and fair program could be worked out. Thanks for the donation, I am sure that a lot of folks will follow yours and Ronnie's lead for the vendors. Thanks lets rock and roll Chuck Kerls
  6. Ya know I am like Barney I hear a lot of talk but only a hand full of folks have stepped up to send a check. I personally would hate to see the Reatta Division foot the bill when everybody even non members will enjoy the chance to see this car. I know a lot of people on this fourm are not members for one reason or another, but lets all pull together now and make the commitment to get this done. If you own and like the Reatta step up and be counted. There is no one out there that cant afford a few dollars to save this car. You dont have to pledge or send $100.00 just send $10.00. Save a few bucks at lunch and send some to Ed for the car. I mailed my check yesterday By this time next monday I think we could meet the goal that is needed to get the car to the museum. Come on guys and gals lets get this going Thanks Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net
  7. This car is a must save, I will send Ed money also. We have a lot of Reatta Division members that I know will contribute and a lot of non Reatta Club members the I know will step up to this cause. In 50 years this car could be held in high honor like the Buick Y Job. They only make 1 or 2 protos and we could are the ones who will save this bit of history. Please if you can send a check or money order to Ed Farnell no matter how much. With as many Reatta owners as we have it should not take more than a week or two to get to our goal of $1900.00. I am mailing a check today I will ask Ed for Names not amounts so we can send information to Pete Phillips so he can publish this effort in the Buick Bugle so the Reatta and their owners get some "Credit" for this project. If you wishnot to have your name listed, no problem. Just send money I know that Kinglsley and Barney both have spent a lot of hours working on this project, Thanks for your efforts. As was stated in the Barney post above in the event the project falls thru your money will be returned. Thanks Chuck Kerls
  8. I was just looking thru the Membership roster and ran across a couple of members that live in Marysville Indiana. From seeing the videos of the damage that town was completely leveled. I dont know about any of the other towns in the 12 states affected but I hope that all of our members are safe and I hope they get all of the help needed to recover. It brings back terrible memories when my family went thru tornado damage in 1991 in Wichita. Our damage was not totaled like they are facing with this outbreak. Thinking back to all of the help that we had my heart goes out to the people who live in these 12 states. If anyone hears from any member that has been affected post it here to keep every body informed. The Buick Club is a family when times are tough. Please keep these people in your thoughts and prayers, they will need all of the help they can get Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net
  9. Just saw the videos of Marysville In and there is not a single building that still stands. Very Very sad. Just cant imagine where those people who live there are now. Now is see some damage from NC. Anybody hearing from any of our members from Indiana, Ky, NC and any other areas please post so we know our friends are all ok There are 12 states that have been affected. Chuck Kerls
  10. Lets all hope and pray that he was spared the horible storms and all is well. It just looks like there is a lot of damage and it will be a long recovery period. Chuck Kerls
  11. And nobody gets in to see the wizzard, not nobody not no how From the WIZZARD OF OZ Its a horse of a different color Chuck
  12. Tom no reason to apologize I am sure everybody here thanks you for you work for the Reatta over the past years. Wind can do some evil things ask anybody in kansas. I lost a house to the wind several years ago, never did find it from the 1991 tornado
  13. Its just simple math but as the price of gas goes down will speed up the recovery and as it goes up it will stall the recovery Its reality that there is only so much money in everyones budget to go around. Credit cards will once again be the cushion that will absorb the cost increase. the amout of credit on personal credit cards will determine the depth of the damage to the recovery
  14. I am trying this again, but back in the 1970's there was an air horn made by Jubileair some where in Nebraska. It was an air horn with a compressor and changable disks that would play different notes. I have been looking for some of the disks. I still have the horn but only have one disk. Any body have any info I would appreciate it Thanks Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net
  15. I am looking for information on the CB option that was available in 1984. Was the CB part of the radio or was it a different piece. Where did it hook up and was the antenna different from the standard antenna. does any one have one to sell? Any information would be appreciated Thanks Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net
  17. That black belt is another item that all coupe owners should have. I have not seen any of them for sale anywhere for the last several years. There was quite a scramble for them before that. I wonder where they all went. How many people that have a coupe dont have them? Chuck Kerls
  18. Kevin did you see where the Heartland Regional is going to be held in the StLouis area in September. Hopefully some Reattas in the area will register and go to the meet. I hope things work out and we might try to make the meet also Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net
  19. This car was built by Rick Starbird, the son of Darrel Starbird the bubble top king. Rick built it in 1990 from an 89 coupe and he used it as a show car advertising his body shop in Derby Kansas. The front and rear were changed and rear wheel openings were restyled and flairs added, but the interior was left stock. Rick changed the name on the car to Riatta. The car was used as a daily driver around the Wichita Kansas area for several years and was repainted House of Color "True Blood Red" and donated to the Starbird Rod and Custom Museum in Afton Oklahoma. There is lots of history at the museum and features rod and custom builders. including George Barris, Gene Winfield, Bill Cushenberry, Boyd Coddington, Ed Roth and many others. Chuck Kerls booratta@cox.net
  20. What a nice article in January magazine on Tom Mix Cord. I was really nice to see the car has been restored in Kansas, where it will have a good home. Hope to see it sometime at a show here
  21. I wanted to let everybody on the forum and in the Reatta Cub that April,s mother passed away on January 24th. Her mother had been ill for some time. For those of you who dont know April and Ron are the newsletter editors for the club. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers at this difficult time April can be reached at her email address wwdhms@aol.com Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net
  22. Rick true you have to be touching the fender but you cant call shotgun for the entire night. its a call as you go situation
  23. not as drunk as some thinkle peep any way we will have all day sober to sunday up in, the drunker you stand there the longer you get. OH MY Chuck Kerls
  24. I am sure that the smoke in the deep south is from tobacco not what they were smoking at a Steppenwolf Concert in 69. Is a hooka the same as a bong... Chuck Kerls
  25. no designated driver or designated decoy take your pick Chuck
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