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Leif Holmberg

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Everything posted by Leif Holmberg

  1. You are right Dosmo 1952 looks right. Leif in Sweden.
  2. Ford Mercury Monterey 1953 with a modified front bumper. Leif in Sweden.
  3. Here are the exakt one in a Swedish Volvo PV. https://www.google.com/search?biw=1342&bih=710&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=GncXXMTqM8OcsgHT-auwBA&q=volvo+pv++banjo+steering+wheel&oq=volvo+pv++banjo+steering+wheel&gs_l=img.3...33672.34963..35297...0.0.. Leif in Sweden
  4. The angle between the cowl and bonnet-hood are wrong ,the radiator are probebly 1-1.5" too high (2-4 cm.)in my opinion. Leif in Sweden.
  5. The door molding looks right on Stoewer too,as well as the higher monted head lights and rounded radiator schrud. Leif in Sweden.
  6. Looks to be a Horch 1931-1932 Mod.420 3 litres.
  7. Thanks RODW. But not interrested in this years book.Looking for 1924-1927 years books. Leif in Sweden
  8. Those 7 seat cars as Plymouth,Dodge and Chevrolet was common here in Sweden as Taxi cars from late 1930s up to early 1950s. Leif in Sweden
  9. https://www.google.se/search?q=Dodge+Charger+Roadster+Concept+Car+(1964)&oq=Dodge+Charger+Roadster+Concept+Car+(1964)&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Leif in Sweden.
  10. Never ever heard of Buick Imperial here in Sweden,and I don`t think they have heard that in the rest of Europa ether. Leif in Sweden.
  11. I agree Ben,how hard is it tell what paint Larry and maybe other should use? Leif in Sweden.
  12. Here are the Dynaflow for each year,there can probebly be used a lot of parts from year to year. 1956 and after there are different splines on the universal join. The first year with the same Dynaflow on all models are 1956. Leif in Sweden.
  13. If you want any help just put pictures of what you pictured! Leif in Sweden.
  14. Huge. It dosen`t matter how the marking are on the water pump gear are stamped ,you have to adjust the timing on the distributor anyway. I think those "water pump"gears probebly has been stamped after they had been put in place.? The only importent thing are that gears on the crank and cam gears are puted together in right possition.(No matter how about pump gears are .) Leif in Sweden.
  15. After 93 years my car still has the original top as well as the leather on the seats.New painted in 1969. Leif in Sweden.
  16. Here are a picture from Motor Care and Operation Standard models 1925. Leif in Sweden.
  17. KWalker. If you want some help don`t start here.Start your own new topic that are yours. Your questions will be hard to find here under 1925 Buick coupe topic. Leif in Sweden.
  18. Larry and Huge. I have never seen that leather ring on the hood latches on any of my Buicks. Can`t find anything in my parts books eather? Leif in Sweden
  19. NZ Buick. I have been thinking of this way to fix the lifters too,but I don’t think it will work.I think roller bearings could work but not ball bearings just becuse of the small area on a ball when press on it. I think you shoud ask anyone to count on it! Leif in Sweden
  20. It looks like 1919-1920s K-H models. Leif in Sweden.
  21. Still waiting for help,I`l pay with Paypal. Leif in Sweden.
  22. Still waiting for help,I`l pay with Paypal. Leif in Sweden.
  23. Still waiting for help,I`l pay with Paypal. Leif in Sweden.
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