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Leif Holmberg

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Everything posted by Leif Holmberg

  1. The closet I can find are coach built Stoewer ,it has the right number of 5 rim bolts as well as the rivets in the wheel center in front and rear.Not the right model but the only one I found.
  2. Need your help with this car,what is it and year? Picture taken in Sweden.
  3. Never seen that number on a SKF bearing?How about to measure the bearing?
  4. Looks to anything to the radioantenna? On-Off maybe?
  5. https://www.facebook.com/groups/197491484165115/?__cft__[0]=AZUO5wxX5gB_PLyZe1t02sSDGsB-MJxOIeadG83DjxMCT_guZZOsmAqIrdKHeLe8c6Jz8b73Nj9lIpXmJQ-6pxLqe6zmPmEJKJWKDxRQnOOqZNOZ-hCT8Bc_b8TvmYP6pTfI9rBPENExA8BzaNJkxRCil7_GKvghwgCz3un1rPsqS9a9UXAd9ltdq9PuCUCDtX4&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R Just scroll down a little bit!
  6. This car has been a 4-5 person touring car and what I can see it has nothing to do with Onions cars ? https://www.google.com/search?q=onion+car+1915&rlz=1C1AVFC_enSE892SE892&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjs45aM_u3uAhXroosKHU2LAL4Q_AUoAXoECA8QAw&biw=1920&bih=880
  7. If looking at Standard Catalog of Amerikan Cars 1805-1942 you find a lot of info.about Palmer Singer.
  8. Here are the answer I got from Gemany. We suspect that the vehicle in the picture is a Benz 39/100 PS runabout. You can access details on this series via this link: https://mercedes-benz-publicarchive.com/marsClassic/en/instance/ko.xhtml?oid=4353
  9. Thanks Stude17. That Benz looks very close to the car on my "what is it"question.
  10. I have just being looking at that car myself,but can`t find any one else close to this.
  11. https://www.facebook.com/mcfarlan1924/photos/411008639566652 https://www.imcdb.org/v975956.html
  12. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.worthpoint.com%2Fworthopedia%2Fchampion-spark-plug-aero-vintage-525594751&psig=AOvVaw1Anx1JZl5NYfozF4DdNbtK&ust=1610882234171000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjhxqFwoTCJj90peqoO4CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD
  13. Looks Cadillac 1950s wheel to me maybe earlier too?
  14. 1922 Willys Knight looks right to me. nzcarnerd thanks for your help.
  15. Thanks nz,but one of the problem are the cowl lights on the car i asked about.
  16. What are the car to the right? The fenders look Nash but the hood looks wrong. The left car is a Durant 1924-35.
  17. Thanks to all of you and Merry Cristmas to you too.
  18. Need help on this "hub cap" what is it.
  19. It`s probebly a 1927 but as I sad the aluminum cowl list dosen`t seems to be right to me? I know the US built cars didn`t have that list in 1926-1927,and at the moment I`m working with a 1926 Canadian built cowl and it didn`t have that list eather?
  20. 1925 Standard model Canadian built. I agree it can be a 1927 but the Aluminum cowl list-molding ended in 1925,the Canadian built Buick McLaughlin had the head light bar(licens bar) below the head lights some years before the US built Buicks.The radiator maskot are for sure 1927.
  21. As "sagefinds"say the Liberty 1920s are the right car for those cowl lights.
  22. There must a way to fix a better resulotion of the photo?
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