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Leif Holmberg

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Everything posted by Leif Holmberg

  1. If remember right the 3rd tubes light switch will hold the gears on place,that will made it easier to remove the levels at the steering wheel? Leif in Sweden.
  2. Looks Buick mid-1950s or possibly Cadillac, too. I have one on my 1956 Buick. Leif in Sweden
  3. You need to remove at least the upper level,the best way is that another people hold the rods on place at the other end of the steering column.That will prevent the gears to be in the wrong possitions. Leif in Sweden.
  4. This looks close to the one in my 1919-1920 H-K parts book. Leif in Sweden.
  5. The nicled tube are for side curtins sitting in the doors or on the body,just to put the curtiens rod in, Leif in Sweden
  6. Yes,it looks to be a 1923 Nash. Leif in sweden.
  7. This type of cowl light has been on the forum before, but without any help-answer.There most be someone out there that knows what car it belongs to? It has a treaded bezel ring. Normal mid-1920 cowl lights size. My thought has been Cadillac close to 1920 but no one has confirmed that? Leif in Sweden.
  8. Take your rear window an went to a glass shop and they will help you to cut a new one easy-eye.That´s the way we often do in Sweden. Leif in Sweden.
  9. Wire wheels in 1923 Buick 6 cyl. Parts Book. Leif in Sweden.
  10. 1929 Huppmobile and maybe year around that! Leif in Sweden.
  11. Here I found the plate on ebay,cost a furtune.? https://www.ebay.com/itm/Buick-Patent-Plate-1909-1926-acid-etched-aluminum/201000283886?hash=item2ecc8ceeee:g:-XIAAOxy2LJRDL1O&vxp=mtr Leif in Sweden.
  12. Don`t know the price on this one from AU I think,I have seen those on ebay for a lot of $ close to $200? I bought one from Argentina if remember right for arond $10-20. http://gooderestorations.com.au/services/buick-id-plates-and-transfers/ Leif in Sweden.
  13. Really hope it don`t happend on your car Beemon. I was a little bit prepared just becuse I had heard a "klick" when put the level on rear for many years?But I couldn`t imagen it was the splines,but anyway 10 years ago I bought a rear axle from a 1957 Super-Roadmaster to put in my shed! After the dissaster happends I had to use the 1957 rear axle after some cutting and welding just becuse it didn`t fit as a "bult on".From 1957 there are 1 more universal joint than 1956,and I hope this will help to unload the splines? On my Roadmaster I had to add arond 3-4" on the 1957 inner and outer tubes. Leif in Sweden.
  14. This is what happend on my 1956 and a lot of others 1956 Buicks here in Sweden as well. Leif in sweden.
  15. No one who can help with a broken or bent deck bar to use as a pattern ? The inside deck bar 1927-54 are the same as the inside 1928-54. In that case there most be a very little differans between the outer 1927 and the outer 1928? (different parts number) Leif in Sweden.
  16. Different splines after 1955.(And 1956 has a really bad kind of splines.) Leif in Sweden.
  17. Here are the place where to find the "tag" on the cowl. Picture of the model you have,scanned from the really good and useful book"70 Yeras of Buick,by George H Dammann That`s a very rare model of a 1923 Buick. Leif in Sweden.
  18. 1923 first year with that type of fenders. Leif in Sweden
  19. https://www.google.se/search?tbm=isch&tbs=rimg%3ACe0z8Szp19nNIjj-Zad9MFGAktwqVWWMj0N7B1YevyaHgN4qtuXW4Q_1puuIl5OWmUBsUu295deQYKB_1B30sqlAmZ-ioSCf5lp30wUYCSEUNj95Ly7qd5KhIJ3CpVZYyPQ3sRVIj69h_18shwqEgkHVh6_1JoeA3hEA7n0sBODjgCoSCSq25dbhD-m6EbuexPT4JxLzKhIJ4iXk5aZQGxQRYBrG5ZN1mjYqEgm7b3l15BgoHxGwysPGyiJi3SoSCcHfSyqUCZn6EQCJw7Qf7_1NE&q=hood mascots pontiac&cad=h Look at this ,maybe you will find it?????? Leif in Sweden.
  20. I had a telephonecall from the man i Finland today and he was very pleased with the pictures he got of the deck bars parts. But now I`m wondering if anyone have a broken 1927-54 deck bar that can be used as a pattern for casting those deck bar parts? The man in Finland is not a god "computer man"! Therefor I ask the question just to help him. Leif in Sweden.
  21. You can use parts up to 1955 and get a lover ratio,after 1955 there are a different splines. Leif in Sweden.
  22. Yes I know that,but that wasn`t the question from the beginning,the question is where on the metering pin it is used.(I should have written where 27/32" on the metering is it used!) Leif in Sweden.
  23. No problem,everything can be fixed in one or another way,just figure out how! Leif in Sweden.
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