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Leif Holmberg

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Everything posted by Leif Holmberg

  1. looks close to Gardner,misstake from me no Gardner what I can see,but here are a similar head light bezel.
  2. nzcarnerd,My first thougt was Chevrolet too,but when looked at the wheel I think there are more than 4 wheel bolts ,it looks to be 6?(I found a small truck Chev 24 with 6 wheel bolts) Leif in Sweden.
  3. As "just me" say, Reo 1908 looks right. Leif in Sweden.
  4. J F Franklin your steering are for Buick 1926-1927.Standard or Master? Leif in Sweden
  5. Hi Vintman,when looking at this radiator emblem and neck it looks close to Vinot Deguingand.The car was registered on the owner Johan Lundholm 29 Aug.1911 as X101 here in Sweden.(looks like X104 on the sign but it`s X101) But it`s hard to find a similar Vinot D. on the web.Yes the radiator looks a bit different! Leif in Sweden.
  6. The car has a note in the paper notes as a Krit car,but I don`t think so just becuse of the "rektangular" shape instead of the rond Krit emblem on the radiator,even the doors looks wrong for Krit. ? Leif in Sweden.
  7. You are right Craig,it`s a Mors probebly 1912-1913.Picture from the Swedish AHK Mässing Nickel sektion(brass-nickel).Tre bilar som var med i tidningen Julstämnings turistfärd för pristagare och agenter 1912. Den märka bilen till vänster med registreringsnummer A1621 är en Mors. Även den ljusa bilen till höger med registreringsnummer A1501 är en Mors. Den inregistrerades den 2 februari och ägdes av Erik Åkerlund. Bilen i mitten är Erik Åkerlunds Daimler Phaeton som inregistrerades den 31 maj och tilldelades igenkänningsmärke A1635. Ser det inte som att det hänger delar av bilkarosser i bakgrunden? Leif Holmberg har hjälpt till med uppgifter. Bilden har varit publicerad i Autohistorica 2/69.(2013-06-18) Leif in Sweden.
  8. Looks close to this 1906 Cottereau but not right . Publicerats i Autohistorica 2/81.AHK Sweden. Leif in Sweden.
  9. nzcarnerd,cant find any pictures close to this question of Scania,Scania Vabis or Vabis.To me the car look English made? Leif in Sweden.
  10. No Mors at all as I can see.Craig,do you have a photo of Mors close to this question 2. My thought was Scania,and I have sent a letter to the Scania Vabis Museum 2 weeks ago but no answer so far! But I don`t think it´s a Scania after all Googling I have done. Leif in Sweden.
  11. A friend of mine have this photo but what is it. Leif in Sweden.
  12. A friend of mine have this photo but what is it. The car to the left is Overland 1920-1924 Leif in Sweden.
  13. A friend of mine have this photo but what is it. Leif in Sweden.
  14. A friend of mine have this photo but what is it. Leif in Sweden.
  15. You should ask what make of engine it is,probebly not a 1929 chevrolet engine when the car are in Cuba! Leif in Sweden
  16. You have attached a photo on your first input a week ago ,but you haven`t answer my question in that input? Leif in Sweden.
  17. If you have a 1929 Chevrolet you probebly need 6 spark plugs? Tell vere you live,maybe that will made it easier for you to find what you are looking for? Leif in Sweden.
  18. Take a look if you will find it here?https://www.google.com/search?biw=1707&bih=804&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=a3pAXO_5AejDrgSk2piYCw&q=maxwell+1909&oq=maxwell+1909&gs_l=img.3.1.0i8i30l2.59449.60577..60938...0.0.. Leif in Sweden
  19. Looks close to Morris 1936-1937,but this car dosen`t seems to have "suisides"doors as most of the Morris have,?and it seems to be a 2 seat coupe model as well.Body built in AU? Leif in Sweden.
  20. You are right Saltbush,it`s a Cleveland probebly 1925. Leif in Sweden.
  21. Why are you changing the pistons,broken or what???????? They looks really good in the picture. Leif in Sweden.
  22. There are 2 size of engines 248cu in,and 320 cu in.Try this if your engine is a 248 cu in..https://www.kanter.com/content/Buick/kanter_Buick_1949_Engine_Parts_5793.html Leif in Sweden.
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