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Leif Holmberg

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Everything posted by Leif Holmberg

  1. Kean. Your hub cap looks to be different? Leif in Sweden.
  2. Thanks Gunsmoke and jrbarlett. The wheel will be picked up next week by a friend of mine 500 miles from here,but I don`t think I will have the wheel at home before the end of the summer? But I hope I can have some photos taken by the girl that will pic up the wheels. Leif in Sweden.
  3. Info.from the seller is 10 lug holes and all of them has a lock ring.The pictures are not the very best,really hard to see how many holes there are on the picture,but of course it would be easier it it was 8 holes?.Anyway,I took a chanse and bought them anyway,but they are close to 500 miles from where I live. Leif in Sweden
  4. Kean Thanks. I think you are right,the seller told me the total diameter is 22" that`s why I thought it was a 21" wheel? He also say it is 10 lug holes,but just wonder if it is lug holes or steering holes?To me it looks to be a wheel with an inner hub? just becuse of the "wide" hole in the middle? It very much looks like your picture of a Packard wheel. Have been looking in my catalog but couldn`t find any with 10 lug holes. What make of wire wheels used Packard normaly? In 1926-1927 it seems to be Budd in my catalog. Could it be for a commercial vehicle? Leif in Sweden.
  5. How about Lincoln 1932-1933.The hub caps are close?
  6. Anyone have a clue what kind of car those 21" I think wheels will fit there are 10 holes for the steering up to the center? Seems to have "lockring" I have no more measuring of the wheels so far. Leif in Sweden.
  7. Not a Buick gauge of any year. Leif in Sweden.
  8. The filler tube on wrong side too.But the car in question seems to have a tube between the frames? Leif in Sweden.
  9. This 1929 looks close!http://classiccardb.com/nash/144239-1929-nash-440-barnfind-5-passenger-sedan.html Leif in Sweden.
  10. But the question for me,what make of car is`t just to be 100% sure? Not sure about an Opel! Leif in Sweden.
  11. Here are a picture just outside the Olympiad Stadion in Stockholm in 1912.Just where the car was pictured. Leif in Sweden.
  12. Thanks Varun Coutinho. I have copied and reversed as well,also asked on the facebook side Mässing Nickel here in Sweden if it this picture are taken outside of the Stockholm Stadion? When looking at the "bricks" Varan:s picture is right . Leif in Sweden
  13. How about NSU.http://www.massingnickel.se/orgnsu.html
  14. I think this`s an Overland hood year? Look at the hood on this Overland 1914 just as en example of an Overland hood.
  15. No Buick of any kind.I would say Maxwell 1920-1921,take a look at the windshield stantion,the runningboard splaspan ,front frame very stright,radiator top shape,those things are very close to Maxwell.
  16. The parts book say the right ones for model 44 and 45. Part no.41715
  17. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1AVFC_enSE859SE860&q=osca+racing+car&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlpqPVp_bnAhWu-yoKHX9mDkgQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1920&bih=937
  18. Thanks Ariejan. I still waiting for a better resolution of the photo from the owner of the photo.
  19. Claes G Norström was registred on A4750 15/5 1920, but the 3/7 1920 the car was removed from the register. 40 hk and 6 pers.+driver. He was also registred on A3315 in 1915 ,no other info on this car.Maybe the same car but the number could have been changed in 1916 as many other cars at that time here in Sweden.?
  20. Oakland 1925-1926 looks more right to me,
  21. Thanks Vintman. I`l try googling. Leif in Sweden.
  22. Got these two pictures photo from a friend. He is wondering what car it is? Sorry about the resulotion. Leif in Sweden
  23. How about Commonwelth ? http://www.massingnickel.se/orgcommonwealth.html
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