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Leif Holmberg

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Everything posted by Leif Holmberg

  1. Kean Thompson ,without doupt Buick Master.
  2. With some more pictures from inside too,it will be easier to identyfiy.
  3. My thought was Hupmobile too but couldn`t find a Hup cowl similar to that cowl.Has probebly been a 4-5 seat car from the beginning?
  4. Thanks Ariejan NL. It looks like the car X1110 was registred the 9/6 1921 by the big boss K F Göransson working for Sandvikens Jernverk.The model was 16-45 in my register and that`s the only Mercedes in the area close to where I live. I thougt it was the end of the car life but after this picture it was sold to Stockholm and got A7137 as reg.number. What do you think,could it be a 1920s Mercedes or close to that?The rear fenders looks newer than 1914-1915s Mercedes?
  5. If you PFindley are looking at the page above AreijanNL at earlyamerikanautomobiles 1906 you will find the very right car and year?
  6. https://www.earlyamericanautomobiles.com/1906.htm Looks close to the first car on this page 1906.
  7. Need hep with this car make and year if possible.Looks to be a "spetskyler". Photo from Sweden.
  8. You are right,it could be a modified model T.https://www.hemmings.com/stories/article/a-cooler-cooler
  9. I agreee,it has a Maxwell look arond 1918 but exept from the head lights,wheel hubs, fenders ,runningboard,radiator shrud ,it looks lika a "home made body". Rear end looks like a "speedster type".
  10. Hi Jon. I´m interested to indentifing 1900-1930s cars since I got my computer 20 years ago,that`s the reason I help you as well as a lot of others espessally on AACA. Leif in Sweden.
  11. Looks like a 1928 Chevrolet with head lights similar to Edmond and Jones options?
  12. You my think its an Studebaker but in my eays it`s a 1927 Willys Knight ? https://www.google.com/search?q=usa+made+cars+1927+willys+knight&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjNgonJsOD0AhWJqIsKHdgQCoQQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=usa+made+cars+1927+willys+knight&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1CeAljmC2DADmgAcAB4AIABUYgBzgGSAQEzmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=Kwe3YY3BCYnRrgTYoaigCA&bih=880&biw=1920&rlz=1C1AVFC_enSE892SE892#imgrc=KY5ZUU97t_eJUM
  13. How about Empire 1910? https://www.google.com/search?q=empire+model+b++runabout+1910&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi99O307sf0AhUJwioKHRW0DVEQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=empire+model+b++runabout+1910&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoGCAAQCBAeUIYFWLtUYI9eaABwAHgAgAFkiAGODZIBBDIzLjGYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=GC2qYb2IIImEqwGV6LaIBQ&bih=937&biw=1920&rlz=1C1AVFC_enSE892SE892
  14. https://www.conceptcarz.com/z26171/societe-parisienne-victoria-combination.aspx
  15. Loooks right with Adler but probebly not the same year on the cars? Thanks MassingNickel.
  16. Undrar just om det kan vara en Opel kring 1920?Skärmarnas form påminner om detta? Kolla på "Swedish Brasscarsida" på en Opel 1919 kylare som påminner om denna?
  17. https://www.motortrend.com/features/1940-ford-pickup-homebuilt-friends-family/ 1940 Ford DeLuxe grille.
  18. Four SomE,mine had a PONTIAC sign. Aftermarked in my opinion!
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