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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. DCE...Moved here. You may also want to continue posting in the Dodge Forum for more exposure. Up to you. Regards, Peter J.
  2. DCE...Welcome to the AACA Forum. After so many postings (I believe in the neighborhood of 20 replies/threads) you automatically become a senior member. Regards, Peter J.
  3. Tom...Welcome to the AACA Forum. I did a "Search" of past threads on leather (click on Search in the header bar above). This link had some good suggestions: http://forums.aaca.org/f144/leather-care-conditioning-softening-etc-302246.html Regards, Peter J.
  4. That is nice that you met those gents, YellowBird. Did they find any old vehicle parts?
  5. msmazol...Great! By far I am not a Divco expert however Bob and Patti Giles are the epitomy of what a Divco stands for within milk delivery trucks. They have an absolutely beautiful Galliker's Dairy Divco and dress to the hilt with detailed attire. Hopefully Bob will chime in. If not send me a PM and I will get you in contact with him. Regards, Peter J.
  6. Susan. I have never seen a "reduced registration fee" in the Judging Class for a DNJ. My thoughts on this that have been shared by others, too, on the forum and in conversation at meets. Cannot confirm this however it has always been suspect that some DNJ vehicles in the Judging Classes enter at full registration price simply to "park" so they do not have to walk a bit from the spectator parking lots. As for placing DNJ vehicles in the judging area I cannot understand why. The club instituted the DPC (Driver Participation Class) and HPOF (Historical Preservation of Original Features) to accomodate these very interesting vehicles. My problem with DNJ is it causes more work for the judging teams not to mention confusion of specators not familiar with the AACA procedures. This is compounded at large meets. Simply put, if one does not desire to have a vehicle judged then please participate in the applicable class (DPC or HPOF in this thread's topic). All the classes have been designed so everyone has a venue to show and chat. Regards, Peter.
  7. Clark, Welcome to the AACA Forum. Moved your query from the "Forum Questions" area as it is for website navigational questions/problems. Regards, Peter J.
  8. Joe, Welcome to the AACA Forum. Moved your query here from the "Forum Questions" which is for web site navigational problems, etc. Regards, Peter J.
  9. Bill, God bless a wonderful person I knew in life. I lack proper words tonight. My sincere thoughts and prayers go out to Steve's family. It must have been very hard for you to make this post. Peter J.
  10. Roger, On the Home Page directly above the rotating photos (i.e.--the light blue convertible) you will see the gold header bar.
  11. Hi, Roger. On the Home Page in the gold colored header you will see "Community". Place your cursor on it and a drop down box shows. You will see "Junior AACA". As for a forum for Juniors it was in development some years ago however remains on-hold. Regards, Peter J.
  12. Steve, Getting this back to the topic. Check for 5 tickets in the mail. Regards, Peter.
  13. veridian6...Welcome to the Forum. Moved your thread here for more exposure. Regards, Peter J.
  14. Hi, Ken. I am sure they would look nice and shiny however not as they left the factory for judging purposes. That is why I want the original bolts that still have the heat treat and/or standard bolt markings. In the New Bern AGNM case I noted below the gent with the late 1960's Triumph could have received point deductions if he had removed the bolt markings. Regards, Peter.
  15. Hi, Dave. You are not wearing out your welcome. Our officers welcome any and all queries. Reference my error previously of noting Hulon instead of Herb may have come from an instance I had at the AGNM in New Bern. Hulon used my 1972 TR6 to investigate a late 1960's Triumph question about proper bolts after another participant challenged about correct bolts. My car has never been taken apart and remains the way it was since I bought it in 1972. The question in my case here was heat treated bolts used on the steering wheel shaft vs. non-heat treated body bolts in the engine compartment. To make it short turns out the other gents bolts were correct with the "on-site" comparison of my car to his. Hulon informed the gent his car was correct based upon this comparison. As for Charlotte I would not worry if I were you. As you alluded your car is what it is at this late stage. Just keep referencing other similar vehicles at the meets you attend like Hulon did. Have a good trip and hope to meet you in person around the Reading, PA area one day. Regards, Peter.
  16. Matt, Thank you. Stand corrected. Using an I-phone. My suggestion remains for Dave that he could be doing laborious bolt replacement for naught. Regards, Peter.
  17. Dave, Agree you have received many opinions. I suggest you contact our VP of Class Judging, Hulon McCraw for facts: hcmccraw@morrisbb.net Regards, Peter.
  18. 51Dyno. This AACA Website strives to be dedicated to vehicles 25 years old and older "as they left the factory". I would think it best to Google your query for late model vehicles. Regards, Peter J.
  19. Hi, Paul...hope all is well. FYI...I am certain Steve or the staff will respond shortly. Wayne and other Directors are at the Homestead, FL meet so it may take a little time to answer your question. Regards, Peter J.
  20. huptoy. Unlesss rental companies changed their legal agreements hauling a car inside a rented van could cause a major problem. It has been a number of years since I dealt with a rental company however had the same idea. The clerk said if the rental van breaks down in the middle of nowhere their company authorized towing outfits are required to see what is in the truck before towing. If they find a vehicle inside they will make you unload it somehow "on the side of the road". Sort of agree with their position in that a rental van is normally used for hauling goods and they are not set up for tie down straps to properly haul a vehicle. I shutter to think of a panic braking situation with a vehicle inside any tow vehicle that is not equipped. Regards, Peter J.
  21. Thanks for the update, Susan. That gives me hope that I can start looking at vehicles 25 years old and older soon...
  22. Pauyl...Welcome to the AACA Forum. I moved your query to the Buick Forum. In short order you will have some replies. Regards, Peter.
  23. The "Cowtown" Swap Meet has been moved some years ago to the Salem County Fairgrounds, Woodstown, NJ and is scheduled for Sunday, March 27, 2011 Very nice event sponsored by the South Jersey Region of the AACA (One great group of people I might add). Dave or Sue Birchmire may chime in for more details. Regards, Peter.
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