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Jim Bollman

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Everything posted by Jim Bollman

  1. Thanks Bill, I guess I will have to look into it. Two year registration would certainly be nice. I usually wait till April or May to put my two on the road and it seems like half the time I need one of them before I renew the plates and either delay the use or use expired registration and gamble that I don't get stopped.
  2. Took a nice 100+ mile drive in the F1 today. Went to a gathering of the Tin Can Tourist. They were having an open house so we could go in an examine a bunch of antique campers from fully restored to just cleaned up after pulling from the barn. Great way to spend the afternoon and met some nice people that really enjoy sharing their hobby. Several were pulled with vintage vehicles.
  3. Bill since you have all the Maine registration info I assume you use them for your trailers. Any problem in NY since I assume they don't have to be inspected. I do get tired of dragging the trailer in for yearly inspections, where they walk around the trailer checking lights and tires say pass that will be $$$. I inspect that well or better every time I hook the trailer to my truck and I don't have to go somewhere special and pay them to do it.
  4. Winner of the 1st Annual Bog and Grog
  5. Friends are visiting the area from WI. In conversation the husband has some interest in old cars (all though more as cheap transportation) so we took the FarmOroad out for a short drive. I couldn't convince him to try driving it (no sycros scare a lot of people) but he was enthused and talking about possibly going to our National show next summer and wanted some reference links. I think I need to send him some for sale ads when they are with in his general area just to keep tempting him :-)
  6. Collect Crosleys, room to spare. If you collect the right model you could squeeze 3 in.
  7. Yep I think that is what it was. Looking at their web site it says not recommended for car use, probably because of road tax. For my off road uses I will stay with Av Gas, it also has a long shelf life (airport manager said 3+ years) and at $5+/Gal it all of a sudden looks like a deal. Everything I use it in seems to like it and starts easier.
  8. Was mentioned on another one of these ethanol threads that some day we would be buying our gas at the hardware store. Was walking through Lowe's today and they had quart cans of ethanol free high quality gas for 4 cycle applications. Just under $6/qt, 6 packs (1.5 gallons) $30.
  9. Unless it went away this year there is still one area on grass. It has only had one vendor on it for a long time. It is to the South of the Chocolate field and is on a path that ends up over in the Car Coral area. Just walk out the South gate and across the road. Looks like they could put a few more spaces in there if they wanted to and someone requested them. Not sure what the official space number is. I have had a space since 1972 and never had to be pulled out. Back then we waited till Sunday morning and drove across the then empty spots as much as possible to avoid the deep mud. What was nice about being on grass for the vendors was you could stand under a canopy and stay dry, now water runs through your spot to the big drains and your feet and anything on the ground gets wet.
  10. I have towed with a manual transmission for years. If you know what your doing it is no problem. I have never burned out a clutch from towing. I have had other clutch failures but not related to towing.
  11. If you're not hung up with the idea that you need 4 wheel drive I found just the opposite of 39BuickEight 2 wheel drive are actually harder to find and harder to sell these days and almost always cheaper. The other thing that makes it cheaper but harder to find is a standard cab. Seems like the sweet point for most buyers these days is 4 wheel drive and extended cab so if you look for the opposite you save money. I bought a used F250 2wd, std cab, std transmission, 8 foot box at about $4-6k under what the same truck at the sweet point was bringing. Flew to FL from NY to buy it and drive it back. It does even out because I sold an F150 with the same description and ended up taking 5 months to sell and I sold for $2k under book price. The buyer was from over 400 miles away and when I asked why he was willing to travel 400 miles for 8 year old truck and he said "I wanted std cab, 2wd, std transmission, 8 foot box ..." :-) I knew there must be two of us somewhere. Oh I didn't mind taking less because I bought it new off the lot originally at the end of the year for more than $4k off because it didn't sell and the dealer didn't want to carry it over to the new year.
  12. Wayne as your smart kids probably already told you, it is not will your disk drive crash, it is when will it crash. On my lap top I do backups to multiple external drives (differential and full), not as often as I should but at least once a week and more often if I'm actively working on a project. My wife's laptop and 2 other desktop units I have setup to do automatic backups at least daily and one hourly. I also copy photos and other things that are not replaceable to DVD a couple of times a year and store in a different location. My system doesn't guarantee I can be up instantly but I can recover most everything from backup if necessary and even retrieve older versions of software and files when needed.
  13. Here we are camped at the VFW in Macungie, PA at the Das Awksch Fescht last weekend. Took the Crosley FarmOroad down.
  14. A friend sent me a link to Merrily We Roll Along: The Early Days of the Automobile, narrated by Groucho Marx from 1961. Lots of old film clips spliced together with some new reenactments to tell the early history of the automobile up to about 1929. Lots of Modle Ts but plenty of other makes to. It is on Netflix streaming but may be available other places.
  15. I have a 5 gallon heavy gauge open top can that I use. I pour in 1-2 gallon at a time and set it away from anything flammable and toss in a match or two till it catches. Makes a nice torch for a few hours. Let it all cool and repeat. If it isn't real nasty I burn it in my old tractor. Jim...
  16. Here is a link to photos of the prizes. 2012 Crosley Club Raffle
  17. He and I think his brother made the Fibersport. There are a few left in existence, we had one at our National show last year.
  18. Don't forget Pinecroft, Powel Crosley's Estate located at 2336 Kipling Aveue in the Mount Airy neighborhood of Cincinnati, Ohio. Just reopened after a restoration.
  19. Thanks Susan, I added a copy to my Bonus Build folder. I try to read Plugger ever day but often miss Sunday. Jim...
  20. No the stock rear end will not handle 110hp unless you really were easy on take off and acceleration. If your going to drive that conservatively you might as well put something smaller in. I would say 40-60hp is about it for the rear and even at that you may strip the gears if you tried to take off to hard from a dead stop.
  21. Gee I have one in my junk drawer to and never knew what it was for. I picked it up years ago because it looked like a good starting point to make a specialty tool to solve an unknown problem.
  22. Our club does the participation judging a little different, still not as good as full judging but it helps eliminate some of the favoritism. First off, club members are not eligible to win. It took a few years to get this approved but we feel we are the hosts and should not be getting awards at our party. Each car entered, gets one ballot to judge one other class anyway they want. They are given out randomly accept modified classes judge other modified classes and original classes only judge other original classes. We also have a bunch of special classes and a best of show, that are judged by members or the mayor, president, etc. Doing full judging correctly will take a large number of members to pull off.
  23. Very nice job, looks show room new. I would suggest looking at the local AACA regions/chapters in your area. Each get 4 free 1 year National memberships each year and they may give you one if you join their region. You will also find a great bunch to get together with. You can also join online <http://catalog.aaca.org/index.php?cPath=32> Magazine alone is worth the membership cost.
  24. I had forgotten about Henry Stetler's Gasporter. Nope didn't hear where it went.
  25. Thanks, didn't know they had one. Never heard how many were made but I think they are to cute to scrape, so survival rate is probably high.
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