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Jim Bollman

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Everything posted by Jim Bollman

  1. I agree that all trim levels and makes should be included on an equal bases. Even though some of the high end models are still restored by the owner, I would bet more are done with a check book. The cheaper models and makes give less deep pockets an equal chance in the shows. It is the level playing field that I like about AACA Judging.<P>I judged a non-AACA meet only once and had to argue with my co-judge that an almost perfect Rambler station wagon deserved to be the winter over an Avanti that was nice but had many things wrong with it. His reasoning was it would cost more to restore the Avanti (it wasn't restored just fixed up).<P>Jim...<P>
  2. <BR>I'm sure anyone that has been to Hershey will have ideas on how the meet can be improved.<P>First I had a great time at Hershey again this year. I have been going every year since 71 and a vendor since 72. Was one of the lucky ones in the Chocolate field.<P>Here is my suggestion after this years meet.<P>One of the things I have always enjoyed is siting out around a lantern in the evening with friends to talk, inviting anyone that comes by to join in. The large number of big campers has reduced the number of night walkers and generators have made it very noisy and smelly to sit outside. It also seems dangerous to have so many generators running with campers, tents and such so tightly packed in, someone is going to get gassed. Several years we have had to ask neighbors to shutoff generators because they were dumping exhaust right in to the area we were sitting. Sometimes they do, sometimes they tell me where to go.<P>Since generators already are suppose to be off from around 10PM till 7AM why not make it from dusk till dawn. If those big fancy campers can't run 1 night without charging their batteries then they need a new battery or a smaller color TV. Of course they will have to make their coffee and popcorn on the stove instead of in the microwave, but it is a rough world.<P>What do you think, lets bring peace and quiet to the night, they have all day to charge their battery if they need to.<P>Jim...
  3. I missed your initial request so you may have the car home already. You asked how to get it running and got lots of good advise. I would be worried about stopping a car that has set for 5 years and probably had a lot of moisture in the brake system before it was stored. You may have stuck/leaking wheel cylinders/calipers, bad master cylinder, rusty lines that are ready to burst.<P>You want to do a good visual inspection at the least and possibly a trip to the brake shop for a once over if your not up to the task. Make sure you have enough brakes for the trip.<P>Good luck<P>Jim...
  4. Jim Bollman

    fix up help

    If your UserName is an indication of the truck you have, that needs parts, you don't have an FC170 or FC150 They started making them in 1957. They are a cab over design (FC stands for Forward Control) with the 170 being the heavier duty with a 6cyl flat head engine and the 150 had a 4cyl F head.<P>I buy most of my Willys truck parts from:<P> Walck's 4 Wheel Drive<BR> 700 Cedar St<BR> Bowmanstown, PA 18030<BR> 215-852-3110 evenings and weekends<P>I find him to have fair prices and he ships fast.<P>For other items and manuals I go to the company that bought the Willys Overland name:<P> Willys Overland Motors<BR> 11535 S. McCord Rd<BR> PO Box 556<BR> Holland, OH 43528<BR> 888-265-5328 Days<BR> <A HREF="http://www.WillysOverland.com/" TARGET=_blank>http://www.WillysOverland.com/</A> <P>They are not as cheap as Walck's, but they have items that are hard to find and good prices on manual reprints.<P>Jim...
  5. Being from apple country I always thought the 25 cent apples (and more) were a rip off. I sold mine for 10 cents for over 20 years. When they said we couldn't sell food including apples, I started giving apples away, didn't bring them to make money anyway. <P>I have to ration because they don't last long otherwise. Stop by and say Hi and have a free apple from UpState NY at CI 8-10.<P>Jim...
  6. Unfortunately not all members have the work flexabilty and time to go all over the country to National meets. I make Hershey every year and any other meets I can that are within 100-200 miles. That means a lot of years it is just Hershey. <P>If school was available at Hershey I would try to attend. I actually think CJE is more useful than school but that is not available at Hershey either. Maybe some kind of home study or web based school for those that can't make regular schools.<BR> <BR>If I understand the recommendation correctly and it is accepted by the board I will step down as a judge. Maybe when I retire I can travel to all the shows and start judging again. <P>Most years they are begging for judges at Hershey, this new rule should help a lot. <P>Jim...
  7. Got the latest Juding Newsletter today. I was looking for clarification on the Class Judging Committee Meeting notes. Item two said:<P> "beginning in 2001 it will be mandatory that all judges must complete a school to be eligible to judge for any given year"<P>If this means every judge must attend a school every year we will loose a lot of judges. Most years I only get to one National show, Hershey. No Schools at Hershey. I go to the schools and take CJE when I can, but it isn't every year.<P>Is this the plan?<P>Jim...<BR>
  8. Thanks for the reassurance. <P>Your not far from me. Im on CI 8-10. My spot is the one with the Crosley banners on the canopy. I like the Chocolate field too, level spot and great neighbors, what more could you ask for. Hope they don't ruin it when they pave it.<P>Jim...
  9. Seems like I get the Hershey flea market packet and stickers by now. Is it bad memory, late mailings or did the Post Office loose it? Anyone else get theirs?<P>I'm in the Chocolate field so I will miss the excitement of moving to the new fields for now.<P>Jim...
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