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Jim Bollman

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Everything posted by Jim Bollman

  1. Bought one a few years ago that connects wireless to iPhone or iPad. Pretty cheap to buy, don't use it often but nothing else will do the job when you need it. Great for checking out cylinder bore for scoring and other problems.
  2. Well started using the new garage this past week. Still a few little things to do plus the stone work on the block, but that will have to wait a few weeks since the contractor had a knee replace this past week. All the smoothing out around the sides done and seeded, not sure if grass will take in the red clay but weeds are ok.
  3. Local collector uses his Rampside to haul trash to the dump station, gets a lot of attention.
  4. I realized it has been over a month since my last update. Not done yet but close. White door needs painting, second coat of floor sealer, some ground cover seeding and the stone work on the cement blocks yet. To many subcontractor delays and to much rain so running a few weeks behind original plans.
  5. Not sure now where I bought them, but probably eBay. A person was making a bunch of different repo like new toppers with the shield shape. He did not represent them as old. I bought an "I like Ike" and a "Ford Safety" (would have to go to shop for the exact wording). The Ford one used the same wording an art work as one made around 1950 by Ford put on the shield instead of the shape Ford used. Not very expensive and good for a driver.
  6. I was a subscriber of "Special Interest Autos" from issue #1 and dropped my subscription to HCC a couple of years ago. Haven't missed it. I was like Steve_Mack_CT above, about the same reading time.
  7. Making progress. Lost a couple days to rain this past week and one worker got sent home for drinking at lunch, so roof got delayed till Monday. At least it is on the trailer waiting.
  8. They put 14 yards of concrete in the walls with rebar every 4 or 5 feet with 2 bars in each piers in front. They also got the tar on the walls and the drain around the outer walls with gravel on top of them. Not much visibly different. Trusses and wood for the caps on the walls are due Monday. Should start looking like a real garage by sometime next week. They need to bring some more stone for inside after they chip down two more rocks that are to high yet. They beat on them a bit yesterday and got them close but they are planning to bring an electric chip hammer on Monday to get another inch or so of clearance under the slab. They marked off where the top of the floor will be and it looks like about 2" above the first course of block in back and slat down to a little below the top of the first row of blocks in front so any water will run out. Planning on 5" of rebar enforced concrete for floor with a vapor barrier, seamed into 13'X13' quarters for cracking. That should give me a little over 8.5' foot ceiling. I don't want the building so high that it over powers the house, that should make the peak a little lower than the house.
  9. Progress this week. All the block laid as of today. Fellow is scheduled to pump the blocks full of concrete and add rebar tomorrow morning.
  10. I have a contract that I trust, he has been building in the area for 40+ years, but water worries me. The floor will be a full block+ above the footer. He explained his approach for water proofing and it sounds like it should work. He said that the block with have a cement wash and then tar rolled on them allowing the tar to pool on top of the footer to seal the bottom of the block. He will then put the drain tile around on the outside of the block on top of the footer and cover with gravel. Both ends end in a swale that goes along the drive. He is also going to put tar impregnated fiber board of some sort on the outside of the blocks where it will be underground to add more water proofing and a cushion to keep any rocks from damaging the blocks or tar sealer. The building will have gutters emptying into the swale along the drive. A 6" pipe will allow the swale to drain under the apron going into the garage. The side and back grade will be tapered down towards the building then back up to keep water away from wall and sloped to dump any runoff water into the swale. Also plan to have a vapor barrier under the floor. The back and side walls are 12" block that will be filled with concrete with rebar, 8" block in the front. I'm sure the occasional very heavy rain will cause the swale to over run into the drive but it does that now, but it drains into the ground within an hour or so after the rain stops and the floor will be well above the drive so water will not run in. One none drainage concern is there is a 7,200 volt power line above it feeding the house transformer. The building will have a steel roof so I decided it should be grounded so if it ever came down on the building it would blow the fuse out at the road faster and not sit and sizzle for awhile and maybe start a fire in the rafters. Talked to the electrician today and he didn't disagree with the idea. The plan is to put a 200 amp panel in even though I currently only plan it to be a garage not a shop, I already have my shop I just need to get some of the finished projects out of it to make a little more space.
  11. Slow going but progress. With a little luck the mason will show in the morning.
  12. Progress, after a week of a rain then a sick contractor and a digger that was over committed. With a little luck they should start laying block next week.
  13. Looks like they joined to just promote their museum. A quick search shows it in Ohio. Castle Noel 260 S. Court Street Medina, OH 44256 https://castlenoel.com/exhibits/ Seems to be a Christmas park
  14. Just heard from my friend and he said the 55 Vic has been sold.
  15. A friend of the family had a small machine shop and his large compressor was in a little shed attached to the back of the shop, no access from inside. To further keep things quiet, he had the largest air tank I ever saw on the compressor, it appeared to be around 200 gallon or more. For normal air use around the shop the compressor almost never ran. I picked up a couple of 75 lb LP tanks that I had plan to do something similar with and never got around to that project. I gave them to a friend when we moved and he finished the job I wanted to do. He says it works great.
  16. I have lost a radiator full of Evapo-Rust twice now. The first time it found a pinhole in a metal part of the hose system, the second I'm guessing the radiator has a leak that had been clogged with rust and reopened. I think it is doing its job but I will have to try a third time even if I have the radiator rebuilt, it was the engine block I was trying to clean. Luckily it is a Crosley, so the system doesn't hold a lot, but it still made a mess on the floor. Should have learned after the first time to put a drip pan down.
  17. The public can get in on Monday, just don't get in the way.
  18. I seem to remember 10 cents a bottle in the late 50s early 60s during my peak model building years. But then the memory starts to go after all these years.
  19. You might ask the AACA Library if they would be of use for their archive. If they think they are of value and scan them into their archive then they would be available to anyone that is restoring a similar car.
  20. I'm having a new garage built, but in TN you have to have something rare called flat land. Here are the pictures after 4 days of work. 1 day he had to bring in a Bobcat with jackhammer attached and got all the big rocks but one that he found after the place he rented the Bobcat already picked it up. He thinks we can make it work. It is planned at 28'X28'. This not going to be a shop just extra storage and the wife gets her first inside parking place in 54 years. She did have a carport at the previous house. It will have a 200 amp service just in case plans change in the future. Thought I had plenty of place for the free dirt but I'm running out of place. Did make some more flat land along the driveway filling my side of a raven. First picture is from my back porch.
  21. I always like the old garages with that extra facade. Never figured out what the purpose was. There was one in the town next door where we use to live, I did some pre photoshop image editing to make a brass plate for some trophies back in the early 80s.
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