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Jim Bollman

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Everything posted by Jim Bollman

  1. Maybe I have just been lucky but I have been running the 90+ octane Ethanol free gas in my 50 flathead Ford and it runs great without any doctoring. I dump about 4oz of Marvel Mystery oil in when I think about it and that is it. I aways thought using higher octane than you needed was just wasting money not that it would not run ok.
  2. You may want to join our free Crosley Auto Club Message Board, we have a higher concentration of Crosley owners and you can put a want ad on with your wants. Car show up regularly there for sale.
  3. Thanks HeftyLefty for what to look for. The old tractors I add a little Marvel Mystery oil every other tank full, just for the magic it does. Of course the 2cycle application have oil added also so this may change things a little to but I will continue my approach. Before I switched to AvGas in all my small engines and tractors I had to run something like Sea Foam through them every spring to get the gunk out so they would run smooth, no need anymore. I did drop to a slightly cooler plug in the 8N Ford tractor from looking at the plugs after the first year on AvGas, sounds like it may have been the wrong direction but I was running a hotter plug than standard in it when I checked. I use he 8N year around and it starts on 6 volts at below freezing temperatures when it almost doesn't turn over since switching. Use to have to jump it with 12volts in real cold weather.
  4. Went to an auction some years back that had a lot of cars from restored to field cars. Was a lot of variety and the only two makes that had more than a couple in nice condition were Cadillac and Crosley. The Cadillacs were all in the 60s and didn't bring as much as the Crosleys. I gave the owner a hard time about how many more Crosleys he could have had to sell if he hadn't taken up all that space with those big Cadillacs.
  5. I run 100LL AvGas in my old tractors, chain saws, generator, lawn mowers and I run my old cars down to almost empty and dump in a couple of gallons and drive a few miles before I put them away for the Winter. All start and run better than the 10% stuff. We luckily have a few stations in our area that sell Ethanol free high test that I run in my old cars the majority of the time at about a 10% premium over regular with Ethanol. HeftyLefty you imply I may be causing problems to my engines that I run 100% AvGas in. Could you expand on that. I have done it for several years now and other than the exhaust smelling better I have not notice any problems.
  6. Jim Bollman


    Dave, the hard top was the Liberty Sedan, the Victory was the Convertible Sedan renamed.
  7. I had a salesman try to sell me one of these gas mixer screens about 20 years ago, not sure if they are still trying to push these wonders of science or not. And Wayne, I'm sure they said as much as 10% to give wiggle room. Reminds me of the joke about the guy that added so many gadgets that each improved the gas millage that he had to pump some gas out every night.
  8. I answered on your other thread.
  9. Jim Bollman


    Sorry I only check in once a day normally and the other Crosley people on the forum probably are on the same schedule. As Commodore already pointed out the Prewar Crosleys were air cooled so all cooling parts are not a problem as the cooling blower is part of the engine. Also has a generator not an alternator. Prewar Crosley parts are harder to find than postwar but most can be found, it just takes a bit longer sometimes. Depending on what your intentions are for the car you may want to resist, they are a small slow car not something you would jump in and go any distance and certainly not at speeds over 40mph or so. They are fun and draw a lot of attention but the postwar Crosley is more road worth (everything is relative guys). I have never owned one so I can get in to particulars but Dave, our Crosley Auto CLub president, has one and can probably give you better information when he jumps on. They renamed the standard Convertible Sedan, as the war came closer to, Victory Sedan as they tried to get more patriotic. This link will give you some Prewar Crosley details. If you get serious we have a club message board that has several Prewar owners that can probably help.
  10. Neat application of electrolysis cleaning. I have been a fan for a lot of years and have several different size tanks I use when I need to clean up parts but never thought about making the part the tank.
  11. Yep this one hit close to home. My first car is sitting in my shop right now waiting for another rebuild. Problem is it has been waiting for 30 years this time. This Spring is the 50th anniversary of my buying it. At least it has been inside all these years.
  12. I never see much of a speed problem. It may be my reading style rather than anything else. I tend to open a new tab for each topic I want to read and only when I have opened all the new topics I'm interested in do I start reading the individual tabs. This gives time for threads to load while I'm still browsing, only when I have to go to second page or open an image do I have to wait.
  13. Be sure the gas tank is cleaned out, the alcohol can resolve old deposits that can clog up things.
  14. Flea market starts setting up on Tuesday so you can get part of an extra day in if you don't mind doing some parts twice. Not everyone will be open on Tuesday but a fair number will be by early afternoon. AACA Museum should not be missed. As has been mentioned by others, camping is the cheapest way to stay in the area but driving out 20 miles or so will save you a lot on motel cost. I went a couple of times in mid 60s with my parents and back then camping was not as popular and you had to stay out a hundred miles or so to find a room. Been camping at Hershey since 72.
  15. After many years of judging, I can't think of a preservation award denied if major modification were not made after the Senior award was given. With only needing 350 points and no 10 point spread needed it would take a lot of wear and tear not to qualify.
  16. It's not for sale, I'm going to restore it one of these days.
  17. Cash is King. The few cars/trucks I have sold to out of state strangers have all been cash. I know a fellow that has sold two street roads in the $30-40K range, the buyers showed up with a bag of cash in both cases. I now that it is harder with an out of country buyer.
  18. I had a 64 Classic Wagon was a great car. 3 speed on the tree, 6 cylinder.
  19. I luckily decided to stretch the budget back in the 70s and went for Life when I think it was around $150. Needless to say it has been paying dividends for a long time now. I always wondered since Life is for a joint membership does the membership extend to the spouse if the primary member dies first. Not sure my wife would care but many would.
  20. I'm always open to give rides in my cars here or where ever I am with them. For people that have an interest in Crosleys lots of rides are given at the Crosley Nationals in Wauseon Ohio in July every year if anyone ever wanted to try one out. Just about every model made shows up and most owners would love to give a ride to a potential convert.
  21. A contractor was using a propane jet engine heater in our tight house while it was being finished, before they got the furnace in and we had damp walls to the point that some were dripping and had mold problems in a couple of places. In most shop type buildings there probably enough air leaks that it would not be a problem and you would probably be using it for fewer hours.
  22. Big problem if you use the big jet engine propane type heaters is they put out a lot of water with the heat. Not a problem in a very loose building with lots of ventilation for the occasional use but if the building is tight at all you will have moisture problems. Been there done that.
  23. Here is pointer to the auction results. Some brought unbelievable prices. Results - The Bruce Weiner Microcar Museum 2013 | Classic Car Auctions | RM AUCTIONS
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