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Jim Bollman

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Everything posted by Jim Bollman

  1. Thanks for posting some interesting photos. The beach shot I have seen, there are a couple of versions. I think they rented the Hotshots to run on the beach and had several publicity photos or postcards available. West, what part of the country did you see the Gasporter. A fair number have survived. I have heard of half dozen or so. Two have shown up to our Crosley Nationals over the years. There is one at an air museum in NY and a couple out West, etc.
  2. If you want to go vintage you can still find Crosley powered 5KW generators left over from post WW-2/Korea time frame. Not many of the WW-2 sets around. Just be careful to get one that is 110/220 60 cycle and cast iron block. There were a few 6KW. There are several voltages and AC and DC versions. I have bought several over the years for the engines.
  3. It probably is sacrilege but it does look very well done, and at least they didn't just drop a small block chevy in it. Grill looks like it probably started life as a 1951. I wouldn't kick it out of my garage as a driver.
  4. I took early out the end of 2005 after 37 year with the same company. Since I already had 2 weeks vacation planned over the holidays I came back from vacation and started the next part of my life. Never really missed it, even though most of the 37 years were enjoyable. I get together fairly regular with a few friends from work days but not many, work was all we had in common. I retired with the motto: Wake up every morning with nothing planned and be happy if I get 1/2 of it done. That isn't to say just sit around, just don't over plan your days. I keep a pretty open schedule for doing thinks at the last minute that I decide to do. I have a friend that retired soon after I did and he often has his whole week planned by Monday morning from sun up to bed time. Makes it hard to go to the gun range at the last minute when the day turns off nice another spur of the moment things. PS: I still get up within 10 minutes of when the alarm use to go off even after 6 years plus, I just don't set the alarm. Starting each morning with exercise isn't a bad idea, I walk 3.5 miles each morning with a couple of other guys in the neighborhood, solving the worlds problem.
  5. Thanks Craig, I did a search for more photos and I think you nailed it. I will forward the info and links to my friend.
  6. Sorry, I just linked in the location my friend was using, worked for me but he must have some restrictions on it. Now it is linked into my server.
  7. A friend is trying to ID this vehicle. It is his great Uncle Elmer Smith. He would like to know the year, make, and model of the truck. Picture may have been taken in or around Rochester or Webster, New York. New Link
  8. Is that a GPS on the dash saying recalculating? :-)
  9. Here is one I took in 1994 in Maine. It just struck me as funny.
  10. Talk about a realistic flame paint job, wow.
  11. A popular tee shirt in the Crosley club says Speed Kills Drive a Crosley Live Forever :-)
  12. I have had a lamp made from a Crosley CoBra engine block, complete with overhead cam beside my chair in the living room for nearly 30 years. It sits on the end front down, gives me 4 piston holes to stuff misc junk at my finger tips. I machined a Crosley piston and fitted a small clock in the top of it and slid that in to one cylinder. It does get comments when we have people visit that don't really know us.
  13. What I did this year with my F1 was run the tank dry and then dumped a gallon of Av Gas in and ran it long enough to get everything nicely filled with good gas. For the last 100 miles or so of driving in the Fall I carried a small can of Av Gas with me. I ended up running out in front of my shop door as I was leaving for a short drive. Will have to wait till I put it back on the road to see if it was a good idea.
  14. Really, you couldn't just use a wheel boot?
  15. I had a similar thing happen with my F1 truck. A fellow forum member on a Ford truck forum recognized my truck from posting I had made there, in a CraigsList ad 1000+ miles from me and sent me the link. The CraigsList ad was worded carefully so it implied it was his truck for sale but stop just short of saying it. When I sent him a note he was very abusive and did the same act of prove it is your truck. I said well it is on my son's trailer, hooked to my F250 in front of my barn. He then replied if I didn't like it to come to his house and take pictures for him. I turned him into CraigsList and they did nothing. A few months later he did the same thing again.
  16. If you run tubes in radials you have to be sure you use tubes intended for radials. A friend had 3 flats in less than 100 miles running regular tubes in radial tires.
  17. I walked by mine in the dark, to get my generator out in the early hours of the morning. We lost power for a couple of hours from the wind/snow storm that roared in last night. Oh then I walked by them again to put the generator away later in the morning.
  18. We are still using glasses we got from a local station every time we filled up. Have so many we stored away the surplus to replace the ones we break. Going to seem strange when we finally run out and have to buy glasses.
  19. I have used Blackstone Labs for 4 or 5 years. I get my diesel truck done every other oil change and the wife's gas car every year to 18 months. They give a very detailed report on what they find and explain it. They also compare it to other similar engines if they have enough data to use. I highly recommend it to find out what is going on inside the engine. Costs around $25, they will send you the kits for free.
  20. No problems with mice since I added a barn cat(use to be two) about 10 years ago. Now I have cat hair everywhere, I have to cover the cars all the time to keep foot prints off and have food and literbox duty. Haven't decide if I will replace the remaining cat when she dies but the mice do leave my barn and contents alone. I went this route many several years of trying to trap in assorted ways. I also have a yard barn that is closed up but gets mice and I feed them rat poison regularly in there just to cut the total population on the property.
  21. So many questions can be formed around Fordlandia. What is it? Where is it? Why was it? Did Henry ever visit? .....
  22. I had a similar experience last year and it certainly points out some problems with our system. Two vehicles that were very good, potentially high pointing. One the owner had installed disc brakes on the front. The other owner did the standard rookie mistake of having the wrong hose clamps and cadmium plated plugs. Which is the better example and deserves the higher score. One was purposely modified the other could have been fixed for $20 and an hour of work. As you can probably guess the modified, not the improperly restored vehicle made the cut for first junior the other didn't.
  23. I covered up the F1 for the Winter, I had parked it so I could still get it out for a few more runs, but we got a little wet snow a few days ago and the road crews jumped right in the salt trucks.
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