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Jim Bollman

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Everything posted by Jim Bollman

  1. Sorry I misunderstood Dave. I thought you were probably up on DPC since you have a car in that class.
  2. Actually Dave it isn't as strict as you make it out to be. Mag wheels are ok if they are of the right vintage and I doubt they would take off for fuzzy dice. Even pretty generous engine swaps are ok as long as they generally look right, most any flathead V8 Ford engine in a Ford that had a V8 flathead. Most any small block Chevy engine in a Chevy that had a small block as long as it has a carb if the original did. I was very surprised how much could be changed. It basically has to look prety stock to the general audience, not someone that knows the make.
  3. I agree with the other Jim, no brokers. They can (will) farm the job out to the cheapest wildcat driver that may or may not be dependable. If it is in any kind of remote area they will have a hard time finding someone to pick it up. I hired one of these companies some years back. They promised me 2 week delivery. They repeatedly told me it had been picked up and when I called the seller it had not. Eventually the seller moved it into a slightly less remote area and stored it with a friend of his. It still was not picked up for weeks. Anyway it took from mid June till late September to get my truck. I got a call from the driver asking for the rest of payment so he could make bail in Oklahoma. I told him I had already paid in full (OK was not on the way from MT to NY). When he did show up, he delivered it 5 miles away because his truck was acting up and he had stopped at a truck stop (I didn't want to wait the two days he thought it would take to get parts). The truck had scratches on the roof and a couple of cracked windows. He had loaded a Cabover truck on the top of an open carrier where it caught multiple overhead limbs. When I turned in an estimate for their "insurance" they never returned my calls and did not make any settlement. There was a Mustang in the belly of the car hauler that was heavily coated with diesel soot, I may have had the better spot. My next hauling experience was with PassPort, they picked up on time and delivered a day earlier than estimated.
  4. Thanks for the reminder, I forgot to call in my zero sales for the first half of 2011. Just did it and they took it. I have no idea what the cut off date is since they have not send me any paper work giving me schedules since 2005. That schedule says I'm a few days late so I hope they don't send me a letter saying I owe a late fee.
  5. Got mine, outside Rochester NY, in todays mail.
  6. Susan, I think part of the reason they close if it rains is you use to be able to stay dry under a canope. Now water flows through, sometime fairly deep if you're close to a drain. Now anything on the ground has to be elevated or it gets wet, your feet gets wet and in general it is not all that pleasant to stand around. We still stay open as long as the rain isn't horizontal, but our small camper isn't something you want to spend a rainy day in either if you can help it. People with a bigger camper heads inside to stay comfy instead of standing in the running water.
  7. I should be in CI 8-10 again this year. Look for the big Crosley banners.
  8. Probably my favorite is one my Dad got many times when he owned the FarmOroad I have now. I get the same question at most every show and use the same answer. Is it 4 wheel drive, yes when I put the dual wheels on. Or if they are on, I just point and say yes. At a tractor/gas engine show this weekend with the FarmOroad I got a new one. I also had a Crosley fabricated engine and other Crosley stuff on display so I was getting lots of Crosley questions. A fellow comes up and is telling his friend that the Crosley wagons and sedans had little sticks that came out from the side of the door post to show you were turning. I told him they never had those. He argued with me for several minutes, since he remembered them when they were new. I said I have been into Crosleys for nearly 50 years and I knew they didn't, but several foreign cars used them. He said yep foreign like the Crosley. I then told him the Crosley was made in the USA in Ohio and Indiana. He then asked me what car he was thinking of then. I made several suggestions and he wondered off muttering to himself. Doesn't fit the thread but a fellow that I had talked to earlier in the day about the Crosley stuff I was displaying as well as my 1950 Ford F1 came back with his blind wife. He had told her about the neat stuff I had (sheet metal engine, Icyball, FOR, F1, Crosley tractor, etc) and she wanted to come over to hear about it all. He said she sees with her hands is it alright to touch and I said go ahead. She started with the sheetmetal engine block. I picked it up so she didn't have to bend over and told her to hold out both hands and I handed it to her and told her she was holding an engine block. She got a big smile on her face. We went over everything I had there and she tells her husband (I'm guessing 40-50 years of marrage) that it didn't matter how long they had been together she liked my toys better than his and was going home with me. :-) When we got to the tractor I fired it up so she could hear as well as touch it and she really loved that. Made the whole effort of hauling and setting up worth while.
  9. As other have said about their regions ours also has a Senior class for any car that has won Junior 1st or better. They are parked in a special area of honor and given a nice plaque/trophy, they are not judged they are all winners. We also let them in for free.
  10. We do the same thing but don't limit the membership size. We meet every Tuesday night, whoever shows up is in attendance, we go for 45-60 minute tour through the country, usually with the oldest car in front setting the pace. We then stop for ice cream and head home. All the other No's you have listed fit, we have no restriction on year or make and get everything from the teens to current and the occasional street rod and dune buggy.
  11. My son has done this with two different spaces over the years. Both times they were friends or friends of friends. Never had much trouble with things going missing forever but some times borrowed for awhile. Bigger problem was borrowing and breaking power tools and taking more than their share of space. He is currently in space with just one friend but all of the same problems. His goal is to get space to himself but for now it is a cheaper alternative.
  12. The green is suppose to keep the alcohol based gas from going bad as fast. The red helps but the green does more according to their website. It costs more but it is more concentrated so it comes out about the same or cheaper.
  13. I use the green STA-BIL in my 50 F1 since they did away with the last real gas in NY. I also dump a little Marvel Mystery Oil in every once in awhile when I remember.
  14. A gravel/dirt drive is my solution.
  15. Since eBay is charging their percentage on the whole transaction why do anything but free shipping and boost your starting price to include your costs of shipping and handling. If you do that, eBay can't dictate the maximum you charge for postage. I usually only sell during the winter and the last two years have been so bad in sales I cut my selling season short. What little I was selling was way under what I thought it was worth and I was wasting a lot of time setting up auctions.
  16. Finally got time to fire up the FarmOroad and do a quick safety check and a short drive. Now they are predicting rain for most of the next week and I have to find a dry day to get it in for state inspection before the end of the month. The F1 went on it's first long drive of the season with our cruising group ending at a nursing home show on Tuesday afternoon.
  17. This was really last weekends project but I didn't get around to uploading the photos. I built new low racks for the F1 last Summer. I wanted racks that gave me more visibility when driving and to see the Crosley tractor when I have it on the back. I wanted to have dark racks so they didn't draw to much attention, and away from the whole package. I started off thinking black stain but a sample board didn't do it for me. On a suggestion from a friend I tried green and liked the results. It took a couple of trips to the paint store to get the stain color mixed the way I wanted, but I liked the results. I let them age for a year. Here is the before and after. Today all I got done was checking the fluid level in the tranny, I thought it sounded a little noisy when I was out for a drive yesterday.
  18. I hung out at a Shell station as a teenager. The owner, Dutch, would let us use his wash bay and lift when it wasn't busy, if we helped out a little on the pumps when he got busy working on a car. He had the standard Coke machine with the door you opened that you pulled the bottles out of the slot you wanted after putting in your dime. He had Coke in about 1/2 the slots because that was the big seller. The regulars all knew to pull out of the bottom slot instead of the ones at eye level. The eye level slots were the small 8oz bottles, the bottom slot had the big bottles.
  19. Great idea. I have the bigger jumper power packs they sell to do the same thing but making your own allows it to be smaller and made to fit in the spot available. I also have an Energizer XP8000 power pack that is compact enough to fit in my pocket and will extend the run time on most of my toys that normally charge off USB to get me through the day. I haven't tried it with my new GPS yet, but plan to. It could be tucked into the ash tray and should give me 6-8 hours or more of run time.
  20. I thought the next generation of steam engine was right around the corner, the Crower 6 stroke engine. But I haven't heard much for a few years. From Wikipedia: The engine cold starts on the Otto cycle, coasting through the fifth and sixth strokes for a short period. After the combustion chamber temperature reaches approximately 400 degrees Fahrenheit (200 °C), a mechanical operation phases in the fifth and sixth strokes. Just before the fifth stroke, water is injected directly into the hot combustion chamber via the engine's fuel injector pump, creating steam and another power stroke. The phase change from liquid to steam removes the excess heat of the combustion stroke forcing the piston down (a second power stroke). As a substantial portion of engine heat now leaves the cylinder in the form of steam, no cooling system radiator is required. A proportion of the energy that is dissipated in conventional arrangements by the radiator in a water-based cooling system has been converted into additional power strokes. I think this is the original article I read.
  21. Much like AuburnSeeker I go for the minimal approach unless it is really dirty. I use Spray and Wipe from Poor Boys (cheaper than Mcguires and I'm cheap) or a California duster depending on degrees of dirt. If really dirty, out comes the wash bucket with a dash of Simply Green and warm water. Micro fiber towels to dry.
  22. I have several Canon digital cameras and have been happy with them and plant to buy another this Spring. Two of the contenders that are on my short list is he SX30IS a 35X zoom and SX230 HS a 14X zoom, since I have no interest in hauling a bag of lenses around anymore like I did when I did 35mm. Both have image stabilization which is a must to hand hold the long zooms or take low light photos with ut a flash. The processing that goes on in the current digital cameras make even amateurs look good. I think you have to be either taking very specialized kinds of photos are extremely critical to justify a SLR any more. Two sites that I highly recommend using to look at reviews of lots of cameras are Image Resource and DC Resource. I read them both most every week to see what is new. I find I take many more pictures with a camera that is small enough to fit in my pocket or on my belt, because it is usually with me, one that I have to hang around my neck or on my shoulder gets taken only when I know I'm going to take pictures.
  23. Well at least Chuck knows he will get a lot of negative responses if he ever decides to back something like this. So he may not use any of those seeds.
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