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Jim Bollman

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Everything posted by Jim Bollman

  1. Saw samples from a new setup a local shop had just got about 2 years ago. If it is the same process it was pretty impressive. I would not want to mix real chrome and spray on the same car but I could be happy with it on a nice driver. To be fair the fellow had not had it long and was still learning how to get the best results. Same fellow was doing a powder coat chrome replacement that would look good on wheels or a street rod where you wanted some contrasting chrome like color. He was doing alloy wheels with it to make them look new again.
  2. Many years ago I was going to take a point off for a paint run on the firewall of a Willys Wagon. The team captain had already been told that the paint was original. No deduction. I have a set of pictures of a 49 Crosley Wagon that were taken on the dealer lot. The wrinkles in the upholstery you would have a hard time duplicating for a proper restoration.
  3. Dave is right we have a great time at our Nationals and you never know what you might see. Elvis showed up one year. Another year a Make and Break engine made entirely out of wood with a flint ignition was shown in the back of a Crosley Pickup. The owner/builder fired up the wood engine many times during the show for a few pops. Didn't let it run long each time, since when you burn a valve in a wood engine it is real serious. Then there was the grass skiing behind a FarmOroad but I'll save that for another time.
  4. If you really want to find out what's wrong with your car get to know a judge and have them do a once over. I have done this on several cars over the years. I can usually tell them in a few minutes if they have a chance and what they can fix easily to save a few points at minimal cost. The exact points that are deducted for a problem varies from judge to judge, so an exact number doesn't mean much anyway accept for bragging rights.
  5. I was driving my 49 Crosley Wagon in High School, not much of a senior prom car. I had asked if I could use the family second car a 54 Studebaker Commander 4 door, and had been oked. Night of the prom my Dad handed me the keys to his brand new (couple of weeks old) 2 tone midnight blue with white top 1966 Falcon Sport Coupe, V8, bucket seats. I had driven it I think once with my Dad sitting as passenger. I was speechless. This was his second new car ever, the first a 46 Chevy he bought when he came home after WW2. Girl not as memorable as the car. I eventually got the car when it was North of 100,000 miles and had rust repairs a few times. Drove it as a second car a few more years and put it away with the idea of restoring it someday. After years of dry storage, but not very good prep before storage, I decided I didn't have the talent or money to restore it. The unibody needed major help, floors needed replacing and the interior had mildewed. Plus the engine was getting tired. Anyway I finally decided about 10+ years ago to let it go down the road.
  6. LINC, you may not be far off. I have been buying and selling on eBay for a long time. More selling the last 4+ years than the earlier years. I always accepted PayPal, Money Order or Check. I don't think 10% paid by something other than PayPal. Now that the rules have changed and you can not advertise other forms of payment I still take US Postal Money Orders, stop accepting checks or other money orders because I don't want to go to the bank (30 miles round trip). The Post Office will cash their money orders when I mail the item. I wouldn't pay 20% more to use PayPal but I have paid a bit more, in the past, just because the item will get shipped sooner.
  7. Thought I would show the topper I bought (off eBay). It is made to look similar to the 1950 Ford Safety topper they gave away as part of a contest. You brought your car in for a free safety check and they gave you the topper. You could then write in 50 words or less why safety is important for a chance to win a savings bond. It was a lot cheaper than an original, so I will not be afraid to use this one. Still want an "I Like Ike" topper.
  8. The answer is Yes, No, Maybe. If the thermostat is sticking Yes, If the whole cooling system is working properly No, and if your system is in great shape and it is a little cool outside maybe.
  9. I ressemble that Sue. Had my 50 pickup out on the expressway about a week ago. Decided to take the long way back and stay on the slow roads.
  10. Yea I had it on my calendar but got home from an afternoon meeting for a late supper and really just wanted to put my feet up. So I did, when I woke up it was to late to come
  11. Other than the bypass you mentioned at "Tedd's Landing" we have been using this route for years to go to Hershey and to my son's place in MD. It is a good road and any time you lose in a the few slow spots are not enough to make up the difference in time (not even counting the savings on tolls with a trailer). I did the 81 route a few times years ago before 15 was improved to the level it is today to come back from Hershey and my best time was equal and I had to drive much faster and used more fuel to do it. With the improvements I don't think you could make up the 70 miles today. I may have to try the "Tedd's Landing" bypass the next trip.
  12. A friends use to use this technique, not sure it would work anymore with all the scams that have been pulled. He would take a series of certified bank checks for various amounts that could be mixed and matched with a fairly large cash stash to get pretty much any combination of dollars he would need. The cashiers checks were made out to him and he would just sign them over to the person he was buying from. A method that I would not have believed but I saw it offered. We have been in the same space at Hershey since day one of the Chocolate field so we got to know all our neighbors (many have since died or gave up their spaces, neighborhood has went down hill ). Anyway same friend was looking to buy a car that was in the mid $20K range. He had $15k or so with him in cash and checks. He asked one of our then neighbors to look at the car. The neighbor then offered to loan him up to $10K cash that he had brought along since he hadn't found what he was looking for. How is that for an old car friend that you see once a year. As it turned out he paid part down and had the seller take it home since it would be a little closer and he didn't have a trailer with him anyway. He drove out a week later with the rest of the money and a trailer.
  13. Thanks Wayne, this is what I will be showing. Debated between Crosley and Ford and since it is only 35 miles for me I decided on the Ford since I can drive that, but that is considered a long trip in a FarmOroad and it has not roof or doors if the weather is marginal so I would have to deal with a trailer.
  14. I'm entring a vehicle in the Drivers Class for the first time at Canandaigua. I am also am judging. What is the owner required to do beyond filling out the form and I assume leaving the hood up. Do I or a representative need to be there? I can probably convince the wife to truck sit if neccessary. On filling out the form the judging book says "same appearance as when the vehicle was manufactured". The truck that I have entered has heavy duty fiberglass front fenders. They look original and even sorta sound right when you rap on them. Do they get marked as "Replaced to Original" or Replaced Not to Original. They have the "same appearance as when the vehicle was manufactured". Just curious, other than the previous owner put raised letter radials on it, the truck looks stock.
  15. That's me and it is a Crosley FarmOroad with pickup box.
  16. I have been on several church trips where we go in to an area to help remodel houses for low income locals. Always interesting because you are usually walking into the middle of a project with little history. You work for a week and go away, hoping the next group finish what you started with reasonable quality. One trip we were suppose to finish ceilings where a previous group had put new drywall up. One room we notice a cheap flat 2 wire extention cord hanging down the wall out of the ceiling. Quickly found the other end came out of the ceiling by the light fixture in the middle of the room where it was plugged into one of those screw in adapters that gives a plug and a light socket. The family had apparently ran the cord to run something and a previous group just put the drywall up right over it. We cut off both ends and finished the ceiling minus auxiliary plug. Wish I would have taken a picture :-)
  17. AAA might be ok if it was for our area since I do belong. Keep wondering what they will do when I call them for one of my old cars to come and rescue me. I check eBay every day so I will find something eventually. I was hoping some company was making reproductions that I hadn't found. Might even design my own.
  18. I go to Macungie every year, lots of great iron on display. Your right the Pierce Arrow would be a big hit.
  19. Thanks for the offer Steve, but I'm looking for something to use on a driver and would be affraid to put $110 out on a license plate waving around. Cat doesn't do anything for me. I actually have a Fat Man in my collection of tin signs. Bought it years ago, before the price went up. Sorry not for sale I like it on the wall.
  20. I'm looking for an appropriate license plate topper for my 1950 Ford F1 Stake truck. I would rather have a reproduction since most of the neat original ones are to expensive to wave around on the front license plate and get damaged. Anyone know of a source of toppers. Been watching the ones on eBay for a month or so now and did the normal Google searches. I'm thinking something like a Pioneer Seed Corn, Ford Safety Cop, I like Ike, other interesting and not to geographic, but proper for 1950s.
  21. A free multiplatform web tool is KompoZer. I don't think AACA website support that either.
  22. As a Crosley owner and a former Met owner I have had a few tricks on me over the years to. The Summer after high school graduation I had a couple of former football players pickup the back of my 61 Met when I was about to pull out of a wash bay at the corner garage. I put it in reverse and asked them if they wanted me to let out the clutch. They quickly put it back on the ground.
  23. I knew I should have kept that 54 Convert I had when I was 18. I bought it because I blew the rear in my 61 hard top. Did the swap and later bought a real parts car (paint was all that held the car together) and put the rear back in the convert and sold it. It was solid blue but to long a go to remember if it was repaint.
  24. 1962 Chrysler - Dupont Paint Chip Set - 1 page Paint chip sheets cover Chrysler, Dodge, Imperial, Dart, Lancer, Plymouth, and Valiant. They show exterioir colors with extra color info on the back. Some yellowing on the edges but chips are all in good shape and bright. $12 Shipped ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1963 Chrysler - Dupont Paint Chip Set - 1 page Paint chip sheet cover Chrysler, Dodge, Dodge 880, Imperial, and Plymouth. They show exterior chips with interior colors info on the back. Some yellowing on the edges but chips are all in good shape and bright. $12 Shipped
  25. 1962 General Motors Dupont Paint Chip Set - 2 pages Paint chip sheets cover Buick, Chevrolet, Corvette, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, and Chevy Truck (no chips) . They show exterior colors with extra color codes on the back and second page. 1 side of chips and 3 sides of info, it is an 17"X11"" page when opened up on both sides. Some yellowing on the edges but chips are all in good shape and bright. $12 Shipped. 1963 General Motors Dupont Paint Chip Set - 2 pages Paint chip sheets cover Buick, Chevrolet, Corvette, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, and Cadillac. They show exterior. 2 pages of chips, backs have interior info, they are 8.5"X11"" pages. Some yellowing on the edges but chips are all in good shape and bright. $12 Shipped.
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