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Everything posted by SC38dls

  1. I would love too but with braces on both legs I would hesitate for fear of not being quick enough on the brakes. I’ll be more than happy for a short ride and just to be able to walk around it. What a treasure.
  2. Ed, well worth the wait to see it go down the road. Congratulations and I hope you have a ball with it for a long time to come. dave s
  3. Watch TV ads for 5G internet or cell service- Nationwide 5G networks- except where not available is in very small print.
  4. Don’t we all have a hobby that cost as much as a mistress? Is fun (of a different kind of course) to do, can be a problem at times, and our wife’s usually don’t understand why! I’ve been married 50 years and still love both my wife and this mistress called old cars!
  5. Any Garwood triple Walk thru or not would be a treat to own and ride in. i replaces 178 board feet on a CC 42 foot Constellation one summer. I don’t envy the work ahead of you but really worth the effort. The Dart would also be a work of art on the water. Have fun, post pics.
  6. A Garwood is the Duesenberg of antique boats. A walk thru triple would be the ultimate! When your done put it behind an antique car just so we can say it’s auto related and show us pics!! Please.
  7. Didn’t you say you were applying for an apprentice tractor mechanic job recently?
  8. Most if not all Auburn’s are good looking in the original colors! Why mess with it when it is already perfection?
  9. No one- maybe someday I’ll meet Ed & Matt but I’m not sure they if are famous or infamous?
  10. Got to love that 289. II’ve always thought that and the 283 Chevy were the perfect engine in basic design with their water jackets and power to size ratio. Good looking car and hope you enjoy for a long time.
  11. I know how your dad feels. I spent six months at Walter Reed, the old one with plaster falling down. The surgeon that messed me up said the only reason he was in the army was he couldn’t make it as a doc in civilian life. I was at least a walking wounded with all my limbs. Those of us that could had to help the guys in chairs go from building to building as many did not have ramps. Seven operations later I still feel the effects but compared to what I saw and guys I helped get around I am one of the luckiest guys around even today with braces on both legs. Only part I regret is I never won a bet on which piece of plaster was going to fall from the ceiling next and either hit a doc, nurse or one of us. Gave away a lot of jello and ice cream because of that.
  12. I lived 6 miles from Wofford Reserve. 10 miles from Buffalo Trace and a few more from three others. Should have called I would have been happy to put your Pierce in my garage while you sniffed the angels share. I might have even given you my address.
  13. Oh you must be a lot younger , better looking too and I’m sure you wouldn’t ever be caught in a hat like that but you would definitely support the charity they represent! Edit I also have been known to travel with a generous supply of bourbon as I lived on the bourbon trail for 17 years. Just saying in case that is of interest
  14. My phone is so smart it ignores me, which works for me.
  15. If I remember my history it didn’t end well for “el Duce” at the end of WWII, your current wife war may have same result Duce!
  16. I’ve been married 50 years and have never been able to teach my wife a lesson! Good luck to you on that chore. You would be smarter picking out her new car and let her choose the color of course.
  17. Skips drive in on North ave Melrose Park IL from the 50’s to the 70’s the car place to be in the burbs of Chicago.
  18. Grassroots Drag Racing in the '50s: Life Magazine at
  19. You better have nice things to say about Cleveland as it may become your permanent home if your wife reads this thread in the near future while sitting in her new car!
  20. If 2020 is the lead in to his world we are in deep dodo
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