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New Jersey plans to ban the sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035

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What the imbecilic whack jobs do in New Jersey is none of my business. They love to trample over the constutional rights of their inhabitants. Unfortunatly that means more NJ people moving into my county and city. Wish they would stay up north where they ruined everything. 

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This seems to be an endless question, one that only the future will answer. There are a couple of fundamental issues here though. For the most part these laws are being pushed by a political class that is pandering to what they perceive to be their "base"...a group that has virtually no conception of the problems involved and is looking only at the "appearance" of doing something. This is not new. Politicians have been doing this since time began. Really, what is the likelihood that a gaggle of lawyers understands anything about the electrical grid, the needs of the general public or even what it's like to simply not be able to afford the "advanced technology" they are so devoted to. The mere fact that no EV would be affordable to the average user were it not for subsidies, which I highly resent when taxpayers are footing the bill, should tell us a great deal. Although I think it farfetched I sometimes think the goal here is to make personal transportation unavailable to any but the well off.

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Good point, JV.  The above is abetted by young folks who can no longer afford a new or even decent late model used car, often still living with their parents while in their 30s,  so it's all the easier for them to make i.c. automobiles a convenient whipping boy.  They're going to hate what they can't have.   There's that, and our K-12 trails at least 16 other modern industrial democracies,  our STEM classes woefully lag as we produce only a quarter per capita the engineers, scientists, doctors as Pakistan, China, India,  and spend more on high school concussion ball player than math or science student,  witness the sole day of the year many of us can drive a vintage car in a relaxed manner during the entire day being Stupor Bowl Sunday.    We're grooming young people to glom onto EZ answers to complex problems.   


 Also, it's easier to attack i.c. automobiles than examine our own actions.   Again....despite 8 1/5th billion people globally, 350 million babies onboard domestically,  all burning some sort of carbon on a planet so small the towers of suspension bridges out of parallel to reflect the earth's curvature,  something's gotta give.  Such younger folk are even taking fertility drugs, witness the prolificacy of tandem strollers.  Twins used to be a rarity, now common.   They do not get it.  Nor that according to the UN and other studies, animals raised for meat and dairy produce more greenhouse gas than all the world's cars, trucks,  buses, trains, planes ships combined.


  These, JV,  are the elephants in the room, the 800-lb. gorillas the consumer-driven media avoid for fear of upsetting advertisers who see more people as more buyers and cheap labor.   Their business model is that weak, and they ignore that every nation with declining birthrate enjoys higher per capita GDP.    


   Of course such folk are unable to grasp that EVs are no panacea;  that gasoline is a terrific fuel, higher BTUs than alcohol, the latter a net energy consumer, unless produced entirely from agwaste as in Brazil, not corn as in the US.  Agwaste ethanol is what Henry Ford wanted his Model T and Fordson tractor to run on, which comprised fully half the vehicles on the world's roads and fields by 1920, but with J.D. Rockefeller controlling over 85% of all bulk oil shipping, gasoline as low as a dime a gallon, Ford went along with the program.  Otherwise, Maxwell, Hudson, Reo, the Dodge brothers, Auburn,  Marmon, Studebaker, Willys, Nash, GM, Packard, Pierce, and others would've likely followed suit.  There are not enough raw materials for the world to swap all ICE cars for EVs.  EVs run on petroleum tires (producing most the dust in urban areas), and use six (6) times as many minerals as i.c. cars, including cobalt, lithium, nickel, copper, manganese, graphite, thallium, titanium, zinc,  rare earths like neodymium and dysprosium, the latters' extraction requiring huge amounts of carcinogens like ammonia, hydrochloric acid, sulphates.  Much of these minerals are imported from politically unstable regions.

  Do you expect these narrowly educated strangers to technology to fathom that thallium has been a common ingredient in rat poison?  That it's tasteless, odorless, and nearly colorless?  While those who tested positive hadn't consumed poisonous levels of the metal, it was enough to cause fatigue, heart arrhythmia, nausea, digestive trouble, neurological problems, and hair loss. The scariest part is that even after patients completed detoxification regiments, thallium continued to show up in their systems.
"We now know that heavy metals are additive and synergistic," says David Quid, the lead scientist at Doctors Data,  PhD in nutritional biochemistry. "If you get a little thallium, and a little lead, and a little cadmium in your system, you've got one plus one plus one equals five or six, not just three." In other words, these metals do more damage when they're combined.
"This stuff bioaccumulates," he added. "Down the road, it's going to kick you in the ass one way or another."
    As will our not knuckling down, urging Congress to revise our antiquated, agrarian tax codes from when more babies meant more hands to work the family farm, half of all children not surviving past age four, to instead have only "one or none,"  or adopt,  and getting more people to adopt a plant-based, vegan diet, without which health insurance public or private will never be affordable, since every study not overtly or covertly funded by meat, diary, egg industry comes to the same conclusion:  The single best way to prevent heart disease, cardiovascular ills, hypertension, inflammation, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, macular degeneration, dementia (now termed class 3 diabetes), and Alzheimer's is a plant-based, vegan diet.   Realizing there's some unrequited testosterone among those owning automatic transmissioned, power braked, power steeringed "muscle" cars, "retro rods,"  reskinned Falcons, etc.,   if not in better educated vintage car owners having broader knowledge of culture and history,  it's worth reminding many here gathered that unlimited cage fighters, NFL players, and the world's leading Formula One driver, Lewis Hamilton, are vegan.
  Already, we have drilling, mining, lumbering "access" roads in "our" national parks Teddy Roosevelt wisely set aside as untrammeled America the Beautiful.
   JV, I've brought up this pair of overarching juggernauts on these forums before, reasoning that unless narrowly educated, insular silver spooners,  with the wherewithal to own fine old cars,  practice broader,  critical thinking,  we're sunk --- only to get hooted down by characters living in the hinterlands or gated communities unable to see past their own hood ornaments,  dismissing anything they don't want to confront as "politics"  or "I'll be dead by then"  or otherwise beyond them, it being easier  to play us/them, regurgitate Fox 'n' tawk radio, blame "the bureaucrats" appointed by "the government" that we elect.
    As said too many times, JV, our solution is simple, but not EZ, so the head in the sand of those who'd prefer to lament the good ole days that never existed, or when population a third, even a quarter of today's,  continues. 
   You could argue that 120 years ago, 40% of all automobiles were quiet, readily understandable steam, 38% noiseless electric,  only 22% internal combustion, so we've only come full circle.   But some of us are able to be unrepentant autoholics  a n d  environmentalists, as arborist late publisher, formerly with the New York Times Review of Books, publisher of Hemmings Motor News Terry Ehrich, Paul Newman, James Garner, Steve Allen  (co-owned an LA motorcycle shop), Dave Garroway and untold others.  Certain old cars are to us a powerful visceral pull; we've decades of experience, effort, time, money in them, and would like to ensure a nation, a world, in which they might still be freely enjoyed without special permits and fees.   It wasn't EZ restoring them, it won't be EZ working toward a world which will still welcome them.  In short, this is a man's  job.  Adult focus, drive, ability, reason required.   Not juvenile finger pointing and snarls, bar room rants.
       Add the above to the reasons every poll of scientists, including 2,000 UN in 2013, 11,000 in the 11/5/19 Bloomberg News, shows them agreeing overpopulation by far our biggest problem, their words,  "bigger than climate."
     The Union Pacific Railroad manages to operate three massive steam locomotives of the late '30s,  '40s while last year issuing $600 million in green bonds.
      So, do we continue parsing, equivocating, whining, slamming one state over another, yeah butting,  settle for Band Aids on the patient hemorrhaging in the ER,  or act ?
Edited by Su8overdrive (see edit history)
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Better question is there a place that gives the gov't the power to not let citizens own gas cars.  If we would read the constitution and bill of rights as written and not interpret it as they FEEL! lots of laws and restrictions citizens in the US face would not exist.  When you pervert meanings anything is possible.   They have officially changed the meanings of words over the last few years that had stood for decades if not centuries.  If definitions of words can be changed,  then what do you have?  

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18 hours ago, arcticbuicks said:

is there a section in the US constitution that grants or entitles everybody lifelong right to own gas cars ? i am just curious

The federal government does not have to authority to tell us what we can or cannot buy with our own money.   It can be argued that the federal government has granted itself that particular power, but it does not exist in the constitution.  The constitution, now rendered virtually meaningless, grants very specific powers to the federal government.  If it's not listed, they don't have it, and those powers not spelled out are then left to the states and further down the line to the local level.  I'm well aware that the federal government cares nothing about this and will happily take all the power it can get.  They don't have the authority to arbitrarily shut down a private business or forgive student loans either, but if not held to account, they'll do it.   If we had a functioning court system it would be much harder for them.


They have also done a fantastic job of using the EPA and other unelected, unaccountable agencies to regulate behaviors that they don't like.


The constitution (is supposed to) protect a citizen's right to own property.  That would include one or more cars of your choice.


I'm assuming (hoping) your question was meant to be ironic, the idea that we are subjects waiting for our overlords to toss us some bread is a big part of the reason we're in this condition in the first place. 

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  • 4 months later...

Until we unite to focus on curbing the overarching cause, enumerated above, we're only spinning our wheels lamenting the latest local or state ordinance.   Those of us with the "drive," grit, education to own, rebuild, keep fettled a vintage car,  need to muster the will to address the big picture.  Obvious and simple, if not EZ.  But then a respray and new seat covers do not a restoration make.

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On 12/1/2023 at 6:48 PM, Angelfish said:

The federal government does not have to authority to tell us what we can or cannot buy with our own money.  

When did the state of NJ become the federal government? As for telling you what you can or cannot buy with your own money, try buying cocaine or a tactical nuclear weapon and see what happens.

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Well we can keep ignoring the warnings and ramblings of politicians and agencies,  but be assured they are in hard press court mode to try to push legislation through without any for thought into how it will impact anything or how the goals will even be achieved.  When you live in a state like NY or CA,  you really need to pay attention as alot of these edicts become mandates.  Funny how they bypass the legislature in alot of these edicts or fail to ask the general public,  through proper time to vet the edicts or laws before they are pushed through.  Usually when passed by state legislature as part of a huge package of other essential things. 


Better to be over cautious than to relinquish one inch/right to ill thought out ideas by keeping our head in the sand.

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