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Scholarship --- Why?


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I opted for the option of the scholarship funding NOT be a part of the membership dues. Making this funding part of the membership dues might make it more of an entire club operation, but I also feel that doing so might limit the amount of money which could ultimately fund this operation. Not to forget how "fluid" the membership numbers tend to be!

I feel that funding the scholarship operation outside of the dues structure, via more and possibly larger individual contributions, could very possibly result in MORE money with which to build a trust fund for the scholarship operation. Therefore, it would not affect membership dues in the future!

Willis Bell 20811

Edited by NTX5467 (see edit history)
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Roberta, it seems that while changing the "Chapter Directors Only" forum to a "BCA Members Only" forum might be a good idea, I feel that unless ALL BOD Members monitored and responded to it in a timely manner, it would not serve the needs of the reason it was designed. It DOES have many possibilities, though, but without desired BOD Member interactions, it would become "the choir singing to the choir". PLUS only those with Internet access would know about what was in that Forum, rather than the total membership at least having a suspicion of what might be going on as they were "left out".

I also know that being a BOD Member is a voluntary situation, it can put time demands upon each BOD member, which might be why some might not desire to become involved in these forums, other than to monitor them only. By the same token, being a BOD Member would have a certain degree of involvement and dedicated time to spend on BOD issues for a more-optimum operation of the BCA and BOD -- this might already be the case for many BOD members, but without their postings, the only way to know would be for the activity logs to be reviewed of whom was here and who had been here, over time. Perhaps Mr. Earl might post that monthly, just so we might know?

Willis Bell 20811

Willis Bell 20811

Edited by NTX5467 (see edit history)
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Roberta, it seems that while changing the "Chapter Directors Only" forum to a "BCA Members Only" forum might be a good idea, I feel that unless ALL BOD Members monitored and responded to it in a timely manner, it would not serve the needs of the reason it was designed. It DOES have many possibilities, though, but without desired BOD Member interactions, it would become "the choir singing to the choir". PLUS only those with Internet access would know about what was in that Forum, rather than the total membership at least having a suspicion of what might be going on as they were "left out".

I also know that being a BOD Member is a voluntary situation, it can put time demands upon each BOD member, which might be why some might not desire to become involved in these forums, other than to monitor them only. By the same token, being a BOD Member would have a certain degree of involvement and dedicated time to spend on BOD issues for a more-optimum operation of the BCA and BOD -- this might already be the case for many BOD members, but without their postings, the only way to know would be for the activity logs to be reviewed of whom was here and who had been here, over time. Perhaps Mr. Earl might post that monthly, just so we might know?

Willis Bell 20811

Willis Bell 20811

Willis, no one listens to me anyway, I also have access as Super Moderator of the Forum, and as usual only the Brian's have accessed in my short look at that.


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Willis, no one listens to me anyway, I also have access as Super Moderator of the Forum, and as usual only the Brian's have accessed in my short look at that.


Com-on Roberta, You are a highly respected member of the Buick community. You're like the old EF Hutton, when you speak, everyone listens. But then some just do what they wanted to in the first place. :)

As to that "Chapter Directors Only" portion of the Forum, it was originally intended to be an open forum for all the Chapter Directors to discuss issues related to the operation of the Chapters. It was specifically set up so that the Directors could have a place to discuss sensitive issues that impacted all the Chapters.

The main problems with the section are: 1- it is near impossible to maintain the list of current directors and, 2- getting the Directors comfortable with using the site.

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I did reply to the survey but I am left wondering what the results were of the survey. It is because of this lack of feedback I almost never answer a request for a survey. If it is important to you to ask my opinion, it is only courteous to let me know what the results were.

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The survey is still open and people are still answering.There will be a link in the Bugle, so members who dont have Email addresses can answer too.

The results will be shown at the National Meet in Springfield and published in the Bugle once all results are known.

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Thanks for that update, Bill.

There are some surveys out there that will allow you to see a cumulative total of cast votes for each question, but that might be counter-productive as it de-motivate some to vote, at a time when ALL votes are needed.


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Hello Everyone

It has been interesting reading what has been written. I support what the BCA has done and consider that it only can be positive and while the BCA has sufficient funds, why not do something like this for its members. I consider that the fee I pay to belong to the BCA is good value considering what we get in return. Other clubs and organisations, which I have belonged to have cost much more. The Bugle, while only a part of the BCA, to me is excellent and well worth paying the $50 membership fee a year for.

With regards to the scholarship, I think that some of it could be tagged further and specifically to provide for and encourgae applicants with scholarhips to the likes of McPherson College who offer Automobile related restoration courses and to Technical Colleges for Automotive courses.

I teach Automotive Technology in a High School Academy and I worry about the future of the Automobile service industry, as to the cost and quality we get from vehicle repairers. If we don't start attracting more people with a higher standard of education, in the coming years you will not be able to afford to have your car fixed at a "shop" and there will be few around who are capable of doing it. Technology is moving fast and we need people with different skill sets now and for the future, than what we did 10 years ago. What better way to attract these people to the industry than offering then a small financial donation in the form of a scholarship.

Thank you

John McCarthy


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John, thanks for sharing your thoughts, you mirror my feelings on this to the T. Especially the part about designating it for " Technical Colleges for Automotive courses" (and not only McPherson) The amounts being discussed would go much further in assisting students in these types of classes than they would in general college courses. I also think the students at Tech Schools, who I imagine are more often in the lower level income bracket, would be much more Appreciative of the funds and would likely tell other students of where it came from therefore helping promote the good of Buick and the Buick Club of America.

Thanks to whoever came up with and sent out the survey. While imo not very timely (given going by what I have read in the Bugle and here it was already a done deal) hopefully it can be used to make changes in the near future.

I too wonder why no Board member has weighed in on this thread to help present facts and figures which would go a long in keeping the conversation on the right track and dispelling possible heresay or incorrect information or reportings which can so often lead to suspicion that we sheep are getting the wool pulled over our eyes.

While not totally a financial matter I do thank Bill Stoneberg for posting what he knows about the subject.

Edited by MrEarl (see edit history)
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Maybe they printed this quote out on a big sheet of paper are coming up with the proper phrasing of how it fits:

[h=2]"The Buick Club of America is a non-profit membership corporation dedicated to the preservation and restoration of those vehicles built by the Buick Motor Division of General Motors Corporation."[/h]I found it online so it must be true. I even attached a copy to the survey.


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