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90 convert


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Saw this ad in Autotrader.....looked interesting. Wondering if anyone in the area has checked this car, or would be able to........I thought the color combo was very different!

Thanks for any info and help!



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Guess I didn't realize the color was called "claret red"....thought it was burgundy! Learn something new every day! I was surprised there were no pics of the top, wonder if it would be tan or ??

leads me to think it might be bad.

If it is a true southern car I would expect it to be rust free and a nice clean undercarriage.

I, too would ask for the original wheels......

Hope someone will check out this rascal....

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Just to be clear, if I am not mistaken even though dark, the 90 interior was called red, not burgundy as everyone is calling it.

The exterior color is referred to as Claret Red, the interior is referred to by GM as Garnet Red.

Garnet red is more of a burgundy color as opposed to the very vibrant Flame Red that was installed in 1991 Reattas, and paired with white trim in the 1990 Select Sixtys.

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I may have seen the car several years back. The owner was Fowler in AZ, he lived in Flagstaff and passed away 2-3 years ago. The mileage was 17500 in 2002.

There were only 117 (number came from GM) convertibles made in that exterior color in 1990. At this time the exterior/interior color combo numbers are not available.

You could get that color with tan, grey or red interior. Tan seemed to be the more popular but again the exact numbers are not known.

Edited by Barney Eaton (see edit history)
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I would be interested in this car if you folks would think it would be a good purchase. I will also pay someone to check out the car for me. Please excuse me if I seem too forward, but being an avid "reader" of the forum, I feel you are the professionals, and best resource.

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I like a lot of aftermarket wheels on a Reatta but I think those wheels just kill the looks of that car. I would be concerned about why no photos were taken with the top up. There has to be a reason for that. Maybe the same person who thought those wheels would look good on that car thought a yellow top would look good. :D

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Guest Kitskaboodle

Those wheels & tires belong on a tuner car or newer Dodge Charger. If that were my car it would be sporting 91 wheels. It would look sooo much better. This car would attract far more serious buyers if they would get rid of those wheels. Just sayin...... Kit

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Guest Corvanti

i agree the 20" "donk" wheels would have to go - but there's a market out there for those among the "kids".;)

i'd also factor in the cost of a new top if purchased. it's a dealer and if the top was ok, there should have been pics of it on the ad. fortunately, there are a couple of vendors here on the forum that could give a potential buyer a price for a top.

again, since it's a dealer, depending on how long it's been on the lot - the price may be quite flexible - especially if he has access to "regular" wheels/tires that would fit and the probable top problem...:)

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It looks to me to be a great car. I would not let the wheels stop me from buying the car. People buy/sell wheels all the time for their cars. Corvanti is correct, some kid will want those for his "ride" and Craigslist is a great format for that. Hopefully someone in the area will be willing to look at it for you. However I will state for the record that I committed to buy all three of my Reattas [and a beautiful '93 Roadmaster] just from pictures and a conversation with the owner by phone. I reluctantly sold my Roadmaster when I went with Reattas exclusively. Four years later I still see it on occasion.

How much can be wrong with a car with 27000 miles on it? Unless you get receipts with the car plan on doing the maintenance work that should have been done, just to be sure.

Edited by DAVES89 (see edit history)
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Houston Reatta owner looked at the car this am and said it was impressive. Only thing not stock is the wheels and a center armrest cupholder has been added from a Riviera? He was given a carfax the car was sold new in NC, then it went to NM, then to AZ, then San Antonio (I believe the AZ owners son got the car after his fathers death) then to Houston. I am not going to post the name or contact of the person in Houston that looked at the car but if you contact me, I will give you his phone number. The Houston dealer (Gillman) has had the car since December.

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... Only thing not stock is the wheels and a center armrest cupholder has been added from a Riviera? ...

The armrest would have to be from a '91 Riviera - which still had garnet red as an interior option. In '92-'93 they switched the red option to 'ruby red' which is a little different than garnet.

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I Believe GM continued to offer Garnet Red interiors and exteriors for at least the 1992 Riviera (don't know or sure about 1993). They also offered Garnet Red interiors with Ruby Red exteriors. I had a 92 Riviera with factory Garnet Red interior surrounding newly offered extra cost (Spring of 92) white leather seats and Ruby Red exterior with white vinyl landau top.

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I Believe GM continued to offer Garnet Red interiors and exteriors for at least the 1992 Riviera (don't know or sure about 1993). They also offered Garnet Red interiors with Ruby Red exteriors. I had a 92 Riviera with factory Garnet Red interior surrounding newly offered extra cost (Spring of 92) white leather seats and Ruby Red exterior with white vinyl landau top.

Oops - my bad. Yes, ruby red came in for '93. The '92 was still garnet red.

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Well, its official, I just bought the convertible!!!! From the gentleman I spoke with, he assures me that this car is a REAL creampuff, interior, body AND undercarriage are like new! Can't wait to see it and have a spin with the top down! Will have to save some $$$$ to get rid of those wheels~ SOOOOOO...a big thank you to all of you that supplied information and help!!!!

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Hey Chuck! Get over here to St. Louis and give a call sometime! Then Kevin, you and I can have a coffee and compare notes! I'm really excited to see the car, hope it gets here some time in the coming week. I'll drop a line when she gets here and I check her over!

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Mel, congrats! I would very much like to see this car when you have taken delivery of it. Not sure when Chuck's next trip into STL is but would be great to meet up and talk shop.

PM me if you want to do a get together. Anyone else in or near STL too for that matter.


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