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ME & MY === 1958 Buick, 1958 Buick, 1958 Buick and……..


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Freak thing for sure. With all that's been going on I feel like that cartoon guy (think old time print) that walked around with this rain cloud over him all the time......

I'm thinking about your advice on a vacation, one more like stepping back and just getting things together where I can.

Should it be quiet for a bit, you'll know why.

Thanks for following along.

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So, I can't stay away from here very long, so it seems.

Taking some good advise guys, I took a short vacation  :D with good results for a change and thought I'd share.


A fellow car collector/friend and I drove two hours up to London Ontario to meet with a group of 60 car like minded people of all walks of life to see the fantastic collection of Cadillacs and property owned by Steve Plunket.

This started at 12 noon and lasted till 4:30 in his Fleetwood Auto Salon building he designed and built in the fashion of the 30's Salon's built back in the day to showcase the various high end car lines! INCREDIBLE is only one word to describe this accomplishment!  :)


I know this is the 'Me and My Buick' thread so will connect this for you.

See, I met Steve at the Eyes on Design Show two years ago when I knew he was showing his freshly restored 1958 Buick Caballero Wagon I posted pictures of earlier. While only a short visit due to the many people around his car we did talk about my Buick's briefly. He stated that he also had a 1958 Buick Special convertible and would like to see mine someday.

Yesterday was the opportunity to show him pictures at least of my car and this event went so well that he asked if we all would like to see his other Cadillac, Pontiac and BUICK BARNS! Off we went on this 101 acre property!!!!

The one statement he made about his Special was that it was "just a driver".  You be the Judge.



And naturally, what is sitting next to the Special?


Sorry for the poor quality pics. Hard to tell but there are 15 or so individual doors on this Buick barn with 50's 60's and 70's Buicks in this one barn that we saw. Behind the wall in front of the cars we did not go in and imagine it holds another 30 or so "project cars"......


Not sure my Special will be his "driver quality car" but will be proud to have it next summer at his fund raiser show which he had a record 5,500 show cars attend if I can make it. 



I could go on about the Pontiac barn and his huge other Cadillac barn but will keep it Buick for now.

Needless to say, GREAT DAY! (for a change  :rolleyes:)  

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Glad to hear you had a chance to visit Steve's collection. It is amazing!

I have never been to the big, annual show but I've been to a Thursday night "cruise-in". If the weather is good, there will be more than 200 vehicles!


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I take it you must have spent time shooting pics of his Caballero too!

A very engaging individual! With 68 Cadillacs covering many years, hosting 10 years of car based fund raisers he has great stories from collecting the individual car, the history prior to his ownership, knows the unique individual details that really make them special colloctor cars and at anytime, open to any and all types of questions.

I can't come anywhere close to run with his pack but at no time did I ever feel there was an effort to remind me of that. I have had more than a few customers that would go out of their way to remind you of your place once I passed their OK to be of service and what I saw from Steve, was not that case one bit.

As to the car show, he stated that he has said for the last few years that it was the last one as it is a lot of work to be successfull. Figures he will know for sure by this November if it is a go or not for 2016.

Guess patience is the word for the day to get in and early! It is so popular that it is about 1 1/2 hrs just to get in the gates to park your car.......

It would however be quite the experience. Just have to prepare my wife what to expect (or not?).

A bucket listing for sure!

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Had my head hardware removed Tuesday and have to report this;

Went to my doctor who showed me the tool for staple removal. His comment before proceeding was, "There are two of these. This one and a more expensive one". OK..... :unsure:  

After fiddling around a bit the first staple came out fine. Then he fiddles some more and... not tooo bad but has taken out two at a time. About the sixth one he says, " They are really close together and might have to take out three this time".  OUCH!  :(

Time for you to get the expensive pair Doc!

I'll take having them put in any time over this..... Bet if the nurse had done this it would have been better. Sheesh!



Had a day or two due to weather (rain from hurricane Patricia - even up here) and looked at some old pictures of the Special. 

I think I mentioned I have the same license plate on the car since I bought it and came across a shot of her that verifies this.


It was one of two car events I participated in the car that year (1973). If you look closely at the black car right behind her you will see it is my now 1951 Nash Canadian Statesman. At that time Dad owned it and I actually learned how to drive a stick shift on the column in it. Sure thought I had the world by the pants!


Hard to believe it was 42 years ago...... but great memories! :D



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next time tell them to let you borrow the tool.  Numb with some ice first and there will be no pain.  Why didn't they do that?...it takes time and time is $$$$$.



You are so right Willie!

Even though we have different health care systems it still all boils down to bucks!


Here's the thing, hopefully there WON'T BE A NEXT TIME! :D  LOL 

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 Time does fly, as I've had my '56 since 1976. Those were the days when people thought I was nuts for wanting an old car. Once when I was trying to buy parts for my first '56 Buick, a guy told me flat out, "All those old cars should be in a F.....g junkyard" Sheeesh!

 I have a good friend that is into those early 50's Nash's. One does not see or hear about them often. What happened to that car?


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Hey Keith,


(Time does fly, as I've had my '56 since 1976. Those were the days when people thought I was nuts for wanting an old car.)

Sweet that you are in this club too!  :) 


My Limited was just an old car when in High school and the "in crowd" thought I was way out there driving it!

At least the convert was red! That helped some.....


Never regretted keeping them all these years, especially going to my 10 year reunion and parking the Special on the front lawn at my old High School!  :D 

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Had an interesting conversation with my son this evening, seems while he was at my Dad's last week they talked cars. Dad doesn't want me to know about it but has told my son that he is willing to fund the rebuild of my Limited motor! 

Suddenly I have to clean up the garage at home and get the motor on a clean bench so some progress can be made (without me knowing?). OK, slow down, priorities are in play but..... what an offer!  ;)

You have to appreciate youth and excitement! 


Doesn't mean things will stop on the Special but... would be a dream if the Limited made it to the wedding too???



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Regarding our Super, back in 1976 or so, with one son and one on the way, my father said , if you're gonna have that thing, put $1,500  into it and drive it ( for a daily car).  I told him he just didn't understand!   


He's also the one who, in earlier years, made me give away the 60 MGA, which I got for free and which ran for my friend for a decade after electrical repairs, and also made me sell the 57 Special convertible for $100,  which had 55K, and I got for $30.00.   He also objected to the Ford Econoline van I picked up for free and finally gave up when I brought home the $200 64 Corvair convertible, that my brother and nephew still have.


Dads!  You just gotta love em!!!

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Regarding our Super, back in 1976 or so, with one son and one on the way, my father said , if you're gonna have that thing, put $1,500  into it and drive it ( for a daily car).  I told him he just didn't understand!   


He's also the one who, in earlier years, made me give away the 60 MGA, which I got for free and which ran for my friend for a decade after electrical repairs, and also made me sell the 57 Special convertible for $100,  which had 55K, and I got for $30.00.   He also objected to the Ford Econoline van I picked up for free and finally gave up when I brought home the $200 64 Corvair convertible, that my brother and nephew still have.


Dads!  You just gotta love em!!!


You are so right John!

I have to admire mine, he always said, "If I still had my 1st car (one 1926 Model T) just think what it would be worth?"

The worth in my cars isn't the actual value (since I never sell anything) but it's the years of memories and sometimes shock on peoples faces when I tell them I've had them since High School. :D


Some of us do this but not many!  :rolleyes:

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(since I never sell anything)

 I tell people that I do this for love, not money!


 My Dad (and Mom) told me that collecting cars "aren't for the likes of us" and "that's only something for the rich". They were still stuck in the old English Class System, Them and Us. My Dad more so, than Mom, but though she was born in Wales, and my Dad was first gen Canadian, she lived for some time in England before coming to Canada. Why she was much more democratic was from her upbringing, my Grandfather was one of the early labour activists in England and Wales. He was a real Welsh coal miner, sent down at 10-11 years of age to dig coal. Can't blame him wanting to change that system.

 Sorry to get this off of track, but of course our parents were only trying to do what they thought was right. Right for them, but perhaps not as right for us.


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  • 2 weeks later...

We have been having exceptionally nice weather here this month and the phone has been ringing so work is keeping me busy! :)

The down side is not having the time to keep at the Special but know down time is coming. :unsure:


Last Sunday it was a balmy 62 degrees and with the leaves just about all down needed to get up on the roofs and clear the eaves troughs. Decided to air out the garage by opening the big door and my side doors. All along I have been firing up the car to help keep the battery up but also ensure things are still operating properly.

Decided last minute to fire her up again before climbing my ladders and man, it seems to run better with every startup! :D What a relief after finding the motor stuck last winter!


Sat there behind the wheel while she warmed up, watching the gauges, looking out the opened garage door and had a moment of being "on the road again".  B)


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The official end of the car season is when my son asks if I will help with putting away his 1991 Mustang for the winter (COD - Call On Dad  :rolleyes: ).

This is about a 35 minute drive out in the country and has served us well over the years being clean, dry and with reasonable rates.


As you can see we should have done this last weekend but....

With the ground still warm this won't last long.


post-80315-0-34666400-1448128324_thumb.j post-80315-0-64884200-1448128202_thumb.j

Guess we are not the only ones waiting till the last minute as usually it is filled up by now.


Will see if I can steal an hour or two tomorrow to get back at the Special before the 'General' side tracts me with something....

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Sunday the 'General' did indeed side track me.

Seems I was assigned the mission of attempting to clean up the Recreation Room downstairs. I use the formal term since it was pointed out to me when it is called the 'Rec Room' it means more like the 'wrecked room' to my wife.... It was used as the playroom for our boys and their toys growing up and our kick back room but..... has become "my toy room" and storage room for my Business papers.....  :o


One good thing was finding the rear chrome quarter panels I had redone for the Limited (and the top of the bar ;) )



These typically rust out where they attach to the wheel trim and both my original car and her twin had that problem.  

post-80315-0-06632100-1448501604_thumb.j post-80315-0-17011300-1448501645_thumb.j


Can't remember right now where I came upon the ones I had chromed but do remember they had minimal rust. Should be OK for my 'driver Limited' but can see they are not perfect..... 



Now, need to dig deeper and find the wheel mouldings? :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not digging into the Special brakes as of yet due to work still coming in (a good thing! :)).



Poking away at the basement, came across a small box labelled Limited parts and brought them over to the garage with the Special today in an the effort to 'clean up the rec room', moving things out to keep the 'General' happy.



The 'Limited scripts' are all old stock but have all their prongs and most with clips. 

The chevrons are old stock also with their prongs and some clips also which I believe I took off my original Limited some time ago.

The small molding was rechromed from my old girl.

The top fender molding I had rechromed to replace that other cracked one.


Looking through a box for the Limited's (in the rec room) I found a receipt for the wheel moldings. Unfortunately it is not dated properly but looks like I paid 80 bucks for them.



Weather is unbelievable mild for this time of year and with nothing scheduled this weekend hoping to get onto the Special again, but that has been said before...... :unsure:

With gas prices at an all time low, think I will fill up my 5 gallon cans, top her off and fire her up again! :D


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  • 2 weeks later...

Can't wait for New Years to officially bring a fresh new year in and say goodbye to this past one!!!

Where I live we have had issues with power cutting out at times for various reasons and have had battery backups for some time. Well,

Monday sitting at the computer trying to post my car video on YouTube doesn't the power trip off and back on so quick not even the tv went out. I carried on because things looked good on the opened screens then all of a sudden everything froze up! Nothing I did had any effect then..... It completely sut down!

Bottom line, the hard drive is totalled, data completely wiped out on a just about 1year old pc. Yes, I have an external hard drive as a back up but one has to use it regularly to be of use to save your data.....

It is being sent back to the manufacturer and a new hard drive is being put in under their warranty but without a computer for two to three weeks and Xmas.....

Using my Ipad as I can but not happy.

Looking over my shoulder till January 1, 2016.


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 Doug, bad luck my friend. That's part of the issue with this nice modern technology we use, I've got burned more than once too. Is your theory that the power blips screwed up your hard drive? Also, most systems can be set up to do an automatic back ups at regular intervals to your back up drive(s).

 Anyway, take care and Merry Christmas to you and your family.


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Thanks Keith and Merry Christmas to you and all your family.

Yes, I had my tech guy try to access things first and he stated no computer is totally safe from power outage damage to hard drives. Then the tech department at the brand store where I bought it took out the hard drive trying to retrieve the data and said it was most likely a result of that too so... off it went to the manufacturer and see what happens.

By the way, would have posted thanks sooner but.... my Ipad charge cable has now developed a break in the outer casing near the unit side plug! This is the only way to charge the internal battery and unless you hold it such a way and bite your tongue the right way it will not charge so.... off again to the brand tech store only to be told, get this, I now have an antique unit as they have changed that cable to accomadate the new Ipads. What?! It is only three years old!

The response to that was, how long do you expect it to last?

Kids to the rescue, they found the cable on Amazon and should be here by the 21st.

To keep this about cars (somewhat), I know I'm in that 3rd quarter of my life but.... What is the future of our automobiles with all the current electronics and the hybreds let alone the totally electric ones coming onto the market?

Sorry there is nothing to fix your 50,000 (or MUCH MUCH MORE) five year old car but we have this new and improved model right here. Oh, and we will have to charge you an evironmental fee for getting ride of your now defunct vehicle.........

Come on 2016, can't wait for a new start.

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Guest Rob McDonald

DOUG, it's only a matter of time before Apple releases the iCar. It'll be lovely to look at and delightful to use. However, it will only last exactly 3.25 years before it's rendered obsolete and must be returned to the maker for recycling. A shiny new iCar v.2 will be waiting for you.


Good work on your basement cleanup. I've been through a similar experience, cleaning out my ex-wife's garage as we get her house ready for sale. Lots of potential projects went onto the junk heap. I thought I'd removed all my Buick parts earlier this year but I did find a couple more boxes, including some precious NOS trim bits. They're now squirrelled away in my garage, where they will continue to gather dust.

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Finished my last contracted work today for this year and managed a great Xmas Holiday with the family!

What has been a most stressful year is ending with the best news.

While dad was diagnosed with stage four bladder cancer last February and it had migrated to his liver, after two operations last April and not looking too good, he has stabilzed to the point the doctors have assured us if he is this good next June he will have another 2 years to look forward to!

Mom had a fall the end of October leaving her is bed for three weeks and doing physio but has recovered to the point she is driving again (a big relief).

Dad will be 92 in May and mom is just 88 and they still live at home so....

I am so greatfull to have had everyone at my home for Xmas Day!


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Hey Matt,

Thanks for the holiday wishes and right back to you too!

I have some sense of what you are feeling since having to be faced with the inevitable concerning mine but this is our 1st Xmas spent without my mother-in-law. For me it was very noticeable as I was blessed with one who would go to bat for me over her own daughter sometimes! At 90 she was still quite sharpe, here last year with some help up our four steps and always loved the holidays the most!

I'll share one personal experience which made this season a bit better to cope.

Two weeks ago there was a card with a small box in our mailbox. It was from the Funeral Home that performed her service and expressing their condolences. In the box was an engraved clear glass Xmas decoration with her name and beautiful verse.

Naturally it went on our tree and my wife, Cindy, expressed she would like to see if they would make one for her father who we lost in 2002.

I ran with that idea, stopped in and they indeed made one which I had wrapped up! Could not have planned the opening of gifts any better Xmas Day as it was the first one she picked to open!

Needless to say it was a wonderful unexpected moment, shared by the whole family and while in our hearts we know they are together again, now can see them here with us at this special time of year.

So, this last day of 2015, for being such a good guy (ha ha) I will be on leave till about 6pm. Will be going over to the Special and likely change out those hood spears and maybe fire her up to build up a bit of heat to work in the garage as it is only 30f today.

The evening is going to be quiet, just me and Cindy, but one spent snacking on shrimp and crab. Oh, and definately a toast (or two) to bring in the NEW YEAR!


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Your comment that they are still living at HOME, reminded me of what my sister told me a few years ago, and a good friend shared with me a couple days ago.


Both said that at least one of their parents hasn't, FORGIVEN them for putting them in a retirement home.

I know there is a time when they need the help, but both said, TRY HARD TO KEEP THEM IN THEIR OWN PLACE AS LONG AS POSSSIBLE.

Dale in Indy

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Nice, having trouble posting on my own thread....

Third times a charm?


Yes, the plan (hope) is to keep mom and dad at home as long as possible. We all have talked over the recent past and have sense of where things will be when the time comes.

Mom is the one who will have the issue with change but dad has this great ability to adjust saying, Well, what else can I do?

Meantime, I did get over to the Special to change out those hood whiskers.

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Hard to tell by the picture but the ones on the car now have some sanding marks from the paint job done before I bought it in 1972.


I soon found out the new ones are NOT NOS but likely early take offs. They are definately nicer than the ones on the car!


Naturally I had to drop one of the spin nuts on the floor since it was not much over 30f.

Will get out my magnet later to save crawling on a cold floor....


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Oh yes Adam, large cold hands, thin rubber gloves and not quite sitting on the grill backwards sure makes it a challenge!

By the way, sure hope you are on high ground with all the flooding that's going on your way?

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  • 2 weeks later...

With the unusally mild weather we've been having here (no snow at all) the business phone rang and my first week of 2016 was filled.:-) Saturday while warm rained all day so kept the wife happy in the rec room.

Uncovered a tote and found:


This was a swap meet find I came across. Notice there is no scrpit stating power steering and the chrome is in great shape.


I believe I took these off my Roadmaster to keep them out of the long term storage conditions where the car is. The plastic lenses were purchased some time ago at a swap meet too. These fit all 58 convertible models and believe gm used them up untill 1965 or so.


Another swap meet find. While just the Sonomatic and not the signal seaking unit for 25 bucks it has a nice chrome face if it does not work.

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