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What's the Deal?


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Why is it that people will place "Wanted" ads or post questions and when you respond to try to help you never hear from them again. Do they suddenly no longer need the parts or help? Are they just "fishing" for something else? I really enjoy helping ,but I say if you're not serious ,don't place the ads! I hope people don't feel that the responses on this forum could be scams so they just don't respond! I want to assure folks that when a member responds and asks for a contact they really do want the person to contact them. We can't help people that don't follow up!

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My pet peeve. Someone will ask a question. A forum member will spend time researching the answer only to never hear a thing back much less a thanks. Lots of times anymore I just don't bother.............Bob

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J, a lot of times, these people you speak of are first timers here. They may forget they posted here, or may have a problem even finding the correct forum that they posted in.

Don't be too hard on them. We were all first timers at one time.;)

Sorry Wayne that just doesn't wash. If they know enough to get here to ask a question they know enough to excercise common courtesy with a "thank you"...........Bob

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I see a few possibilities;

a) As stated, some people may fail to subscribe to the post and not see the answer at all. I have been guilty of this on other forums, seeing a reply a year later to a thread I posted that didn't get any replies for the first couple of months, not realizing that someone answered me 5-months later. If I subscribed to every thread I'd never have an empty inbox.

B) In the case of parts, they may have found what they need, or maybe spoke before really giving it thought, we all have "want lists" and sometimes people ask for something but then realize they don't have the cash available right now, etc. I've responded to some folks looking for very rare items, thinking they would be ecstatic, but get no response at all. Same goes for sellers too mind you, I've had people contact me with everything from spares to parts cars and even when I am interested, they promise photos and prices, then nothing.

c) Internet communications are always-changing, that's the nature of technology, and younger members often accept an answer as the end of the conversation because texts and emails are handled that way. When text messages used to be pay per text (some still are), it was considered rude to send a message saying "ok" or "thanks" since it might cost the person money for a trivial reply. Same goes for signing your name to emails or even forum posts, older folks tend to sign off, younger people do away with salutations because it is clear who the message is from and to by the email address. Sure, we all like a "thank you" but on some forums you are discouraged from adding too many replies to threads, this was more prevalent when bandwith was a bigger issue. It's not right nor wrong in my opinion, it's just how things are done in some age groups and in a modern online society. Adaptation keeps you young in spirit. :)

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I too find it frustrating that people do not have the common courtesy to respond after someone has taken the time and effort to do some research for them. Consequently, I have stopped answering these requests.

Wayne, please feel free to delete my response of Feb. 25 re Historical Winners on the Hershey Eastern National Fall meet thread.

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It is somewhat disappointing when you have tired to help someone and then you never hear back. The way I like to look at it is when you get a nice appreciative thank you, then just let that work for the times you get nothing but silence. If there is a response from half of the people I consider that ok. Some people are just naturally rude and nothing we do or say will change that so never take things too personally.

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Some people post a question and never come back because the default is no e-mail message when there's a response. It might help the site if the default was to get an instant e-mail message. People could always change it in their settings, but that would insure that newbies know they aren't being ignored.

But then again, they could be trolls.

Edited by Barry Wolk (see edit history)
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Bob, funny you should say that... regarding looking up info or part numbers. The last three times in a month that I looked up parts for an inquiring person, I listed them and was the last person on the thread. As matter of fact, one is pending now. BTW, these were on another site. Ron

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Bob, I agree with you. If the person put some amount of effort in, i.e. a description with pictures I'm more apt to want to be helpful. The guy that posted "What's a 49 Pontiac worth?" just got me to make a smart ass remark. Some forums require a introduction before making your first post. Not a bad idea.

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I just watch the first page here and note the life of the topics, SAME ones for weeks on end, that tells me there isn't any activity. Bob

Bob, there is plenty of activity on here, but these newcomer posts seem to be from people that have nowhere else to turn to, or do not know how to find the correct information.

Future AACA members? Hopefully, that's what the website does for the AACA , bring in new members.

As for the rest of us, most of us like to interact with our forum users on a daily basis. I think we get a little bored at times too, (see my recent posts:rolleyes:).

Thanks for the outlet guys. The forums are my main break from the stress of my business.;)


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It's not just this site. IMO many people no longer have a concept of courtesy. I've had different ones inquire if I have a specific part for there car. Numerous times I've dug it out, taken pictures of it and sent them the pictures and never heard back. I've gotten to a point now I keep a list of those individuals and I won't deal with them. They can continue hunting for there parts, I won't waste any more time on them. Carl

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Bob, there is plenty of activity on here, but these newcomer posts seem to be from people that have nowhere else to turn to, or do not know how to find the correct information.

Future AACA members? Hopefully, that's what the website does for the AACA , bring in new members.

As for the rest of us, most of us like to interact with our forum users on a daily basis. I think we get a little bored at times too, (see my recent posts:rolleyes:).

Thanks for the outlet guys. The forums are my main break from the stress of my business.;)


Wayne with over 15000 posts I would say work is your break from the stress of this forum! lol!

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Three things.

1. They don't know where to ask, and post a whole bunch of different places, then don't remember where they posted.

2. They posted because they had this wonderful idea, then promptly forgot about it.

3. Many people today simply have no common courtesy to respond with a thank you.

I have had this happen to me before also. I posted a question, and in the meantime got an answer someplace else. When I checked back later, there was a long post but with all incorrect info. To avoid being rude or an argument, I simply said thanks. But then they have been all bent out of shape because they wrote 15 paragraphs, and I wrote one sentence that said thanks. What else am I supposed to say for info that is not helpful?

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Three things.

1. They don't know where to ask, and post a whole bunch of different places, then don't remember where they posted.

2. They posted because they had this wonderful idea, then promptly forgot about it.

3. Many people today simply have no common courtesy to respond with a thank you.

I have had this happen to me before also. I posted a question, and in the meantime got an answer someplace else. When I checked back later, there was a long post but with all incorrect info. To avoid being rude or an argument, I simply said thanks. But then they have been all bent out of shape because they wrote 15 paragraphs, and I wrote one sentence that said thanks. What else am I supposed to say for info that is not helpful?

You said all that was required. You acknowledged that the info was received and that you appreciated the effort expended on your behalf. Miss Manners would smile upon you..........Bob

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