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Off topic apology to this forum


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Yesterday I received an email from a longtime Reatta owner and member of this forum. He said he rarely posts anything here but reads nearly every post. He informed me that I was ruining the forum by constantly spamming this forum with links to my website that he had to skip over while reading the conversations. He also said he didn't like what he called, "the advertisement" at the bottom of all my posts but he said I was not the only one doing that.

I would like to apologize to the gentleman and and all the other members of this forum. I'm truly sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused.

Looking back at my previous posts I see that a majority of my posts do contain links to my website and information that is located there. Although my intentions are good I have never looked at what I have been doing from his point of view and I should have. I don't consider what I have been doing to be "spamming", but it is true that I have been providing links that direct visitors away from this forum to my website and that might be inappropriate. I will try to limit posting links to my website on this forum unless a post by another member contains something that relates to my website. If other members remove "the advertisement" at the bottom of their posts I will be more than happy to remove mine.

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After a while you just learn that you can't please everyone. I do not know why someone would be bothered about including a link, no one forces you to click and it is shorthand for a longer discussion. I for one appreciate the service you provide.

Oddly enough no-one has ever complained about my .sig and it uses many more bytes than yours.

Edited by padgett (see edit history)
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You are doing an excellent job helping others solve many of the problems we are having with our Reattas and your helpful tips are invaluable.

As to the "advertisements" at the bottom of the posts by some of us, I have been posting here for almost 12 years and I didn't have one there either until about a year or so ago when Steve came along selling the parts he picks up in junk yards. I challenged Steve a while back that if he took off all his ads at the bottom I would also. He declined.

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I don't have a problem with you including links to your website. I look at it as an encyclopedia of information for the Reatta owner, that is easily searchable, and contains a lot of great information.

I agree with Jim, I think the majority of us are perfectly happy with your posts with the links, as they help many solve their problems quickly.

Just my 2 cents, don't change anything. You've being a huge help to everyone, and certainly not "spamming" anything. :)

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NO,NO, NO, Ronnie. Leave your signature just as it is. You provide a needed service for this forum. With out which many members would be still scratching thier heads over repairs to thier cars. You are providing a grest service at your expence. KEEP IT UP!!!!!!!


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You may be premature in offering an apology. As I see it, most of these "offending" posts of yours that this individual was citing were merely trying to direct someone with a question that has already been asked many times to an answer that was already written [and hosted at your site]. Why should this be a problem? Are the regular posters on this forum expected to re-type complete detailed answers every time someone (likely a newer member who hasn't seen it addressed before) asks a question about a bad 90/91 IPC, 88/89 CRT, ABS/Brake lights, or any of the other common failures that bring people here to post? That you often post a direct link to the applicable article on your site makes it even easier for the person asking.

In any case if there are existing answers and tutorials available elsewhere, then I see no issue directing people to that information rather than having to repost it here again. Of course, there is also the forum search utility, but I realize that can return a lot of results and most people don't want to spend hours poring over multiple posts on the same subject, some of which may contain incomplete or incorrect information. Many times, troubleshooting threads here take on a "thinking out loud" type of discourse, and this is not necessarily helpful to someone who just wants an answer so they can get back to what they need to do.

Regarding the ads that some members have in their signatures, I have no issue with that either. Since it apparently does not violate AACA forum usage guidelines then there really should be no problem with it at all.


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Guest Recian

alot of links you've given me have come in handy so far and why would you wana type all these things multiple times when it's easier to give links to the appropriate info? I still come back here cuz it's easier to find info through people's words and links when necessary to other sites

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You may be premature in offering an apology. As I see it, most of these "offending" posts of yours that this individual was citing were merely trying to direct someone with a question that has already been asked many times to an answer that was already written [and hosted at your site]. Why should this be a problem? Are the regular posters on this forum expected to re-type complete detailed answers every time someone (likely a newer member who hasn't seen it addressed before) asks a question about a bad 90/91 IPC, 88/89 CRT, ABS/Brake lights, or any of the other common failures that bring people here to post? That you often post a direct link to the applicable article on your site makes it even easier for the person asking.

In any case if there are existing answers and tutorials available elsewhere, then I see no issue directing people to that information rather than having to repost it here again. Of course, there is also the forum search utility, but I realize that can return a lot of results and most people don't want to spend hours poring over multiple posts on the same subject, some of which may contain incomplete or incorrect information. Many times, troubleshooting threads here take on a "thinking out loud" type of discourse, and this is not necessarily helpful to someone who just wants an answer so they can get back to what they need to do.

Regarding the ads that some members have in their signatures, I have no issue with that either. Since it apparently does not violate AACA forum usage guidelines then there really should be no problem with it at all.


i agree

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I have been a member on this site longer than most. I, for one, applaud your information you provide. While I don't visit here very much any more, from time to time I do check in to see what it happening in the world of Reatta. Over the years, I have never found your signature offensive. As others have said, you provide a great service to Reatta owners. Don't change a thing! I don't consider any of your links to be "spam". Just do what you have been doing. I think the majority of forum members appreciate your effort.

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Guest steveskyhawk


Keep up the good work. You and your website provide a valuable service. I have often times referred to your tutorials before I begin a repair in order to get an overview of the repair I'm about to begin.

It is often said on this forum that the Reatta is "problematic". It is also referred to as electrically complex. I strongly disagree. My cars have issues from time to time yet they always seem to be resolved and then perform as new. I have a great mechanic who understands these cars and their subsystems top to bottom.

As I see it there are two challenges in keeping a Reatta running and looking good. Neither of which seems to be difficult in my case.

1) Knowledge

2) Parts

Ronnie deserves a pat on the back for providing an disseminating Reatta knowledge. His website is normally only a click away. Like I said earlier Reatta Owners Journal - Home

is an excellent place to start if you plan to begin a repair that you haven't done. A Field Service Manual (FSM) is handy also.

Parts aren't as difficult to find as some may think. I have had seven nice cars and still have 6 so having spare parts for these cars is imperative. The Los Angeles area is a treasure trove of what many consider unobtanium. Consequently I have many rare used parts, some NOS and some parts reproduced locally.

Lets all keep up the good work. The only suggestion I have in regards to signatures is that it would be nice to change our pictures from time to time. It would be nice to see some different angles and maybe a different car from time to time. I should do that too.




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Guest 88atta



Yesterday I received an email from a longtime Reatta owner and member of this forum. He said he rarely posts anything here but reads nearly every post. He informed me that I was ruining the forum by constantly spamming this forum with links to my website that he had to skip over while reading the conversations. Unquote.

My thoughts, this gentleman, that rarely posts, but reads nearly every post and has to skip over your links to the website must have a very low retention level not to realize the amount of repetitive problems presented. My question to him would be has he ever really gone and/or used your website to find out the wealth of information available. By referring forum users to the website, appropriate information that has been filtered and agreed upon, is readily available making this forum more efficient and useful to deal with new probelms or improved methods of problem solving..not repetition.

I definitely agree with all the above members that you should continue on as normal; no changes required.

Please keep up with the good work and keep on smiling!



Edited by 88atta (see edit history)
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OOOOOH HELLLLL NOOOO.........:eek: I use your sig/ads as a landmark when looking for you on this forum!!! Your value as a super contributor to this forum is an absolutely a necessity. Like it was stated no-one has to be on this forum if they dont want to be so dont change or deviate anything:):D:p;).....Please......

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I'd say we have a consensus then, no? :D
agreed. :D
We have an accord.
I agree as well. I have no regrets in posting my apology. I think the member who emailed me was sincere and there may be other members and visitors to this forum who feel the same way. However, I think you guys have made it clear that my posts containing links to my website are beneficial to Reatta owners seeking help for their problems. I will continue to post links to my website in an effort to help others. From what I'm reading in this thread, the benefits of doing so outweigh the inconvenience it may cause a few people like the sender of the email.

I think most regulars to the forum know that the links I provide are not intended to direct forum users to my website for monetary gain. I want to make it clear that is not my intention so anyone reading this will know. I have received donations to my website to keep it going and I really appreciate it but the real payment I get is the satisfaction of knowing that I have been able to help someone with their problems. I sent a reply to the email I received stating basically what I just said but didn't receive a response.

Thanks to all of you for your vote of confidence that I'm doing the right thing!

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Guest blue72beetle

To the member that doesn't like the "Advertisements" that aren't really advertisements (they're signatures):

Click on 'User CP'

Left Side 'Edit Options'

about halfway down, under Thread Display Options

Uncheck 'Show Signatures'

And poof! Offending helpful advertisements gone!

Keep up the good work Ronnie, I just joined your site a couple days ago.

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I agree as well. I have no regrets in posting my apology. I think the member who emailed me was sincere and there may be other members and visitors to this forum who feel the same way. However, I think you guys have made it clear that my posts containing links to my website are beneficial to Reatta owners seeking help for their problems. I will continue to post links to my website in an effort to help others. From what I'm reading in this thread, the benefits of doing so outweigh the inconvenience it may cause a few people like the sender of the email.

I think most regulars to the forum know that the links I provide are not intended to direct forum users to my website for monetary gain. I want to make it clear that is not my intention so anyone reading this will know. I have received donations to my website to keep it going and I really appreciate it but the real payment I get is the satisfaction of knowing that I have been able to help someone with their problems. I sent a reply to the email I received stating basically what I just said but didn't receive a response.

Thanks to all of you for your vote of confidence that I'm doing the right thing!

Good decision. I find your tutorials extremely valuable and appreciate the links.

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Coffee time.

Long ago I found that the GBS saying "England and America are two countries separated by a common language." had become true even inside the US. Those unfortunate enough to be born on the wrong side of Mason's and Dixon's line speak entirely differently from those from the South (I was born in an occupied state).

Over the years I have learned to ignore people's faults and focus on their strengths, have personally always felt that it is people's differences that make us strong. I was fortunate (?) in my yout to have had a classical education force fed and speak mid-atlantic bland (once at a fish & chips in London was asked if I was a BBC announcer). Others have different backgrounds but I have found that people's backgrounds often colour their written words and how they react to words.

My personal preference to attack is not to respond, am fortunate that others usually do.

One thing I learned a long time ago is that in order to ask a question you must already know most of the answer. Google is your friend but GIGO is operative. Ronnie's site does everyone a service by collating, linking, and organizing the answers to many questions most would not know how to ask & shows an investment in time and effort that benefits all.

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Guest Kingsley

Ronnie - keep up the very valuable service that you render. To do otherwise would leave a lot of us in the dark on many, many issues. You devote a tremendous amount of volunteer time and effort to help all of us.

Edited by Rawja
Let's give it a rest, Okay? (see edit history)
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Guest Double M

This post has been ediited. Contrasting views have been removed.

The threads here are only what the moderators want you to see, not what was posted. Our views are not as important as the moderators and there chosen favorites. They removed this post and now it has re-apperered sans my contrasting opionon and reasons for feeling the way I and others do.

This is not a retraction or an apology for the way me and others feel about the way some people abuse this forum, like Ronnie... IMHO.

I suspect this post will be removed as well. My post was removed from this thread because I disagreed with the mutual admiration society that used to be the Reatta Forum of the AACA.

Edited by Double M
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