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Can you help? PLEASE!

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We have thousands of users of these forums. We do not charge any club for our hosting and running this website is not cheap. Here is a way to help.

Please consider buying a raffle ticket. Information is at the top of this forum. If 1/3 of our forum users would buy one ticket we would be in real good shape.

We need your help!

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I was thinking that it would be easier to take the cash home from Hershey than either the Prowler or the Harley.... so I was hoping to win and choose the cash....

As long as we are dreaming... I bought three tickets, so I should be hoping to win all three prizes, right?

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I was thinking that it would be easier to take the cash home from Hershey than either the Prowler or the Harley.... so I was hoping to win and choose the cash....

As long as we are dreaming... I bought three tickets, so I should be hoping to win all three prizes, right?

That's pretty logical, I guess......

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Guest windjamer

Steve, our club rec. 25 tickets to sell. I suggested we have 5 members each take 5 tickets and sell them. I think there all sold. I took 5,sold 4 and bought one for my self. I still have a friend or two that wants a ticket,I may ask our club prez. to send for more. Sorry guys,the bike is mine.

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I am sure Steve will eventually see your question and answer, but if that is what you want to do, I would suggest you fill out the order form with the name of the charity and then use "in care of" your name and address for the address. Then the ticket(s) would be sent to you and you could deliver them to the charity to collect if the ticket wins.

(I think you would get a better tax benefit if you won it in your name and then donated it to the charity.)

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Actually winning anything sizeable can cost a bundle in taxes. As an example I won a "One of only five made" necklace valued at $2,500 from a local radio station. It was a promotion tied to the "Cleopatra" TV series. I had to pay something like $300+ in taxes.

So if I were to win money I would want to have a check, or checks, cut directly from the AACA to the charity/charities of my choice. I have done this in the past with other monies that I have won. I don't care about getting the tax deduction, the AACA could have that. I just don't want to have to pay taxes on what I might win. Been there...done that. Would rather give the money away to a group where it would do some good. :)

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Dependent on the charity involved you may or may not be able to assign your winning ticket to someone else or to another entity. However, if your were fortunate enough to win and would not want to accept the money, I am sure we could designate the funds elsewhere, However, sadly the Steve Moskowitz Fund for Homeless Oldsmobiles would not be one of them!

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I figured that since the folks on this forum have helped me so much that the least I could do is buy some tickets. If this forum has helped you others out there, I would suggest paying it forward and help out here. After all...what a GREAT site!

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Dependent on the charity involved you may or may not be able to assign your winning ticket to someone else or to another entity. However, if your were fortunate enough to win and would not want to accept the money, I am sure we could designate the funds elsewhere, However, sadly the Steve Moskowitz Fund for Homeless Oldsmobiles would not be one of them!

Thanks for the response Steve. :) And, I didn't think there were any homeless Oldsmobiles. Only unruly ones named "Murphy". :rolleyes::D

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Guest thug23

I'm in.....I have received lots of great advice over the years which is well worth the price of one ticket to support the site never mind a couple of tickets to possibly win a prize. :D

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