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28 members have voted


    • V-8
    • BUICK "8"
    • HAWK

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OK...Let's try this.

Not counting the Tri-Shield.

What Buick Image/Logo would be most recognizable and representative while spanning the longest time of Buick's History.

In other words... what image/logo makes you think of Buick.

One thing I now realize is how many there have been.

All classy if I do say so myself.


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I went Sweepspear over Portholes.....

Maybe if portholes were not sold at Wallmart and slapped on anything with wheels then maybe they would still hold court for me.

That line on the side though sure screams Buick! all day long.

To be clear and to attempt to infer that you are looking for a LOGO image of some sort to incorporate into something then I would then prefer the EARLY BUICK (CURSIVE IN RECTANGLE BOX) or ROUND BUICK AUTHORIZED SERVICE IMAGE.

Sweep Spears belong on the side of a Buick for their full effect. ;)

Edited by stealthbob (see edit history)
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My wife owns a purse or two, but has generally preferred fanny packs...so what was I supposed to think?

Rick, I think you are asking too many questions, which makes this a difficult one to answer. The straight 8 served Buick across 20 plus years, so I think it probably the longest serving of those poll answers. Now, I know V8s have been in use longer, but without saying Nailhead, V8 isn't really particular to Buick...and Nailheads were only 53-66. Thinking a bit further, VentiPorts have been in used longer, on and off, but as Bob said, we're now seeing them on other brands.

The next thing is the question of whether you are asking us, as Buick enthusiasts, or what we think the general population might think. John Q. Public probably wouldn't recognize Wildcat, and possibly the hawk emblem, and maybe even others, as indicative of Buick.

Of course, I think some of it also has something to do with the era you are from and / or the era you collect. Hawk is sort of the 70s, Wildcat 60s, Sweep spear and VentiPorts, more the 70s, Bomb sight post-war, straight 8 30s & 40s, early Buick script pre-war.... The script and the valve-in-head service signs say Buick directly, so are very recognizable.

Anyway, just some thoughts.... I've had my coffee, so I'm thinking too much now.

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Sticking strictly to the question, one may never have lived in the era, but the Buick cursive in the rectangle is easily the most recogonizeable because it spells out what you are looking at. And I agree with Rick, all these symbols are rich and elegant. Probably why I am so smitten with this brand. And I still wish they would come up with a new Sport Wagon with a turbocharged engine

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That's tough. So many iconic shapes were created by Buick. The only other manufacturers with badging that has lasted longer then Buick is Ford's oval and Chevy's bowtie.

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Chevrolet was started after Buick, was it not? Louis Chevrolet was with Buick before he and Durant started Chevrolet so that Durant could get back in control of General Motors.

I understand Ford was started in 1903 as well...although they may have been producing and selling cars before Buick.

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Guest my3buicks

I think what he was referring to was the basic symbol of Chevrolet and Ford, in that aspect, Buick has completely changed it's symbol multiple times and does not resemble the original in the least. Cadillac is another one that has used the same basic emblem with twists since almost the beginning

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Here's the earliest Buick emblems. Google Image Result for http://www.dobleclic.com/wp-content/uploads/logo-buick-early.gif

The Chevy Bowtie was first used in 1913.

The Ford oval was first introduced in 1907 but was not used on an automobile until the 1928 Model "A" The early ford cars, and even the Early T's used block letters. I think the Ford Scriped was intoduced I think around 1912 or 1913 on the Brass era Model T. Dandy Dave!

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As much as I wanted to vote sweep spear, I voted ventiports. When folks that don't know Buicks well see my tattoo and are not sure what it is, the portholes always gives it away. "Ohhh those are portholes, it must be something about a Buick" they say. too bad there wasn't a choice of sweep spear w/ventiports. While the old rectangular Buick cursive script sign is definitely recognizable because it says BUICK, I don't think it is etched in modern folks minds as are "PORTHOLES".

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Guest Rob McDonald

Lesse... vertical grille, Ventiports, a suggestion of a dipped sweepspear line - yup, must be a Buick.


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Rob, that's a "wannabe Buick", hasn't earned that third or fourth VentiPort per side just yet! Maybe when it grows up? Look at the newer Maserati Quattroport sedans for a different interpretation of classic Buick styling, but no TriShields.

Is Derek having caffeine-induced sensory overload? Whoops!!!

By observation, some people wouldn't know a Buick even if they could read the name "BUICK", unless they associated it with an aged family member (some of the same people who have seemed to gravitate to Toyota Avalons, which don't even seem to come close to Buick luxury and quality . . . by observation . . . at a higher purchase price).

Unfortunately, the Sweep Spear has been somewhat hi-jacked in some two-tone paint schemes on non-Buicks and the VentiPorts have been "marginalized" with popular stick-on adornments available from WalMart's Automotive section.

Just some thoughts,


Edited by NTX5467 (see edit history)
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As much as I wanted to vote sweep spear, I voted ventiports..

Well so far looks like sweep spears and venti ports, if combined, would be over 50% against all the others combined....

Looks like you are getting a consensus of some sort Mr Young....;)

...or maybe you are getting hijacked by a bunch of 50's era guys unknw.gif


Edited by stealthbob (see edit history)
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Chevrolet was started after Buick, was it not? Louis Chevrolet was with Buick before he and Durant started Chevrolet so that Durant could get back in control of General Motors.

I understand Ford was started in 1903 as well...although they may have been producing and selling cars before Buick.

Yes, I guess I meant continuous. That's why you make the big bucks.

The original Buick script in a square lasted into the 1930's? (early) then gave way to other shapes.

I LOVE the early Buick script but now more as a novelty. If they were to bring it back, I think younger buyers would consider it "old". Ford still uses the oval and Chevy still uses the bowtie.

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As much as I wanted to vote sweep spear, I voted ventiports. When folks that don't know Buicks well see my tattoo and are not sure what it is, the portholes always gives it away. "Ohhh those are portholes, it must be something about a Buick" they say.

Haha. me too (voted ventiports) My wife and I drop off a foster dog last weekend and decide to take the road less traveled coming back from SW Iowa.

Driving slowly through a small town and see the ventiports of a 49 Super in a driveway. EEErrrrrttt, go the brakes. My wife says " Must be a Buick, I see the portholes".

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I think all you younger Buick (50's)owners stick together and vote as a block and while the sweep spear is a Buick eye catcher the ventiports (portholes) were around first if my failing memory serves me right. I'm partial to the ones in the 50 Buick's hood. I owned a Roadmaster with 4 o them on each side. I voted Buick cursive in the the rectangle. C'mon you pre-war people start stuffin the ballot box. Mark

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You'se pre war guy's almost pulled it off with the rectangular cursive script sign too there Mark. :)

And re: which came first the sweep spear or portholes....I'm thinkin that the sweep spear, the portholes AND the hard top all came out in Forty nine. Am I right?

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OK OK......................

The method to my madness is.........


There is a Jewelry Designer creating a ring for us BCA members.

The ring is designed using the BCA Logo (Sans Cursive BUICKin the rectangle box) will be the top. The Tri-Shield in a separate area on one side.

He is working on the other side and is stymied.

How do you put the Sweep Spear and Venti-ports in the triangle without making it look "to busy".

A picture of Lamar's arm?

This will be a very fine piece of work.

Still working out the License Fee.

The Board will have final approval of the design.

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Is Derek having caffeine-induced sensory overload? Whoops!!!

Nah...right now it is neat rye...and hardly an overload.

I really love the 1911 script...Les, am I getting one for my birthday? :D:rolleyes:

Jake - sorry for the misinterpretation.

Rick - do you think Suzanne will mind if I use that to replace the wedding band? I'm not really a ring guy...the two I wear have significant meaning and I'm thinking of getting rid of the one. I'm not sure I completely understand what it will look like, but it sounds neat...am I right in thinking like a big gaudy class ring with the BCA logo in prime territory with the tri-shield and X on the shoulders?

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Guest 53Nailhead
Nah...right now it is neat rye...and hardly an overload.

I really love the 1911 script...Les, am I getting one for my birthday? :D:rolleyes:

Derek, I'll see what I can do......I think I have all the materials

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It will be similar in size to a class ring.

Tastefully done. Not 20 diamond studs like a Super Bowl Ring.

Not a ring person myself either Thriller, except special occasions.

Our middle son has 2 Div. II National Championship rings for football. They are huge.

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Hold on here,I do not think the sweep spear was really a Buick image until maybe '51,but '54 for sure.This would explain Mr. Earl's tat with venti-ports---yes? The earliest portholes I remember were '49 along with the bigger toothier grinning grille. There must be something magical or mystical about the portholes. As was mentioned you can buy a set at the local Wally-World and stick them on anything you sit in or on from Edsels to commodes. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes the portholes not the commodes. Come to think about it didn't DDB start with bathroom fixtures??? Mark

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Wait a cotton pickin minute here I just read the pole was closed ! Then I also would like a recount/runoff/do over or what ever you call it. I mean 29 votes outta 271 hits I know there's more Buick lovers out there than 29 !!! May I respectfully request a sweep spear,venti-port, cursive in rectangle rematch to find the one true winner. Mark

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I'm pretty sure some of the 49 Roadmasters had the sweep spear. Rita fell in love with the 49 Roadmaster convertible at the Nationals in Seattle and it didn't have the sweep spear. But there were other 49's there that did. I had to promise her that if I bought her one it would have the sweep spear. ha ha ha










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I was remiss in forgetting one iconic image from 1919 to 1984.

One that bleeds Buick and GM??????

What is the first thing you see when you open the door of a Buick during those years that represent our members cars..........................???????????????????????????

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