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Happy Birthday Old Tank

Bill Stoneberg

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Good try Rick but...


None of us have ever heard it.

None of us ever will.

There's no one left who can give it.

Tho you may hear its echo still.

You may hear it up near Manassas,

and down around Gaines Mill.

In December it echoes in Fredricksburg,

in May around Chancellorsville.

It's the "pibroch of Southern fealty".

It's a Comanche brave's battle cry.

It's an English huntsman's call to the hounds.

It's a pig farmer's call to the sty.

It's a high-pitched trilling falsetto.

It's the yip of a dog in flight.

It's the scream of a wounded panther.

It's the shriek of the wind in the night.

It was yelled when the boys flushed a rabbit.

It was passed man to man in the ranks.

It was cheered when they saw their leaders.

It was screamed when they whipped the Yanks.

BCA Members yell it to celebrate their fellow members Birthday

But none of us will ever hear it.

Tho some folks mimic it well.

No soul alive can truly describe

the sound of the Rebel Yell.

-Monte Akers

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Cheers, Willie! 4:36pm It's Happy Hour, no matter what!

[it might not "According to Hoyle", but if you consider beer as a nutrient, then 7:30am CST/8:30am EST is not all that flaky . . . it's just the alcohol content that messes with things. Responsible levels of nutrient intake are always necessary!]

I concur with the "Growing UP Part which The Old Guy mentioned, but that's no reason to skip off into the Second Childhood just yet.

Happy Birthday, Willie!

From your friends in North TEXAS!


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