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Uh oh, Forum breakfast this morning.

Guest wildcat465

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LOL.... When I was in Flint several years ago everyone clapped and cheered for me when I was intoduced... my Public awaited me and I was caught off gard. I didn't know everyone thought I was so cool on line either. ;) Next time I make it to the National, I'll be ready. :D .... Dandy Dave!

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Not much stealing this morning, Mark. I got a really cool Landau T-shirt and 1954 motorama coin. You lucked out. No dog sweater this year. I'll mail it to ya when I get back home. Sorry, I don't have any pix, but there were around 30 (?) forum folks and more than a few cameras were present.

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Guest wildcat465

Thanks guys for letting me into the circle. It was great being around a bunch that makes the best out of everything and has fun attitudes.

Sorry Mike about being a dork, I can't help it.

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Guest 40 Buick 51c

Had a great time at the breakfast this morning, great bunch and I must really be a dork cuz I didn't see anyone being a dork. Did find that I can get the forum on my IPhone while I was waiting for the breakfast to start. Cool!

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So, Mike is the one who ultimately stole my shirt...along with a few others, I left early to attend a volunteers meeting for the open car show, but had some technical difficulties getting to it on time anyway...I should have stayed there to ensure that I got something I may have wanted.

Brian DePoulli acted as a proxy for me after my name was drawn first and I picked the MrEarl shirt / CD...I wound up with the book of automotive postcards...I've glanced at it, but not had a chance to look at it in detail.

I want to know who would up with the wallet and whether they looked in it....

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Guest wildcat62

I wish I could have stayed for the exchange as well. That is always a good time. Of course, I heard it went much quieter than normal. Probably cause that troublemaker Mark Shaw wasn't there....;)

Of course, the best part really is getting to spend a little time together, meeting new people and finally have a face to put with the handle. These meets are always far too short to get to do everything you want and spend time with everyone.

A fun time again, even if some of you may or may not be dorks. :D

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Guest sintid58

Here are a few pictures of the meeting, took with my phone so not great. Having trouble getting them to download so this is it for how.









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I have family in Mass, so I'll be back to make trouble next year... although I will not be dragging a Buick across the country, I hope I can ride with somebody in the PWD AfterTour.

By-the-way, going on the PWD AfterTour is a great way to spend more time with the Buick bunch..... Everybody is welcome, even if you don't have a prewar Buick.

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Guest 40 Buick 51c

Yah, Mike stole your shirt, but I stole it from him. I don't think that anyone looked in the wallet while we were there. They also didn't look between the mechanic gloves, there were some magnetic chrome flames.

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Oh yes I did look between the gloves! I just have not figured out the appropriate place for them! Also had you been setting next to me you would have seen how badly I needed the gloves. About a week prior to Ames I SMASHED the end of a finger while working on one of my projects. The gloves would have likely prevented some to the damage. I am looking forward to using them!

The breakfast was a bit quieter this year but good to see familiar faces and put names with new ones!!

Can't wait to hear what was in the wallet!

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I met a few great forum members away from the official breakfast.

I must remember not to drink so much the night before so that I can get up early enough to attend next time!

It also didn't help that my hotel was 2 exits away and I had the entire family to cart around!

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Thank you. I was, however, well rewarded by my daughters ability to be in the Landau.

As one who is chasing the 58 Wells Fargo show car I have one request.


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