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Larry Schramm

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Everything posted by Larry Schramm

  1. Here is my car theme sign. Not for sale even though none of my Buicks have power steering.
  2. I know people that the bucket is what they used all of the time. I will admit that I use a bucket when I go the salvage yard because it is easy to carry or put on a two wheeler cart. I empty it out every time I get home and put all of the tools away in their correct place. As my grandmother used to say, " A place for everything and everything in it's place".
  3. Looks like the wheel spokes are spring loaded. Interesting design.
  4. Why wait. Here ya go. https://store.aaca.org/customer/account/login/?_ga=2.130706255.1745025531.1667235382-2077704501.1661727267&_gl=1*111tz67*_ga*MjA3NzcwNDUwMS4xNjYxNzI3MjY3*_ga_QQE5Y9S8MK*MTY3MDA3NTI0NS4xLjAuMTY3MDA3NTI0NS4wLjAuMA..
  5. Also make sure the tire pressures are correct, and IMO on the high side of the range.
  6. Here is a picture of the tool to lubricate the springs.
  7. And you are comparing the book to the things that you know. Think about all of the things that the governments are doing that we do not know about. Think about your cell phone. Knows where you are every second, your contacts, your computer information is being captured and probably every key stroke, your new cars track everything you do, where you go, how fast you drive, etc... and the list goes on.
  8. Not just in this country, but compare the book to the tracking etc... that is happening in China..
  9. You might not want to look at the valve body gaskets on an automatic transmission. Last time I checked they were paper and they are under significant pressure.
  10. We are either there or very close. Read the book if you have not read it yet.
  11. Wait until Dandy Dave weighs in on this topic with pictures. He drove from NY to Calif to get a 1913 Buick parts car.
  12. I would contact the Buick Town chapter of the BCA. They might be able to help you. You might also be able to contact Roberta V who lives in the Flint area and active with Buicks. Go here: https://forums.aaca.org/profile/76202-buick-racer/
  13. Translated: Here is a site where there is a lot of information on the Charabancs: https://familyfractals.wordpress.com/2017/08/19/charabanc-experience/
  14. It is a vacuum port. The particular use would depend on the vehicle the carb is on.
  15. It all depends on where you wish to put your priorities. I do not smoke, rarely drink, do not own any boats, air planes, cottages, snow mobiles, motorcycles, four wheelers, do not attend any sports games, etc.... At one time I only dreamed of owning a 1915 & older HCCA vehicle. The next thing that I know I own more than one. After the first one, the rest just seemed to seek me out and begged me to own them. My wife was ok with my hobby to keep me busy and not in front of the TV all of the time. My hope is that I can finish getting them all tour ready to drive with my wife and the kids before I move on to the great garage in the sky. I got my daughter and her husband on a tour this year and they very much enjoyed the experience. They are planning on going again next year. Working on bringing in the next generation. Sharing the good fortune.
  16. In those years, vehicle wholesale price to the dealers could be as much as 25% depending on the model and accessories. Also, don't forget the person could have been friend of the dealer or a person that had other business dealings with that store. Also the company with the name at the top of the invoice could have been a distributor for Dodge vehicles and the vehicle is being sold to one of the dealers in the distributors area of responsibility. Think the Charles S Howard Buick Company in Calif/ owner of Seabiscuit race horse. He sold Buicks all over the west coast to smaller dealers. He was the factory wholesaler for Buick in the day. https://www.prewarbuick.com/features/charles_s_howard
  17. That is the way pinstripes were applied in the assembly plant except it is a metal fixture.
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