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Larry Schramm

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Everything posted by Larry Schramm

  1. Geoff, I would check all of the parts of the water pump and the starter/generator to be sure that they turn freely. Just a thought.
  2. I was looking at a GM color chart a number of years ago and if I remember correctly, they had 13 different paint codes for white in one model year.
  3. For my 2cents worth the solution is VERY SIMPLE. Just buy the gear that the other Larry just above states above is an off the shelf purchase. No fuss, no mess, no agonizing, etc.. A couple of reasons that I would go this route is 1. It is the simplest and most efficient route. Have the part within a week or less probably. 2. The most important reason is the original engineers DESIGNED IT TO HAVE A FIBER GEAR. I believe probably correctly that the reason for the fiber gear is if anything went wrong with the water pump or the starter generator where they would lock up the fiber gear would fail and not damage anything else in the motor. The fiber gear is like the "fuse" in the mechanical system. Overload in the system, the gear would fail and not damage the rest of the motor. Cheap replacement compared to the rest of the system. If a replacement gear was made out of steel, aluminum, etc... I am not sure it would act like the fiber gear in a system failure. I would never use anything else. Just IMO.
  4. We bought a storage facility. Kind of a retirement "job", but it gives me a place to put the cars, etc...
  5. JDaly, Here is something to consider when talking about making lithium batteries. These numbers are consistent to what I have read in a number of places.... and this is just the battery. Global lithium mine production 2010-2021 - Statista https://www.statista.com › statistics › world-production-of... Search for: How much earth is mined for lithium? How much earth does it take to make a lithium battery? When accounting for all the earth moved (i.e. the materials first dug up to get to the ore), one battery requires digging and moving between 200,000 and 1,500,000 pounds (or between 90 and 680 tonnes) of earth per battery.Apr 4, 2022 And from the Wall Street Journal. Is lithium mining worse than fossil fuels? “[It's] not like CO2 comes out of the lithium, but it does take energy to mine things — today many of those systems involve emitting CO2.” Lithium-ion battery mining and production were determined to be worse for the climate than the production of fossil fuel vehicle batteries in an article from The Wall Street Journal ...Jan 14, 2022
  6. I generally agree, but I tore my Model T apart to redo because it was painted a white color with white vinyl upholstery in the 60's. Way too ugly. Going to go back to the original(as close as can be) midnight blue with black fenders along with black upholstery.
  7. Do you have a picture of what you are looking for?
  8. Almost everything I read indicates that the electrical grid infrastructure is fragile at best, not including the estimated generating capacity. This is the type of information that I am going on. I would say News Week is a reputable news source. https://www.newsweek.com/californians-told-not-charge-electric-cars-gas-car-sales-ban-1738398
  9. Many persons believe that all of the electricity to charge all of the coming electric vehicles comes from the socket in the wall and that it is unlimited.
  10. Interesting difference is the box shows 4 portholes and the car only has 3. Also the side bright trim is more on the box picture and the car has a single spear on the side. The company might have used the same box for the different models. Are there different illustrations on the different sides of the box? If I remember correctly, a Special has 3 and a Super has 4. Correct me if I am wrong. Nice B'day present. You have a good wife.
  11. Seals tend to be generic with millions of different sizes & styles out there.
  12. I am old enough to remember red paint costing about $45.00/gallon. I would guess that it is now closer to $1,000.00/gallon even though I have not bought any lately meaning in the last 10-15 years. I like many of us remember past prices, but if you are in the hobby and want to fix your vehicle you just do without other things to feed our vehicle habit. All about priorities.
  13. Does that translate to how many gallons of water per mile?
  14. Here is a video of the log trailer Another link. https://barnfinds.com/11500000-1900-year-old-redwood-log-house/
  15. Is that a two story or a single story with a "loft"? Definitely a love shack with that big heart on the side.
  16. Everything from the the firewall and back of fenders including the windshield would be the body manufacturers add.
  17. There should be somewhere a tag that would identify the builder of the bus body. It could be anywhere including the firewall, any of the doors, the ceiling in the front of the passenger compartment, rear doors, etc.. It looks like a cab & chassis sent to a body builder. Could be a company like Blue Bird, etc...
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