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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. JD, are you confusing the T-type with the GN? If if the hood of the car had a bulge or "blister" it would have been a turbo V6, which was the basis for the T-type. I understand at least some of them had wheels that were lighter than the GNs so we're lighter and potentially quicker, just without the image of the blacked-out car. Sorry, I can't offer anything regarding the parts value.
  2. Use of BCA membership number would be able to provide a unique identifier. I suspect other issues will will revolve around the cost and integrity of the vote. BCA coffers aren't unlimited to set something like this up. Hey, at least there is a vote and we don't have acclamation. That suggests healthy debate and members interested in the running of the club.
  3. There are two sizes of 6 cylinder engines for 1929. Knowing which one it is helps to gauge interest as well as location (from a possible shipping perspective).
  4. Well, things are starting to progress now that most of the snow is gone. I have a question. Does anyone have a description, other than "red", to describe the colour used for the pace car replicas? What I have is weathered and oxidized, so if there is something that is reasonably correct, I'd rather go that route. Of course, if need be, I can just pick something from what is locally available. It wouldn't be that bad so long as an original doesn't park beside mine (got that Alan?). I had a PDF of an article done on wheels that did make some note of it, but that was some time ago (and probably a computer or two ago, so the file may be completely gone from my world). Thanks. Tires are decided upon, so this should come together fairly quickly. I took the youngest out on Sunday and we removed these from one of the spare cars. We also brought in all the trim rings and center caps that came with the cars. This will look so much better than the CenterLine wheels that are currently on the car.
  5. I presume it's a typo - that Special Deluxe convertible is a 1962. I love the colour on it. We we are still awaiting the return of show weather, so these reports from more southern climes are welcome. Thanks Barney.
  6. The 1975 Electra was the longest two door Buick ever built. There's a lot of hood to look past when driving.
  7. Easter is a wonderful time of year for baptisms. Welcome to the wonderful world of Buickdom.
  8. Thanks Dan...these plans aren't allowed to change.
  9. A "friend" recently sent me info about a 1963 Wildcat for sale. It seems I'm a sucker for punishment.
  10. Thanks. It's a great car. One of the things I like is that there are enough imperfections that there's no worry about a scratch or stone chips in the paint. Enjoy your car. These are a lot of fun and attract a lot of attention.
  11. Love it. Your car's paint scheme looks to be the same as my '41.
  12. A tractor is generally very helpful in situations like these. First thing in gi did when I bought an enclosed trailer was to buy a 10,000 lb winch and mount it. I'm getting too old to fool around with comealongs although the 1923 is too tall for the trailer so we shall see how I work that out. Must be nice to be able to work outside amid that green. We were pretty much clear of snow and then got some more Thursday night.
  13. Sweet. At 10:00 is a reminder that the '23 has seen more sunlight than recently. South Bend was fun. So was Ames with the Landau. Thanks for sharing.
  14. It isn't driving weather here yet, but the '29 was running on Monday for the first time while under my stewardship and the watchful eye of an old time engine builder.
  15. In Bellevue in 2007, parking was by year. I judged the Archival class that year with one of the originals of the PWD as team captain. We had the early cars up to the 60s or 70s, so had to cover a significant portion of the show field. It was a blast. I can't speak for anyone else, but if the Archival cars being interspersed with the rest is being given for separate parking for the judges, then I think it is an excuse rather than a reason.
  16. I didn't realize I was opening a can of worms. Thanks for the input. I will certainly consider joining the Division, but things are pretty hectic right now so it will wait to a leter date.
  17. Is there a definition or mission for this Division? This may help members decide about joining. Performance can be a bit of a vague word, to some people meaning "banker's hot rod" or "go fast with class" to racing and the 1/4 mile. I enjoy some level of performance but I don't yet have a turbo Buick nor a dedicated 1/4 mile car. The dual carbs on the '41 were a performance enhancement of the day, the Wildcat is capable for a 4100 lb car, and the pace car had some enhancements put on by a previous owner. Just some thoughts....
  18. One of thes years...not 2016 as I'll be in Vegas or possibly working my way home.
  19. I haven't exactly figured my itinerary again recently, so I don't know what will work best. I'll have the family and multiple cars so if we arrive separately for the banquet that can work. That said, I have a personal rule about drinking and driving the old iron. On a hot day though, I do like a cold brew. So, a breakfast or brunch removes that dilemma for me. That's just me though. Of course, I could have one of the teens chauffeur me.
  20. I'd like to have the 75th anniversary 1941 there, but about 1600 miles and 24 hours driving according to Google Maps has me thinking it won't happen. The current plan is to create our own caravan with the 1966 Wildcat, 1976 Century pace car replica, and 1988 Reatta. We may have the song "Convoy" in our heads as we will likely gather some MN Buicks into our fold and possibly even some Chicagoland Chapter folks as we head east. I probably should have registered before the Canadian dollar dropped as it has. Will likely wait now until after tax season and I get the US dollar credit card.
  21. LOL Hey, if Buick had a medium duty truck, I could replace Max and have a Buick-only fleet. I'm thinking an Envision may just be in our future but I'll need to take a closer look.
  22. Tell me about it.... Or a lot out of control, depending on your perspective...and willpower...sigh. Never met a Buick I couldn't get interested in...my mechanic recently told me about a two door Park Avenue (1985?) for sale. Sitting on hands right now.
  23. I've gotten away from checking eBay on any kind of a regular basis. Right now, with the Canadian dollar dipping below 70 cents US, everything bought in USD now has become considerably more expensive. Hard to find a deal from North of the border right now...dreading buying US cash for an imminent trip south.
  24. Lamar looks better in a bikini than I would have expected.
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